Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 435 points –
Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs - TwistedVoxel

The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games, who was the CEO when EA was voted “Worst Company in the World”, just makes all this even more entertaining to watch.

GamePass and probably most cheap sales are all going up in flames because Unity has hired a demon to lead them into oblivion.

The fact that these decisions are coming down from the ex-CEO of EA Games . . . .

This guy speedrunning the enshittification game. Oceangate needs to build another sub, stat.

Microsoft learned never to leave an EA exec at the wheel ten years earlier, with the disastrous launch of the Xbox One. You know, the all seeing, all knowing, all credit card charging privacy invader with its hooks permanently sunk into the internet, and a camera you couldn't cover, like it was some motherfucking episode of Max Headroom. Allow me to say, "Fuck you, Don Mattrick, and the DRM and surveillance-laden horse you rode in on."

Right. Here's how it works: Your game is on Gamepass, and a user installs it. Now instead of Microsoft paying you $0.15, then you paying Unity $0.10, Microsoft will just pay us directly the $0.10, and you still get your $0.05! See, it's a great deal! Everybody gets their money and you don't even have to deal with the Unity costs! Please, don't go!!

Good business model. I hope Gamepass wil also limit number of game user can install, like, pick only 4 in 100 or so

Nintendo is gonna lawyer up at the speed of God before they'd pay unity a fucking cent.

Will they tho?

It’s unclear if Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are aware of this particular change in policy, and whether they’d be willing to comply with Unity Technologies.

Going into a legal dick measuring match with 3 of the most hardcore litigious corps in the tech world.

Sounds smart.

If they aren't already paying royalties to Unity on behalf of the devs, then I can almost guarantee they won't be paying royalties in the future. If they are doing that, then the devs might want to double check their revenue, because that may mean that Unity's been double-dipping on royalties (taking royalties from distribution through Sony, MS and Nintendo, and then taking them again directly from the devs).

It’s like when CDPR said everyone could get refunds for CP2077 without talking to the stores first, then were shocked when Sony removed it from the PlayStation Store.

Technically, CDPR being based in Europe were just informing people of their stuatory right to a refund within the first 14 days of any digital or online purchase. This highlighted that Sony have been managing to skirt that legislation with their policy's and not having a proper refund system in place so they threw a wobbler and took the game down. CDPR were in the right, legally speaking, with that one.

Yep, although at least that was a pro-consumer move on CDPR's part. It's very understandable why Sony wasn't happy about it, but it wasn't a shady move on CDPR's part. Whereas the same definitely can't be said for Unity right now.

It’s more, you gotta let your partners know before you announce something major. The reason Sony had to pull it was because they only allow refunds after a certain point on defective games, and they can’t sell a game they know is defective. So the only way they could do blanket refunds is if the game is labeled defective, which means they can’t sell it. Giving Sony a bit of a heads up might’ve meant they could have changed their policy, which would have been better long run for consumers.

Oh absolutely, I agree! I just wanted to point out that CDPR's move was at least well-intentioned so it's harder to judge them poorly for it. But you're right that communication is important in these situations.

He could be the kind of person who writes things down on his vision board, then sends his thoughts out into the universe to make them come true. Like Elon.

Yeah, because Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are companies who would never pass those costs back to the devs or down onto consumers. They'd totally bite the bullet on Unity's new royalty...

Unity are out of their minds if they think this is at all a good move. All they're going to do by pushing devs away and pissing off the major distributors is inspire the creation/adoption of a competitor.

That’s what happens when your CEO is an ex EA exec who thought that charging battlefield players a dollar to reload their gun was a good idea

Oh I don't think they imply they will cover the costs. More like the only ones to know exactly the installs will be them, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo , and that's why is done this way. Also to simplify the billing as well they already pay them for putting the game in their respective stores in one way or another.

Of course they could put a remote call that notified back to them in the game engine... and probably will work this way for PC, but probably the console companies might not be too happy about it.

Afaik the engine already phones home for telemetry, that's why they're able to count installs retroactively.

Only loosely, definitely not in the precise way they say they will do it. If they even could do that, it would be a massive privacy violation the likes EU would not be too keen on.

Nintendo? Like fuck they will

Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft Lawyers united... that's an enemy you don't want to fight. Each department alone is scary enough. All three of them? Now, that's something you want to be on very solid ground for.

You can just see the panic coming out of Unity.

They thought they’d be able to slip this change through and people would just pay it. They were expecting a big payday, not a storm of bad press and angry people.

Also now Deva are gonna be skeptical of proprietary game engines. It's too big of a risk to develop on anything proprietary now that this is on the table as a thing that could happen. Change won't ahppen overnight but expect FOSS game engines to start getting big

Or back to it was in ye olden days where every studio has its own proprietary game engine.

I still find it amazing that Starfield is not on the same foundations as Morrowind, a full two decades earlier.

No they won't! There's no way any of the big console manufacturers will ever agree to those terms, ESPECIALLY Nintendo. Microsoft would just buy Unity out before paying that ransom. You be smokin' some bigtime crack, Riccitello.

Microsoft would just buy Unity out before paying that ransom

Maybe that's the plan lol

TBH that would explain the decision. Pump up the projected revenue numbers right before an acquisition and exit.

I think they even played that plan wrong. All MS has to do is announce that unity games won't be allowed on game pass anymore and the value of unity will drop. It's probably already in freefall with few new games from this point onwards targeting it.

By the definition of “distributor” this would include Steam, GOG, Epic, etc. as well.

In before one of them starts stripping or firewalling the phone-home code. What's Unity gonna do? Valve hasn't signed any contracts with them!

I don't want another attack vector for some hacker on my computer. That phone home code will be the second coming of the Sony rootkit.

This sounds like it would mean charging Valve money for the privilege of using Valve's own infrastructure every time a player installed a Unity game after a major PC upgrade/reinstall or after uninstalling that MMO they dumped every other game in their library try out.

Steam could probably bake a ban on software that uses installation trackers into their developer/publisher ToS, or ban the collection or transmission of Steam user data related to installations, or something similar.

Apple has Unity games in Apple Arcade I’m sure; which is like “iCloud GamePass”. So add another behemoth with almost more lawyers than money.

Apple also brought Unity onboard for Vision Pro development. They are absolutely going to roll over Unity.

I wonder how they’d enforce that exactly since none of those companies are likely to have a contract with Unity that says they’d pay anything like that. Their distribution contracts are with the studios… and the studios, if they keep their subscriptions would be the ones contracted with Unity. Good luck telling MS or Sony that your little indie company bound them into a contract with your engine vendor.

I wonder if it's purposeful sabotage at this point. You can't be that stupid and still be paid millions of dollars to do your job can you?

Capitalism is truly amazing if it can happen.

See: a certain owner of a (much less than) $44 billion social media company.

Well he was trying to sabotage Twitter, he just fucked up and ended up holding the reins of the company he undermined.

The CEO of Unity did sell off most of his own stock in the company shortly before the original announcement. It's an open-and-shut case for insider trading charges if ever I had heard one.

Fastest way to have all traces of your engine scrubbed from realty.

Because picking a fight with some of the world's biggest companies is the best form of damage control...

I'd like to watch them try to send an invoice to these companies.

Most likely they won't ever try, it's just a blatant lie because they have no grounds to even attempt it. They have a deal with the gamedev studio, not the platform owner.

They have a deal with the gamedev studio, not the platform owner.

They don't even have that because they're trying to back date this shit, and you're very much not allowed to do that. Otherwise what's the point in even having contracts?

Oh, so is this the result of some negotiation with them, or are they just saying random shit again?

They are trying to make a power play against these companies to strike out a deal due to their market share

A problem I see with it is that games that push console sales are made on Unreal (or internal engine) not Unity

However the amount of negative press is overblown as they are starting far in order to give things up during negotiations. And despite saying it’s only charged on first install; I’ve seen people claim it will bankrupt devs

I support devs switching from Unity to Godot but I feel like in a year’s time it won’t really matter as people are more likely to get hired for Unity

However the amount of negative press is overblown as they are starting far in order to give things up during negotiations. And despite saying it’s only charged on first install; I’ve seen people claim it will bankrupt devs

It's charged on ever reinstall, not only on the first.


Whitten told Axios that the company would actually only charge for an initial installation.

Unity's free tier of development services would owe Unity $0.20 per installation once their game hit thresholds of 200,000 downloads and earn $200,000 in revenue.

With pro plans having lower fees and a higher threshold, the majority of devs aren’t going to feel this

Listen peasants, if you don't like the freeholder fees we charge, then surely Lord Microsoft will shelter you on his lands as a serf, and pay your fees on your behalf.

Actually...consumers end up paying for it. Companies will just increase prices as when the Government taxes them.

Companies will just increase prices whenever they can get away with it

Fixed that for ya.

Weirdly they don't mention Steam...

Steam is just a storefront, not a publisher. And traditionally Valve only publishes their own games. While Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are more broad game publishers. Imagine Casio trying to charge the watch store for every time you look at the time in the watch you bought there. Complete bonkers.

But when Microsoft has in its store a game by Rockstar published by Take Two isn't it the same thing?

Because Valve also has several attorneys on the payroll and I imagine they're also looking into how to dodge this, or to counter Unity.

Somehow this cost will be pushed to us gamers

Not sure about costs in this shitty ass economy but there's going to be delays up the wazoo now.

It may cost more than money, if the games can’t be converted to a new engine…

Waiting to see if Unity games will get yanked from those platforms.

I would assume their console export options are due to some kind of agreement with console manufacturers, as they keep their dev agreements under heavy NDAs. I wonder how this will play out.

No, they won't. Unity has an agreement with the devs not the platform holders

all that will happen is that unity games won't appear on subscription services

So this is why we go ps plus and xbox game pass prices go up :D xd

People keep telling me that PC gaming is expensive and yet I pay no subscription fees and have plenty of choice for which storefront to purchase from so game prices tend to stay low outside a few exceptions.

I just recently locked in 3 more years of game pass ultimate for $180. That's $5 a month to play 100+ games on console or PC. Granted, much of the catalog is games I already own or games I'm not interested in, but if I play just one full priced game a year from game pass it is paying for itself. Most recently that would be Starfield, and when I got bored after a couple hours there was no pressure to "get my money's worth". I simply uninstalled and moved on.

I realize game pass prices are going up and this deal won't be available forever, but this is my 2nd time around already so the last several years of console gaming have been cheap as shit.

That's my outlook on gamepass. I hardly ever use a console, own 3 xbocs and only know where 1 is and that's sitting in the corner of my living room unplugged for at least 2 years. I get gamepass ultimate a couple times a year for a game or 2 and play for a few weeks then cancel it and move on.

I used to make comments like this and stopped a month ago because peeps hated me saying this or got argumentative with me. Look at you now! LMAO

I made the argument that it's expensive but it was more based on the idea that I can get a cheapo used console with a few games and that'll do me for a whole generation. That and I think that PC gaming has a deeper void to get sucked into (mainly keyboards and monitors)

But now a couple weeks later and I realize that I really enjoy my crappy business desktop PC and I could see building a PC in the future.

They each have their advantages. When I go to a friends house we play console. At home I'd rather play PC, if I had the choice.

Mares eat oats and does eat oats.

Ya gotta love when a corp realizes they’ve stepped in it and starts trying to create an escape route. I’m more than a little surprised that Unity’s board of directors haven’t taken the CEO’s head on a platter yet.

That cost will be passed on to the studios

Who'll pass it on us.

You see, making games is so expensive nowadays. So, now the starting price will be $80 and there will be a convenience fee for every install. No, it doesn't matter that the game doesn't use Unity, we will charge it anyways, just in case.

Isn't the new model based partly on game and/or studio revenue? Sounds really scummy if you put it that way: Unity announces new pricing structure -> costs for devs rise -> they increase game prices -> now they reach the revenue threshold quicker and more often -> costs for devs rise...

Aren't there enough FOSS gamw engines out in the wild to keep indie authors and small companies working without concern for this kind of crap?

Contributing with a cash amount to have work done on any engine would be cheaper and more useful for all parts involved than having to deal with these vampires.

There is a viable open source competitor, godot. The issue is that for many developers who have invested years into their current project, moving engines midway is a ton of effort that might break them financially.

Viable, yes, but I don't think Godot currently matches up to Unity in terms of capability. I do think this will very much get an impetus going for people & studios to invest into Godot's development, though.

There is at least godot

And some pretty well known recent indie games have been made in Godot, like Cassette Beasts.

Cruelty Squad was made in Godot. Don't know if that's an endorsement or not as the game is deliberately hideous, but...yeah.

They have pretty extensive showcase of games made in Godot on their website.

Unity is delusional. They're behaving like a despot. Down with unity!

So what your saying is games and consoles could have been cheaper this whole time?

Lol at this point I wonder if it's easier for Microsoft to just buy Unity like their other studios they've been buying. Then they get free installs and charge out to Nintendo/PlayStation.

Feeling pretty good STILL about my decision not to buy any consoles in the last 20 years. PC, my heart is yours.

Newsflash the Unity drama as a whole still affects the PC market

How does this effect me buying discounted games on Steam?

There's a lot of things it affects. But lets stick with the self serving perspective of your question "How does this affect* me buying discounted games". You personally? Not much, the impact is relatively tame... for now. An aspect that you failing to consider is that devs could raise price of games to offset the cost of the Unity price model change. Sure you could wait for a discount. Safe to say we all appreciate a good discount every now and again. But I encourage you think about that "one" game on your wishlist "If it was just 20% less then I would buy it" But that 20% doesn't end up happening because of the fact that even during this hypothetical sale the devs are still trying to offset the Unity cost. Additionally you failing to consider is that Unity is an incredibly popular starting point for many new devs because of the tooling it has available, many popular titles were started by these indie devs. Games that wouldn't ever have been created because those people wouldn't have ever gotten started if they didn't use Unity.

I don't buy any game until it's at least 50% off via isthereanydeal. Ever. Tons of games I might like have sat on my waitlist for years. Eventually I'll torrent it they never come down.

Asks a question and absorbs none of the information given. No point in further discussion

This reaction is like getting upset with Mexico for supporting the wall after Trump baselessly claimed Mexico would pay for it.

I might agree if I could figure out the analogy you're trying to make.

You're acting like this reflects badly on the console makers when a) they haven't confirmed they are on board for this and might instead end up being the ones to kill it, and b) if they were on board for this, they still wouldn't be the bad guys, they'd be helping out devs on their platforms.

Er. I'm acting like I'm glad I don't have to worry about this because my rat isn't in the race. Calm yourself, chil.

This specific comment by them doesn't address the PC market directly (though MS is also on PC with game pass and a lot of Sony games are ported to PC these days), but it will either be similar or worse, depending on whether they want to try this with valve, epic, and other PC publishers.

2 more...

Charging Playstation: They have been quite naughty ever since they released the PS4 (and not in the good way), so a few millions in cash is kinda like karma to them.

Charging Xbox: Game Pass, Backwards Compatibility, Series S, allowing you to legally install emulators in their consoles... If there's a gaming giant that's pro-consumer, it's them (second only to Steam, obviously), they don't deserve it.

Charging Nintendo: TAKE IT ALL

I love gamepass/Xbox’s BC commitment but I’m not going to call Microsoft “pro-consumer” lol

I'd call it, sucking up to the player base to regain market space lost during the last generation. I'm not too proud to take advantage of their desperation.

Oh not Microsoft as a whole oooohhh no.

But their Xbox division is pretty cool 😎👍

Do you still have to pay monthly fee on XBox to play any online game?

Every console requires an online subscription to play MP aside from a handful of games such as apex legends, fortnite, and rocket league. Not just an Xbox thing.

Thank you for answering. But you can’t imaging how wild it sounds from pc gamer point of view, and double wild that this is called pro-consumer.

The one defense I'll give it is that when Nintendo's was free it was absolutely pitiful/unusable. Really you couldn't do any meaningful online MP on nintendo consoles until the switch. I don't like paying for it but clearly it's the only way resources get dedicated to it.

The other consideration - though not really a defense because it's not necessary - is that with Xbox for $60/yr I don't just get the online component, but 3 free games/mo. Most are garbage but I always end up with 4 or 5 games a year that I wouldn't have otherwise played (How I discovered XCOM!) that I really enjoy OR I get super lucky and some game I wanted to buy but haven't ponied up for drops (I got AC: Black Flag for instance one time). It's a hell of a value add at least!

Really bad policies that will set even worse precedents are not a punitive measure against companies you don’t like.