1 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Work shouldn't be the primary source of stress in our lives no matter what the job is.

Kind of ironic considering the climate protests on the way in.

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I'm ready for that. When being a youtuber started looking like a job I think the site lost something.

7 more...

I've come around. Us internet dwellers should take it easy on the judgment and cynicism about this festival.

People take the internet too seriously these days. Let the festival people have fun.

I don't think it was a choice. Xbox did it first and that's why I bought a ps3. Then sony introduced it. Then nintendo. It's still less expensive than a PC hobby. Consumers don't have much say in what these companies do or how they operate.

51 more...

Did this game focus on anything in particular and do that well? Exploring isn't it.

I'm tired of being negative gamer. This game looks fun even if it isn't mind blowing, but seeing as I've never played a Bethesda game I think I'm just as likely to play one of the older games because they look about as good.

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I wonder what their defence will be because that's pretty damning.


(I don't know which of these you're supposed to share, but it's a good community).

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How is this line up with 'liberty'? The US gov can't stop intruding into the private sphere.

Ya but I also think it's ok to react to foreign cultures in a variety of ways. There isn't one way we have to be all the time. If someone is grossed out by something they've never seen before then they aren't automatically a bigot or racist.

If someone scooped up my rice with their hands I'd not want the rice. We use utensils for serving things and I'm sure other cultures have a variety of opinions about that. I'm sure I'd get used to it if I moved somewhere where it was normal.

This came up on reddit and one of the members suggested adding the following filter. I don't know if it works but may as well. (ublock > settings > my filters),,, playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.playerAds playerResponse.adSlots adPlacements playerAds adSlots, adPlacements.[].adPlacementRenderer.renderer.instreamVideoAdRenderer)

I know way too little about this to have an actual opinion about it. I read the article just as a way to learn more about what's going on with those people right now. At the very least their lives are ruined, and we're mostly just hearing from the refugees.

Ending quote: The man blames the former Afghan government under Ashraf Ghani and the international coalition, which operated in the country for 20 years, for “everything falling apart so quickly.” “We have lost everything, even our hope for the future. We’re living in a country of lies, a country that no longer exists,” he concludes.

Tool to move subscriptions from one instance to another:

  1. install python
  2. download the code
  3. update the config file
  4. run an export then an import


Tenant providing bear minimum information and impatient landlord. Engaging post OP.

We also pay for their bailouts and subsidies. Piracy is ethical.

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Society isn't a tree it's a machine so we can bend it all we like.

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They are being blocked at the border. The Taliban won't let them leave. The ones who got out and participated in interviews (ie the ones we hear about) talk about how their families back home are being harassed, hiding.

Lots of secular AA groups out there

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Ugh I really want to out the company I work at. Of all companies we should be going and advocating for remote.

But we aren't. 'Because being with each is SO valuable'.

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It's true the downvotes have a lot less power here and it's awesome.

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This was a popup in browser only? Closing browser closed popup?

Cottage rentals for income?

Currently my plan is to get far enough into my career that I can spend half my time in city making money and half in the woods

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No. The universe just is a thing that exists.

Since I read that this isn't an existential threat I'm feeling much more at ease, much less open to catastrophic outcomes and the narrative that we should throw our hands in the air and give up.

It's more that the US is all about personal liberty and personal freedoms. Other places that you're referring to have a charter of rights, which still allow for personal freedoms but are also constructed to protect minorities or at risk groups, like Jewish people.

That said the Bill of Rights that the Americans produced was first of it's kind and amazing. Personally I just don't think they got it quite right and charter of rights take into account the personal liberties of all people and not just the dominant majority.

There are more useful web apps than before but blog/affiliate sites are a plague.

That said if I could make a ton of money by clogging up the internet with garbage content then I would. There is nothing holy about this place.

I'm fairly certain there is a documentary or at least a youtube video about this guy because he's not really what you think. Still nuts.


Found it, it's this:

At any point in time since 2016 you can bet that at least 50 million Americans have adopted an 'anything goes' attitude towards people who share their conservative values. Next election is going to be historic and the part of me that is dead is really excited about it.

As much as I'm looking forward to it we need a unanimous jury to convict him and those seems like very slim odds. It might all come down to the voters. If Trump is re-elected he may face zero consequences.

A little less than the last big one I went to, but not bad. Several thousand people for sure. Critical mass during the walk. The large majority of people bail during the end speeches.

Boooo go away

I don't think many people are pro-corruption so that's fair, but Trump is insane. He isn't pursuing justice he wants revenge.

Political or not a non-profit is a non-profit. Unity defines charity some new way I guess.

I went to one on Friday (not NY) AMA

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I think this debate can get lost in the numbers when it's more about the user. For some people that upfront cost is going to make sense, for others it won't. The math isn't the hard part. Specifically though, a PC hobby isn't exactly a cheap hobby.

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sdf has a few instances, they might be more resilient. I'm hesitant about the ones spun up by some random person who says they'll keep it going forever, but at the end of the day I'm not too worried about switching instances when I need to.

This is a useful tool to re-sub to communities from a new instance:

I think they do care about kids but it's a dumb argument to take. Kids are helpless, everything can hurt them. Unless it's something legal that is specifically causing kids harm and can be regulated, like guns, then bringing kids into the debate is just going for easy points.

I know a few trust funders who don't have the billions but since they don't need to make money they've taken up jobs that contribute to the world they want to see. Lawyers and counsellors who work on a sliding scale.