Anyone else want to just want to abandon society and go live in a commune? to – 168 points –

A commune or a cult would be better than this circus lol


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Cottage rentals for income?

Currently my plan is to get far enough into my career that I can spend half my time in city making money and half in the woods

Exactly, cottage rentals for income. To supplement farming and other ventures, anyway.

I'm lucky that my work is 99.9% remote, so as long as I can acquire a stable internet connect I can continue to work out there if needed. Existing entirely in the woods is incredibly appealing.

I like that idea. Continuing to make money, no matter if it's just a few hundred dollars a month, is the main hurdle for me to leave. You'd still need to finance construction but it's a good long term vision.

I am worried about fire seasons/smoke seasons. At best it shortens the tourist season and at worst I lose everything : /

Yeah, that lack of startup capital is why I'm not doing it already. A bunch of us are saving to pool money together to self-finance. You can also just start with a couple of nice trailers (which you wouldn't be able to charge as much for, of course) and gradually work towards full cottages. Some cottages in areas I frequent around here are just trailers and are still going for like $300 CAD a night in the middle of September.

At least insurance should protect you against total loss?