
2 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

[false claims that] journalists gave the recent PS5 game Stellar Blade (pictured below) bad reviews because its female characters are too hot

That seems an inadequate way of summing up the Stellar Blade controversy which on the whole was considerably more ridiculous than that.

false alarm it's only threads

Rule 1: Crushing people with tanks is fine so long as it's our side doing it.

Literal fucking tankies. I wonder if they will ever come to their senses. Oh well, it's not as if there aren't Nazi instances somewhere on fedi as well.

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As well as Denuvo please also make it rely on Windows-only bugs so that we can be extra sure that those dirty Linux users are kept away, and it's not fair that foreigners get to enjoy things in their own language so make sure there's no localization for other countries. And I'd rather not have to know that disabled people can also play so make sure there's none of that "accessibility" crap in there slowing things down. And I heard that telemetry makes everything better so please make sure it records everything we do and reports it all back to headquarters, that really makes games better. Also it'd be nice if there were more ads to keep us entertained while it loads. Okay thanks. You guys are doing a great job. — Signed, a perfectly normal user

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Could be worse. Someone sharing my IP is into really freaky stuff like "kubuntu-23.10-desktop-amd64.iso"

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With Apple's new iBits™ the 0s are so much rounder and the 1s are so smooth and shiny that they're worth at least twice as much as regular bits.

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Looks like it's learned that adding "according to Quora" makes it look more authoritative. Maybe with a few more weeks of training it'll figure out how to make fake citations of sources that are actually trustworthy.

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Well, that's one more small group of people learning not to trust Discord. I hope someone is on hand to show them how to set up a matrix server in a jurisdiction not affected by the DMCA.

#ChatControl and #EUGoingDark . None of this has even been discussed in the run-up to this election.

Increasingly it does look like Europe really is going dark.

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The key difference between "Android's Play Integrity API" and this new thing which they are no longer proposing to put in Chrome but into Android WebView instead is the remote part of "remote attestation".

The article does not make it entirely clear, but the new thing looks to be exactly the same as the old Web Environment Integrity we knew and hated, but with a new name and temporarily exclusive to Android.

This future may not have much going for it, but there is at least the consolation that all the sarcastic bullshit I posted on reddit will be taken too literally by Google's machines and be given as earnest advice to its remaining users.

You seem like an intelligent and discerning person, so I'm sure you'll appreciate that the only possible response to this is "ok boomer"

12% over four years? Damn. Somehow I had the impression that there'd been a significant increase.

Netflix revenue is up by roughly 60% in the same four years.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. The Facebook experience is degrading for all users.

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Ah, that brief window in time when it seemed somewhat reasonable to buy software from Sony.

Hmm. Maybe if I live long enough, my only slightly rusty skills in map reading and navigation by dead reckoning will once again be useful.

As the comment there says, the surprise is that not every instance is blocked yet.

But I've seen hardly any Chinese on the fediverse, so they probably don't care that much. And it's not just that I've stuck to the English-speaking parts, there's been lots of Japanese and various European languages. I suppose even if it otherwise would have a chance to catch on there, Chinese users know that if it did it quickly would get blocked.

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The topmost answers there are basically explaining why it's sometimes convenient for developers to drop support for old versions. I don't see any of them making a case for the zany idea that "supporting old versions is bad."

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TIL you guys have been stuck with the same two political parties since the 1850s. No wonder they've gone a bit corrupt.

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Sorry, you have been blocked

Instantly blocked by Cloudflare without even the usual cumbersome javascript probes. The web is getting worse so quickly that it's difficult to read the articles about how the web is getting worse.


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Jack Dorsey quits Bluesky board and urges users to stay on Elon Musk’s X

Most of the fediverse already has polls, and can post things to lemmy groups. So yeah it would be nice to be able to see them properly.

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Yes but what did Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and Ben Shapiro have to say about it? What about David Duke? Was he unavailable for comment? You can't just go to Elon all the time, let's get some diversity of opinion in there.

The first concrete example mentioned (18 minutes in) seems to neatly sum up the difference in design philosophy.

X11: Four different keyboard input focus modes, where two would suffice.

Wayland: Only one input focus mode, where two would suffice.

One of the main things that turns people off when the topic of "AI" comes up is the absolutely ridiculous level of hype it gets. For instance, people claiming that current LLMs are a revolution comparable to the invention of the printing press, and that they have such immense potential that if you don't cram them into every product you can all your software will soon be obsolete.

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The surprise is that apparently 28 percent of "experienced programmers" don't have an ad blocker. I'm not sure how they got the data, but I wonder if their methods are up to the task of sorting out any possible inverse correlation between blocking ads and being willing to respond to polls.

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Having only a clickbait title to go on, rather than watch the video I'll just guess:

  1. But I NEED Adobe Microsoft Fortnight Premiere Plus Pro Version 16 to LIVE

  2. Other religious reasons.

  3. Don't have a computer.

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Talking about piracy on lemmy is still not illegal, in most places.

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bans on pay toilets dating back to the 1970s

It's like my grandpa always said, the problem with pay toilets was that without a way for a VC-funded startup to monopolize the market and take a cut of every transaction they just didn't feel sleazy enough.

will finally ship with a DEB package for Debian-based distributions

That's good news for the more specifically Ubuntu-based distributions and their users. I trust that Debian will continue to build its own packages.

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The end of the web as I knew it happened 28 years ago, and 20 years ago, and 12 years ago.

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So basically Steam is fine, has been for 20 years, and has competitors waiting to step in and take over the market if Gaben and co ever succumb to the temptation to cash in for a quick boost to corporate profits for a few years at the expense of ruining the business forever after, as impatient shareholders might demand if it were a public company, which it isn't.

It's true though, it could fall apart at any moment. So could anything. I expect piracy will be the big winner when it happens.

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Instance admins should defederate as often as they feel is necessary, and users should learn to avoid relying on instances that do it too much.

Certain technologies aren't permitted to be shared outside of USA unless you go through the ETAR

I'm guessing you mean ITAR, if anyone's having trouble searching for it.

That's one way to spread the message to the world that you've given up on freedom and democracy. It's as if TikTok is a monster that eats the brains of our children, and the problem they have with it is that the wrong person is holding its leash.

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I've used Skype. It was not just "mildly" infuriating, and that was before copilot.

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with each meal Gila grows more

biblical beast of ancient lore

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The dangers of the bear zone aren't nearly as bad as they're made out to be. I haven't been attacked by a bear in weeks.

Too many people are acting as if this type of attack is somehow peculiar to open source projects. Very similar methods can be — and by now probably have been — used against closed-source non-free software. The level of defence against it probably varies even more in the rest of the software world, outside that part of it which is free software. How many of the vulnerabilities that have been discovered in Cisco routers were deliberately planted by outside adversaries? I don't suppose there's any way to know for sure. The main thing the open source nature of the project did here was make it easier to detect and impossible to cover up afterwards.