Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons

urska@lemmy.ca to Linux@lemmy.ml – -112 points –
Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons

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Having only a clickbait title to go on, rather than watch the video I'll just guess:

  1. But I NEED Adobe Microsoft Fortnight Premiere Plus Pro Version 16 to LIVE

  2. Other religious reasons.

  3. Don't have a computer.

From video description:

Reason 1: Gaming
Reason 2: Creative Apps
Reason 3: Foobar2000 (my music player)
Reason 4 (bonus) Fussing, fussing, fussing!

via https://lemmy.ml/post/16929334/11684532

Foobar is a piss poor reason cause 1 it's shit but to each their own. 2 I'm 95% positive it works perfectly with wine for years now

He pointed out a bunch of JavaScript plugins don’t work in WINE but I’m not following what it does that Picard + ffmpeg + many other audio players can’t do. It seems worth losing a feature or two or having to adopt a small composition of tools …or building it yourself / paying a bounty for a feature.