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There is no point. You paid $25 for cold fast food, the delivery driver didn’t get paid shit and the restaurant didn’t get paid shit. On the bright side, the shitty delivery app might be profitable next quarter after firing 30% of their staff :)

Devil’s advocate: basically the only proper way to figure out how people are using your product and how you can tweak it to achieve its goal is by firing events and including relevant metadata such as how much time they spent on a screen or how far they scrolled. Telemetry is not necessarily “evil” by default.

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This is so insane, if your business is not sustainable with normal salaries, you have no right to exist. You fucked it, try another business model.

60m2 for people who don’t know yee haw units

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Can’t help but notice that this oompa loompa cunt still hasn’t been executed, what’s up with that America?

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Many people keep asserting that DuckDuckGo is as useless as Google, but I haven’t had a single issue with it. Could it be a regional thing?

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So is this like a person that actually matters or just some retarded american yokel the media is using for clickbait?

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That every TV show and movie seems to re-use the same sound effects. Always takes me out of the story when I hear the same crying baby or fake “car clunking and breaking down” noises for the 1000th time.

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A marginally faster glass rectangle with 15 cameras, take my money!

Meh what’s the difference, a digital nonsense machine or an IRL nonsense machine, both with 0 accountability

Meets the acceptance criteria, push it to production

Sounds like a data leak that should be reported…

Half-Life was a game changer when it came out.

First-person shooters in those days were basically just spawning in a level, shooting generic bad guys and picking up loot. Half-Life had this insane story and they didn’t use any cutscenes or take away control from the player except to load the map, the whole story was told through the environment you explored and the characters you interacted with.

Even 20 years later, people are still having discussions about who the G-Man works for, or whether Dr. Breen (HL2) was a good guy.

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No they didn’t. I have a 1st gen iPad loaded with old versions of popular games (e.g. Jetpack Joyride, Angry Birds) and there are literally zero ads and in-app purchases.

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True, but I would rather buy a dozen quality $0.99 games with high replay value (still fun 13+ years later) than several dozen “””free””” ad-filled games that constantly bug you for a $3.99/week subscription to get more BullshitCoins

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What a bizarre hill to die on, how the hell is this such a hot issue? I would dropkick a living baby into a volcano if it would prevent my partner from dying…

You basically just described it. Amazing show, very much recommend watching it.

Looks like the important matters are getting addressed in bumblefuck

~3.5M posts per day across ~40k active users?

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Babe wake up, the new stupid thing has dropped

Ironically, this was contadicted in the same documentary by the Half-Life devs when they were talking about Xen and how they were aware that it kinda sucked but the deadline was coming up…

Wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of the fediverse because you would need some kind of centralized system to keep track of all instance’s reputations?

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