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Sorry, this is just false info. Germany is not turning to coal as a result of your called nuclear phobia.

I will repeat my comment from another thread:

If you are able to read German or use a translator I can recommend this interview where the expert explains everything and goes into the the details.

Don't repeat the stories of the far right and nuclear lobby. Nuclear will always be more expensive than renewables and nobody has solved the waste problem until today. France as a leading nuclear nation had severe problems to cool their plants during the summer due to, guess what, climate change. Building new nuclear power plants takes enormous amounts of money and 10-20years at least. Time that we don't have at the moment.

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Watching the American democracy go down and the Palestinian people with it. So many young people losing hope and the alt right will elect a man even more opposed to the Palestinian cause than the current government of the United States. What a time so be alive.

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I don't want to vote for anyone, because I am not a US citizen, but if I were, yes, I would say vote for Biden regardless. Why? Because even as a non US citizen I know enough about Project 2025 and this is not the future I want to see for this world. One good thing about Biden is that he will leave office when he loses. Last time Trump lost you nearly got a coup d'etat. But yeah, my comment wasn't exactly about Biden vs Trump but more about the hopelessness of the current situation where it seems to get worse irrelevant of the direction you go.

I don't understand why a unanimous final statement is so important for the COP. Making big compromises to appease OPEC will send a devastating signal to the people in Europe, America and so on. This will accelerate the loss of trust in politics in these countries. Why not let the talks fail and announce a big multilateral agreement the next day uniting the Americas, Europe and China? This will send a strong message and will bring us forward in climate politics.

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You nearly got a coup, so I guess thanks Hillary for saving the democracy and the US people from the communist Bernie. /s

Spot on! Fuck Hamas and all the terroristic acts against Jews and innocent lives. But one should also be able to recognise the ongoing crimes and genocide of the right wing Israeli government. Do they really think this war will lead to the destruction of Hamas or antisemitism in the region? I bet we will se double the amount of antisemites/terrorists in the future and nothing will have changed. The west is losing its face and the region was never further away from peace. Hamas trapped the Israeli government into a war and the Israeli extremists were more than happy to use the opportunity for this genocide. Seems like nobody is honestly interested in peace and the victims will be the Palistinian people and some festival goers.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

We stand to gain nothing like that.

I guess you missed the massive gains from years of colonialism and ongoing resource drain from these countries. Now that refugees demand asylum from the ongoing wars, climate crisis and economic disaster which we left them in, Europe has 'nothing more to give' according to you. Ego centric hypocrisy.

The problem is, paying fair wages, sourcing fair materials und make sure the phone ist repairable and lasts longer will always be more expensive than let's say Xiaomi. If the phone lasts for example six years instead of the usual two they will only sell a third of the phones other manufactures will sell, even if they reach the same customer base.

Don't know why you are getting downvoted, at least this comment is spot on. Best regards, a German.

European here. Why is Biden so tied to his presidency? What about, for example, Sec Blinkin? From afar he seems like a clear minded, likable guy. There have to be other people in your enormous country. Bidens age is becoming a problem day by day and he is losing a lot of support from the younger, left wing and Muslim voters. Maybe someone like AOC could be a benefit on the vice president ticket?

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COP28 is a fake climate conference led by oil billionaires and fossil fuel execs.

That's my point, just let it fail and prepare an agreement without the oil execs. Multilateral agreements happen all the time, why should COP be the only possibility to make climate politics happen?

If it doesn't matter, why are so many people afraid when the right wing parties take control? If it's not important why are people so concerned about the supreme Court? Why are women so scared of anti abortion legislation? You vote the legislative and they can simply take the power away from your social movements. So in the end, it does matter.

Sorting and processing them should be done efficiently

Like we 'processed' certain people during WW2? You seem like a disgusting neoliberal who got fat and cruel from all the accumulated wealth you probably 'worked very hard for'.

Sorry, but Germans didn't turn into Nazis because oft the Depression. There was a lot that lead to to uprising of the Nazis. Read about the Peace of Versailles or in German "Schmach von Versailles". Also political culture in the Weimarer Republic which was massively focused on raw violence between the different groups. Read about deflation. Read about Franz von Papen and so on. Don't search for excuses for right wing extremism.

Saying the Israeli people is on the same page or worse than Hitler adds nothing to the conversation and is, at best, just wrong. Best regards, a German.

PS: Don't stop criticising the acts of the Israeli government and definitely the IDF, but stop generalising and making all Jews responsible. Otherwise you could also say that all Palestinians are Hamas.

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How good is the translation via Deepl or other tools? This should be a broad overview, but it's German.

You could also try English Wikipedia for more background.

Otherwise I wanted to make the point that comparing the Jewish people to the Nazis is wrong and only ads more oil to the fire. Criticise Israeli government, IDF, violent settlers, stupid people blocking neccessary aid for Gaza but don't fall in the antisemitism trap where Jewish people even in other countries are held responsible for the actions of a right wing government.

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He called the Israeli people 'human trash' (Isreal considers itself state of the Jews). And he meant all of the Israeli people. What do you think this rhetoric leads to?

And as I stated multiple times above I am all in on criticising the Israeli gevernment and no I am not doing exactly what the German government is doing. I would argue for a stopping of all delivery of arms via the the German government and for a ceasefire asap. I see a huge problem with the way the Israeli government walked into the trap planted by Hamas and is now part of a war which may be labeled as a genocide. So why should you call all of the Israeli people 'human trash' when you could specify your criticism? It's the same as calling all Palestinians Hamas.

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Here is what struck me recently about the Israeli people.

They are genocidal because they are human trash. No other excuse.

Quite frankly, fuck you for the words you have tried to put in my mouth.

Nice discussion culture you are having here. Might mistake lemmy for reddit.

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