USC cancels graduation ceremony and dozens are arrested on other campuses as anti-war protests grow to – 553 points –
USC cancels graduation ceremony and dozens are arrested on other campuses as anti-war protests grow

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Watching the American democracy go down and the Palestinian people with it. So many young people losing hope and the alt right will elect a man even more opposed to the Palestinian cause than the current government of the United States. What a time so be alive.

Freedom isn't free.

This generation needs to learn to fight.

Because as their elders we failed. Freedom can be bloodlessly maintained but not bloodlessly regained

Maybe it's our turn to storm the capitol (peacefully) and establish actual fucking democracy (peacefully).

Unfortunately, revolutions don't happen in a peaceful way. The ones in charge of this country would not simply give that power up without a fight. They won't even let college students protest US support of Israel, peacefully.

I'd legit settle for us no longer being useful idiots in our social circles.

i.e. being proud to pay for things we can get for free while complaining we don't have enough money.

the alt right will elect a man even more opposed to the Palestinian cause than the current government of the United States

It always gets me when we've got a government in which both parties rubber stamp another $4B genocide re-armerment bill, and you've still got some chucklefucks logging on to say "We need to support Biden if we want to help Palestinians".

Like, fucking fine. He's marginally better on Net Neutrality and maternity leave and green energy and student debt relief.

But maybe lets not drag 40,000 Palestinian corpses into the room and say "They want you to vote for Joe Biden, too".

I don't want to vote for anyone, because I am not a US citizen, but if I were, yes, I would say vote for Biden regardless. Why? Because even as a non US citizen I know enough about Project 2025 and this is not the future I want to see for this world. One good thing about Biden is that he will leave office when he loses. Last time Trump lost you nearly got a coup d'etat. But yeah, my comment wasn't exactly about Biden vs Trump but more about the hopelessness of the current situation where it seems to get worse irrelevant of the direction you go.