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It might have cracks in the silicon crystal that might burn in over time.

But yeah, impressive that it could take this big of hail balls without braking the glass.

You mean like the Dutch-Belgian border

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Small PHEV's would be ideal for the current generation. Battery advances will come, but we should always try to optimize with the current technology and 10 cars with a 10th the battery of a Tesla would be better for the future.

This issue was detected when running Firefox on Linux on Apple silicon. Firefox on Mac just identifies as x64.

It's probably not on purpose by YouTube. It's stupid they put restrictions on some heuristics to begin with but maybe because otherwise people would think YouTube is not loading properly while it's the software decoding on the not capable arm PC that can't handle the resolution.

Even WWF doesn't think avoiding palm oil is a good solution. Not short term and definitely not long term

Palm is the most efficient crop for producing a wide range of fats. Replacing it with some other source of fat will require more land and water, and disrupt nature in another part of the world.

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I start writing the implementation and get the "variable not defined" error and then let the ide add the declaration. It's less keys to press and misspell.

As it's probably PVC or abs, it can fall apart in a couple of years when exposed to uv. But as it's covered by the deck, it will probably stay intact for a long time.

Other package managers, like nuget, throw errors if all dependencies on a package cannot be met by a single version.

This is probably the result of it copying all libraries in the same output directory and that .net cannot load 2 different versions of the same library so more an application restriction.

The downside of this is that packages often can't use newer features if they want to not block the users of that library and that utility libraries have to have his backwards compatibility so applications can use the latest version while dependent libraries target an older version. Often applications keep using older versions with known security issues.

If they need permission for third party cookies and those are now no longer possible, the popups can go already.

And if a site doesn't want to serve people that do not accept data hoarding, an account with terms and conditions is the only logical way to go.

Belgium forced facebook to not track users without an account and they reacted by doing this exact thing (requiring an account to even read pages). It made it a lot easier for me to not having to deal with Facebook at all. If some store or organization only had the info on Facebook, I'll just tell them I can't access it 🤷‍♂️

It has std:option

So every object that can be None or Some, needs to be checked when used. And only options can be set to None

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Lol haters. Can't really blame ppl for saying fanboy if talk like that.

You post a hateful quote and ppl nuance it. Doesn't seem that bad.

It's that capitalization is language dependent, which email addresses shouldn't be as I hope the rules for France shouldn't be different than for Dutch. For instance é in Dutch is capitalized as E, but in French it is É. The eszett didn't even have an official capital before 2017

In most programming languages, case-insensitive string compare without specifying the culture became deprecated. It should imo only be used for fuzzy searching doubles, which you probably will do with ToUpper for performance reasons, or maybe some UI validation.

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I think they are free to charge some users more for a copy. But as it's GPL, any person is allowed to make a copy and share that with a studio. But would it be worth it as it's more trouble for accounting?

They also couldn't call it ".Net Core 4" so they called it ".Net 5"

Will they keep skipping numbers or start thinking about not naming everything the same.

There was a scooter sharing company that drove around, swapping the batteries. It went out of business and now there are only the Bird style scooters.

If there were battery swapping stations, I'd definitely by me a bike.

I like the pattern a lot more. It makes you just initialize the value and only keep it 'nullable' for where it's needed and then you need to check. Even .net implemented it (but a bit more awkward)

Why can't he be both? Wasn't it uncovered he got financial support from American Christian conservative and Russia?

IMO they should just remove the equality operator on floats.

Doesn't experience points based progress imply grinding?

There are more ways to have progression and I agree that exp points is a lazy (or pay2win) solution.

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If you cannot complete a task cause you aren't strong enough, you have to either grind for exp or get better gear by collecting pointless objects and doing the list based crafting.

These things have nothing to do with any story progression and just suck up time and that's the point of the meme. You can perfectly design a game that uses less lazy ways of giving players a rewarding feeling that don't hold off the story line or take loads of time.

There is nothing wrong with gamers that want to have this, it's that every game that goes this route is not for a lot of casual games so it's not nice that almost every rpg goes this route.

Why I'm dragging pay to win into this, I don't know. Frustration with current generation games probably 😆 Also that they want you to spend lots of time in the game so you would spend more money in it, while I want to just play 1-2 hours and have a nice experience and story.

It's working great. I only can't get multi language and the emoji dictionary to work. The help page says I need to change the spell checker in the android settings but I can't find that option 🤔

Belgium. You are not allowed to sell any item at a loss. Fire example Ikea had to increase the prices of its restaurant and a supermarket that did a 3 for 1 promo got in trouble.

Depends on the grid. If the lines and transformers are already used close to their limit, more smaller buffer batteries and smaller solar installations, closer to the user, could be more efficient and not require grid adjustments. The closet to the user, the less grid adjustments are needed.

Industrial roof solar should be standard in any new building by now. Companies need the power in the day and it can be used without even needing to use the grid.

About D, you could also be programming robots, PLC's or thermostats 🤷‍♂️

Addiction? Greed?

That is the case in Belgium.

It is not enforced tho. If you didn't register as a donor, they will still ask the relatives, especially of they need to keep the body on life support after the person is declared dead.

It would help if tools like git would default to a more accessible editor. I've used vim for some time, but I can imagine that if you are just learning and get confronted with vim on your first commit message, that you can feel really lost.

There are lots of other ways for progression instead of inflicting more damage because of some numbers.

I think of:

  • Just getting better at jumping/slashing/tactics

  • Having limited gear that you have to switch out or improve throughout the story

  • Gaining new abilities or allies

And just that if you keep "improving" and inflicting more damage and have higher defense, at the same time the opponents become stronger, it would have been the exact same difficulty level if the numbers just stayed the same.

I think it's fair to say those brands will source from the cheapest, scummiest places and it doesn't matter what "certificate" sticker is on the box.

But it is so hard to avoid them where I live :/ Even the fairtrade, vegan and responsible green washed products are from those 3...

Cause selling new games is more profitable.

If a new games costs €60 and older games €5 or less (which would be a lot less on streaming services), they'd have to sell at least 12 old games for every new game they sell less cause of this change. And if gamers spend more time on older games, it's highly possible that they'd buy, even just a single game, less.

It's the same with movies or TV. They would only loose money if they make the whole archive available as there is just so much of it that some of the new things could become irrelevant.

Not that I'm against archiving, but it is caused by the creative sector having to have to make money, which isn't easy for smaller players, and greed.

Is it not possible to run Wayland?

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