The amount of plastic from a Kinder Bueno 4 pack to Mildly – 745 points –

Each bar is wrapped in cellophane, which are then wrapped in the normal outer packaging. To make the 4 pack, they simply took 2x two packs and put them on a cardboard tray,and then wrapped those.

I don't think I've ever gone through so much unwrapping for candy.


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Even WWF doesn't think avoiding palm oil is a good solution. Not short term and definitely not long term

Palm is the most efficient crop for producing a wide range of fats. Replacing it with some other source of fat will require more land and water, and disrupt nature in another part of the world.

Thank you for the very informative link.

Did not know that.

I always try to avoid it but thanks to this list i at least know which company to trust about it a bit. Scorecard

Still wont buy anything from danone, mars or nestle tho.

I think it's fair to say those brands will source from the cheapest, scummiest places and it doesn't matter what "certificate" sticker is on the box.

But it is so hard to avoid them where I live :/ Even the fairtrade, vegan and responsible green washed products are from those 3...