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So where are the people saying edge couldn’t be uninstalled because it’s a core part of the system that other element depended upon. I swear I have seen this answer on every reddit post about uninstalling edge, yet Microsoft show its absolutely possible (although only in Europe, because dependencies don’t work the same in Europe 😂).

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It's weird they only stop selling them now, it's been at least a year in France we know it kills people. I believe there is also a trial.

Why would Phillips remove them in France but keep selling them in the usa ?

Edit: my bad, it's been 2 years we know it gives cancer.

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However, it said it would limit the changes to the EU because it is "concerned about their impacts on the privacy and security" of users.

What a joke.

doesn't most vpn user want to get rid of tracking and spying ? It would makes no sense for them to use Google vpn.

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Apple said it spent “months in conversation with the European Commission” about the DMA and that its plan reflects the work of “hundreds of Apple team members who spent tens of thousands of hours” on the solution.

This is something I can absolutely believe, attorney spent many hours twisting the law, bending it and figuring it in what way they could avoid it. Just like how Google, Microsoft, Amazon and apple are all evading taxes in Europe by setting companies in Ireland.

The law is simple, allow other app store on iPhones. It didn't need thousands of hours to figure it

When contacted about those allegations by the BBC, TikTok provided the statement: "With regards to users being locked out of the app until they called, that is false. All users had two methods for dismissing the notifications."

Probably the usual hidden grey button "dismiss" over greyish background, just as Google, Microsoft and some other do.

Isn't that market manipulation and anyway completely illegal to force buy back stock at 0$ ?? If I force you to sell me your house for 0$, whatever if it's in a contract, that would be illegal in Europe. 1€ would be fine tho.

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Castaneda also noted that the company (Google) will now pay “zero” dollars as part of the settlement after earlier facing a $5 billion penalty.

I can that a win (for Google).

For people like me who game once a month, and mostly stupid little game, this is great news. I bet many people could use that, it would reduce demand for graphic card and allow those who want them to buy cheaper.

bill of materials” for the headset at $1,542, and that doesn’t include the costs of research and development, packaging, marketing or Apple’s profit margin.

Please read it, it's just another version of the "the iPhone cost 500$ to make". Research and especially marketing can sometimes be as much as the material and assembly cost. Id be surprised that apple doesn't make a profit on it, but it might not be close at all to 100% .

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Yes because modern slavery is much more effective. Make people take over debt and then pay them the minimum, barely enough to survive, and they will do whatever you tell them to do. You don't need guard or weapon although a little bit of propaganda and no union, because union are communism and communism bad m'kay.

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For now

We’ll see how it goes if the device sell well.

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There is no denial a.i. is going to replace or significantly reduce some jobs. But I predict it's going to happen mostly in bullshit job like marketing, advertisement, the kind of journalism that repeat the same news from other reputed newspaper.

A.i. isn't going to replace the migrants that lay bricks in front on me, it's not going to replace their chief.

Make yourself a favor, delete this crap and instead use a real open source (means apache2) AI that performs even better than chatgpt4 or Google ai. Get Mistral 7B.

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Yeah, do nothing because you wouldn't take the risk it works.

If apple ecosystem is so better then there is no reason to fight over it, people won't force themselves to download new app store and apps when they are inferior.

But the truth is that iPhone apps made by apple are awesome, the way they works and synchronize with Mac and iCloud, excellent ! but the app store itself is filled with garbage that require very expensive subscription. I was shocked coming from Android to see such low quality and so expensive, and I'm pretty sure apple knows that. So when a new app store offer the same garbage but a little less expensive, and no apple fee, of course people are going to download it.

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I swear this keep getting reposted every single day for the last 4 days.

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The original article contains 196 words, the summary contains 196 words. Saved 0%. 👍🫡

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I looked on Google and found several website reporting this news, all unknown little shity website and linked to China like for instance china.org.

i think it's safe to say it's propaganda. I wish more people like you spent time checking the news here instead of brainlessly upvoting stuffs.

Local news publishers, Karolian told Engadget, almost entirely depend on selling ads and subscriptions to readers who visit their websites to survive.

Then it's time to change your business model. Ad driven journalism has shown it's limits decades ago, this is just regurgitating what other press agencies write and adding some ads over it.

Then it never stopped, question is irrelevant.

There are differences between play store and other store. For instance, on fdroid you have a pop up asking each and every time if you want to install or update the app after pressing install button. Play store you just click install and let it do its work in the background.

I don’t think fdroid can update app by itself in the background. Play store can.

I mean third party store doesn’t have access to some of the api play store have, things you don’t care but that is important to normies and that would induce reduced profit from epic store.

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We call that bullshit where I come from. Either it’s historical or it’s fiction. Fiction can be done in an historical setting, but is never historical itself.

This made me discover freetube, which is ads free and an excellent way to cut on YouTube «  time sink » that Google is so good at, with its recommended tab, auto play feature, clickbait title.

Until it's you who get wrongfully put in jail, but I get the point. I think everyone agree it's better now and also they should do everything they can to speed up the release of innocent people.

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That's hilarious.

Im not sure it's completely true, it feels like throwing the baby with the bath water. Yes you get rid of YouTube, Reddit and other social media infested in ai generated content but there is value on those website. I looked at YouTube yesterday on how to do placoplâtre, just today I read interesting article on sh.itjust.works and sometime ago had interesting conversation here, and so on. If tomorrow I'm viewing computer generated article, talking with bots and viewing bot generated video i might as well quit internet completely and live like in the 90's. It would be a setback, not improvement.

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Europe already did. That's just usa kind of catching up, if it ever success.

Without reading other answers, that certainly makes more sense than mine, I would take a cake. Like the best cake i ever ate in my life and eat it all immediately after being sent in Roman era. Because if I'm getting fucked at least let's enjoy a last meal and nothing else i could take would matter. Guns, medicines,..? It would all run out anyway and it wouldn't make me king of something.

Edit: and also a bottle of good wine because Roman win tasted like vinegar.

Very interesting article. I think with the amount of cash flowing into betting business and being used to lobby or finance campaign we won't see any regulation anytime soon.

We knew Tabaco was unhealthy already in 1947, it took 50 years to get serious regulation. Maybe in 2068 we'll fix betting issue, that's only 2 generation lost.

Chinese shit isn't going to sell by itself, hopefully there are people taking matter into their hand and buying expensive plastic phone that will be used once or two and then throwed away.

Yeah me too, I love it when they do the right thing. Of course we only know what they refuse to do, what they agree isn't public.

Very interesting article, learn nothing new but it's great to put things in perspective and try to understand why Google fcked up so badly.

We know what snowden does, and this guy is targeted by the usa. Basically never use phone, only computer on ethernet running qubesos from external drive on computer bought with cash.

It's not a secret by now.

Yeah you're right, Forgot about this use case.

when you can just turn them off (and examine the data it’s collected) in the settings

Is that part of the chromium engine which is open source or is it closed source ? Because if that part of the code is not visible it doesn't matter what Google tells you.

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Just as we stopped beating our chest with fist when angry, humans can understand pattern and forcefully prevent them.

Cmon that's not that difficult to understand: The same reason usa bans Chinese app. China, just as usa, has mass surveillance system and want to get every single data, they can't do that with apps owned by usa based companies.

Apple arm chips still have good days ahead of it. It’s been years since the MacBook m1 was released, how can competition not catch up already ?