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Joined 11 months ago

I'm a senior manager at a pretty big company.

That's something she does on the side, and if anyone in the workplace gave her shit, I would tell them to leave it the fuck alone unless they wanted me to bring HR in to the convo.

Can people please not be cunts? (I'm an Aussie...)

Edit: People need to disconnect things. Say there's leaked nudes (or even just public nudes) of a work colleague. Let's take it to they used to do porn. Yep, that's something they did. That has zero impact on their role now or who they are in their role. They don't deserve shame, or ridicule.

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WTF is this ramble at the end on about?

“While the Biden administration continues to make up rules that are unconstitutional, I will keep holding them accountable,” Paxton said in a statement released earlier this year. “I will not allow the Biden administration to threaten doctors and hospitals with this unlawful mandate and put millions of Texans’ access to healthcare on the line.”

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I've spent a lot of time in the US. I'm 6'5", shaved head, big beard, tattooed.... The number of neo-nazis who thought I was 'one of them' was horrible.

I'm SUPER left (in Australia I'm closest to The Greens). But skin heads thought I was a white supremacist nazi because I looked like them... I had to (politely) tell them to fuck right off.

Edit: One night in a bar in Fargo, ND (of all places) after some skin heads tried to complain to me about 'the black man' and I moved them along, a bunch of black guys came over to me and I won't lie I was worried they thought I was a skin head. The conversation was "You're one big motherfucker. How're you doing?" and realised I was an Aussie and we just got hammered. It was fucking awesome.

Australia is the most expensive place in the world for cigarettes so... The latter. But they won't ban it because it makes the govt. so much money.

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Nailed it

Hahaha, many many years ago that was in a meta tag on my website and the welcome banner for my mail server!

I can't believe I actually read the full transcript, but the interactions between Hunter and Matt Gaetz are hilarious

21 Mr. Lowell. Will the record show that we're all laughing?

22 The Witness. I mean, are you kidding me? No. I don't -- again --

23 Mr. Gaetz. So do you --

24 The Witness. I'm sorry, Mr. Gaetz, I'll take you seriously. And it's hard to do --

The thing most people don't realise is in a dom/sub relationship it's actually the sub who has all the power. They can withdraw consent etc. any time they want Having someone you're in a relationship with directly reporting to you is problematic and most companies would explicitly not permit it.

I manage a web dev team. We try to optimise as much as possible but then there's all sorts of tracking that gets tacked on by personalisation teams, opti teams, things like Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter/X scripts inserted too... It's pretty shit. And sometimes when things break it makes it super hard to debug too

Misrepresentation membership to a professional organisation that's regulated (in this case, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency regulates it) is illegal.

First two (as others have mentioned) can be symptoms of Anhedonia

Do you believe in rehabilitation? Would you say your values are exactly the same now as they were when you were a child? Do you think that people who grew up in unhealthy environments come out of it with a well-formed sense of psychonormativity?

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I used to work in restorative justice and you'd be surprised at the benefits for the offenders AND the victims/families of victims when I worked in criminology so I've had this conversation with the victims.

Does it always work? No. But when it does does it improve things? Generally yes. It's not black and white.

This is my thing. I have about 122TB of spinning metal (with the same as an offsite backup) with SSDs as ZIL and L2ARC. And it's awesome. HDDs I think will genuinely be important for for the foreseeable future.

He sounds mentally ill from the sounds of it. I'm sure he'll get the support he needs now cough

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I went through an existential crisis in my 20s because I was 'told' I needed to be religious but never was. I read a lot of theological and philosophical texts and came to a conclusion similar to yours, if there's a 'God', then they're cruel. I oddly get Pantheism more than Monotheism, because at least it justifies that there's 'good' and 'bad' deities but a lot of them are based on interpretations of phenomena that can now be explained by science.

I took much more to philosophy. I know what I believe is right and wrong morally, and science explains (almost) everything. If there's a 'God'-like figure, they can suck my nut sack because I believe they are at best indifferent, at worst, evil.

This is a very lengthy examination of the primaries. It doesn't really conclude anything except that the process in 2016 wasn't as transparent as it usually was and it might be reasonable to think it might have been rigged.


Thing is Ukraine doesn't have a defense pact with the US. The US is doing this out of (insert any number of reasons ranging from stability in the region, strengthening ties, propping up military manufacturers etc).

The Philippines have had a defense pact with the US since 1951 and basically means if things can't be resolved diplomatically the US will commit not just arms but fighting forces to the joint defense of the nation.

To quote Wikipedia - 'In a 2022 meeting, US Vice-President Kamala Harris reportedly assured Philippine president Bongbong Marcos that "an armed attack on the Philippines armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea would invoke US Mutual Defense commitments."'

A couple of years ago I ended up in the 1% because of one single thing I posted 2 weeks after I signed up purely to generate some rage because so many subs needed minimum karma... Can completely attest to this.

It also takes longer to audit people who are trying to screw with the system so it's sometimes just "Eh too hard" which is a bad reason to not do it...

My cats are indoors only, in part because I'm worried they'll be abused/stolen but also because they are apex predators. I've seen them even just playing and they're... Brutal. I have literal scars from them 'playing'.

But they're happy. And safe. It's OK for them to be indoors cats if I just keep them stimulated. They have zoomies, they get a bit shitty at times but they're fine.

Mine was... A couple of hundred in AUD? And managed to get it at 31 too. Knew I never ever wanted kids, had a letter from my psych and the doctor asked me a few questions and said "Yeah, I get it..."

Snip snip, some pain for about 5 days and all done. Don't regret it one bit.

edit: Mine is technically reversible but from what I read the chances of that being successful drops each year.

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Give me some save-scumming!

I wonder if the writers for Galaxy Quest could sue him too! 😀

I was wondering if this was Australia. I've heard of issues with smart meters and the issue is annoyingly complex as the information they get from the AEMO isn't always correct.

Source: Have worked in the energy utilities sector in the past...

I got burnt out between my last job and my current one. I quit and took 3 months off before starting my current job.

Admittedly I had ~30k saved and went through about 15k of that in the 3 months as I went travelling etc. but I wasn't stressed. I emailed some friends and shot some old colleagues on linkedin saying I was looking. An old friend got me an interview in the first month, went through the whole process in about 2 weeks after that and had a new job lined up 1 month before I was due back home. But I didn't have that "Oh shit, I need to start my new job ASAP! I'm fucked!!!" panic which was nice.

I was also much more relaxed in the interviews etc. because I wasn't panicking for work, instead I became super picky about what I wanted and was very open about it. Asked for more money, was open about what I actually want to do and it all worked out. It was amazing - in the past I was more trying to escape a bad workplace vs. going "I know what I want, can you make this work for both of us?"

I use lemmy obviously. But I've started reading books again rather than doomscrolling until I fall asleep at night, and also more gaming and socialising in general.

I think it was a crutch for my depression.

The Venture Bros does have a couple of borderline transphobic jokes about Dr. Mrs. The Monarch in one episode

In Australia I know a lot of people who vote purely based on how their parents voted. That includes people voting against their own interests and refuse to do any research that might change their minds...

I'm a dev manager... I have 3x4k monitors. I watch server loads, I watch the build pipeline and watch the commit logs etc.

Overkill these days, but I'm also a gamer sooooo....

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I've had migraines so yes. But also I had the 'brain zap' side-effects from antipsychotics too and that is very unnerving as it feels like an electric zap in your brain. It makes you wince and twitch.

0/10, wouldn't recommend.

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As someone who grew up with a Commodore 64 I present Bruce Lee

(oddly I can't upload gifs so apologies for the link)

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As a fan of American Dad - "Yaks Cousteau", "Yakie O", "Yakie Chan" and "Yakety Yak - Don't Talk Back"

I've set up 'informal working arrangements' for a few people in my team because of family arrangements, health etc.

I might have also told one of the execs that I thought the return to office policy was BS while tipsy one night. He did agree though...

As most said here, it depends a lot. I usually wait for them to make the first move (offer their hand for a handshake or if they go in for a hug just roll with it). Let them do what's comfortable and let them initiate.

It was a problem with early WD green drives IIRC. The power management was exceptionally aggressive and caused massive issues when put in to any RAID-like set up. You could override it though generally.

Ocean Lab - Breaking Ties (https://youtu.be/g13nsQaCxbg )

Great breakup song if you want to just let it out

John Farnham - Help (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dv54giOSRKs )

This is a cover of the Beatles song. Very different vibe to the original

Realising now my music tastes are a bit weird...

I have a limited edition cell from the Justice League animated series signed by Bruce Timm. Got it about 15 years ago for about $900AUD, it's worth about $2000AUD now.

https://www.animationartgallery.com/product-p/wblcc1212.htm (plus I got it shipped with a proper frame and UV perspex etc.)

I've done a bunch of transcoding of things to x265 in the past (as I'm sure everyone is aware transcoding isn't GREAT but cuts down on storage costs). With that said I've now moved to AV1. I don't use GPU encoders at all as I found the quality to be pretty terrible. I just use a custom written ZSH script to go through and check the current format (it also converts audio to OPUS too)

Monthly here...