Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy

captainred@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 648 points –
Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy

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I'm a senior manager at a pretty big company.

That's something she does on the side, and if anyone in the workplace gave her shit, I would tell them to leave it the fuck alone unless they wanted me to bring HR in to the convo.

Can people please not be cunts? (I'm an Aussie...)

Edit: People need to disconnect things. Say there's leaked nudes (or even just public nudes) of a work colleague. Let's take it to they used to do porn. Yep, that's something they did. That has zero impact on their role now or who they are in their role. They don't deserve shame, or ridicule.

What would HR at your company say?

Stop giving people shit about their "hobbies".

Are you saying that to me or as a quote?

"We need to protect our innocent company from these scumbag workers at all cost!"

I assume, they don't exist to protect workers' rights.

HR where I work is excessively paranoid about terminations. They will want a paper trail of performance failures or argue to death that "then they'll be able to argue they were really fired for a protected reason. Get me a paper trail of performance failures".

Not saying our HR is worker-friendly. They're just VERY lawsuit-averse.

Flip-side, I worked at a company that fired anyone for any reason and just kept cash aside for wrongful termination suits. And they had a HUGE HR team, whose job it was to keep the employers happy.

If the actions of an employee will reflect on a company, why shouldnt they have the right to decide to work with someone that doesnt do those things on the side?

If an america employee went on the news yelling racist things (on the side), shouldnt they company have the right not to work with them?

Yes - and the company should then pay the employee for the termination unrelated in any way to their performance on the job. Keep in mind, the better solution would be to have racism be actually illegal in 'murica, so the employer fires that employee after they explicitly break the law.

he better solution would be to have racism be actually illegal

How exactly would you do this, and who gets to decide what is racist? Right now we have half country getting called racist on a regular basis.

You do what most of the world already did. Simple as that. Oh, forgive me - I forgot 'murica likes being stuck 200 years in the past at all times.

You mean the rest of the world where people get put in prison for having a bad opinion? If that is stuck 200 years in the past, I will take it.

'murican being 'murican, as expected. "I don't wanna go to prison for being a racist cunt, I want black people to keep going to prison for literally no reason instead! wah wah wah!"

Oh gotcha you are just strawman guy... Sure dude, people are just going to prison becuase of their race, you are a genius! I guess you just want them to go to prison for say naughty things or drawing pictures of prophets.

Sure dude, people are just going to prison becuase of their race, you are a genius!

How much of a privileged cunt a person would have to be to think otherwise? Oh, my bad - your country prefers to shoot black people outright, huh?

Now you have switched to false narrative guy. You are very versatile.

Why is it always corporations that should get the slack. Aren't you and me more important, our rights? You're not a megacorp, why do you take their side? They're not on yours!

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