
1 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Satanic Nexus - A Firefish instance for atheistic Satanism
Keyoxide - ID proof
Mullem - a Firefox Add On for Lemmy.

Might be worth remembering here that Lemmy instances, including .world are hosted by regular people. Not massive multinational companies worth billions who can engage the best legal talent around.

If Hollywood comes after a Lemmy instance, Holywood have a huge legal team and endless money. The Lemmy instance has some guy. They could quite literally destroy a persons life. With that in mind, I don't blame any instance owners for erring on the side of taking a stance that won't put them in the legal firing line.

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It's an OK article but would've liked Max to be a little kinder in terms of an explanation as to why both Lemmy and KBin are at the state they're currently in.

Six weeks ago, the two dev teams (and for KBin that was one person) were writing code for barely used platforms. Now all of a sudden, the code they're writing is catering to over a million people across hundreds of instances. This is Alpha software so of course some tools and documentation are missing. These two dev teams have been in fire-fighting mode for the last few weeks I expect. There's no large dev teams here, no billionaire backers able to throw money at an issue.

The article was good overall but it would've been better if there'd been an explanation offered as to how they're being developed and why some features are not in place yet.

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OP: Please try and support instance admins and Lemmy devs

Sync fans in the comments: Yes, I bought Sync and love it

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I think people are forgetting that Reddit didn't start off with communities (subs), they came later. Reddit got big the same way all sites that don't have a built in audience (e.g. Threads users basically being Insta users) - time and commitment.

Lemmy is not going to be as big as Reddit for a long, long time. Everyone has fallen into this habit of thinking all Reddit mods are power crazy egomaniacs and some are, no doubt, but the good subs on Reddit required dedicated time and effort to build up. Curating, introducing and constantly readjusting rules and expectations and at some point a good sub reaches a tipping point and it's popular.

All this will take time with Lemmy. Community mods will need to be as dedicated as Reddit mods were. And, as a side issue, this commitment to making and keeping a community great is what spez and his idiot gremlins have just thrown away. It's not about user numbers for Reddit, it's now a priority for them to get mods who are willing and able to put in the amount of work the mods they just alienated had. Subreddit engagement stats are mostly going down take a look at the number of posts and the number of comments for r/askreddit, it's a steady decline.

Lemmy might not ever get as big as Reddit but it will grow if mods stay committed and users keep posting and commenting. If that happens, that same tipping point will come.

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Capitalism has led us to believe the only true value of something is financial. Education shouldn't just be about positioning you for a good career. We've substituted human morals for religious dogma. We need David Lynch to do one more season of Twin Peaks.

I'm not saying they are or aren't. I'm simply saying that we all know the big media companies go after people at the drop of a hat. They recently tried to get reddit to expose the identities of people discussing piracy over there. To their credit reddit told them no and defended themselves legally. And that's the issue. The media companies can accuse anyone of anything if it even slightly smells like piracy and the target has to legally defend themselves. This is fine if you're a multibillion valued company. Not so fine if you're just some guy who just wanted to run a Lemmy instance out of his own pocket.

Call your friend a cunt in America: people lose their shit.

Call your friend a cunt in the UK or Aussieland: Everyone laughs.

Culture is sometimes a very nuanced thing.

Lemmy is a piece of software. Lemmy software is a link aggregator - same as reddit.

So you’re signed up to a server that's installed an instance (a copy) of the Lemmy software. Other servers also run the Lemmy software making them also instances of Lemmy. As well as you being able to talk to users in Communities (think subreddits) on the lemmy.world server, you can talk to users in Communities on other Lemmy instances. For example, lemmy.ml, feddit.de etc etc

KBin is also link aggregator software, just like Lemmy and Reddit. Same things apply there, same software on multiple servers, all able to talk with each other.

Mastodon software is a microblogging service - same as Twitter (and Threads). Just like instances of Lemmy, instances of Mastodon can talk to each other. So a user on mastodon.world can talk to (for example) a user on kolektiva.social which is also running the Mastodon software.

There’s also Pixelfed (Instagram), PeerTube (YouTube), Friendica (Facebook), Plume (WordPress) and a large variety of others.

Now, as well as all these different types of software (Lemmy, Mastodon, KBin, PixelFed etc) being able to talk to other instances of the same software on other servers, because they are all underpinned by a single method of passing information called ActivityPub, each type of software can also talk to each other - so you as a Lemmy user can also see posts and comments from a user on a server running an instance of Mastodon (or Plume, or PixedlFed, or...you get the idea). All these things are loosely joined together making a joined (federated) universe - the fediverse.

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I understand a lot of the arguments made and in reality you're right, if they want our data, they'll get it.

However, I also think that making it as difficult and therefore expensive as possible for them is a legitimate way to respond and make it clear to them that they are here on sufferance and not welcome. That might be seen as immature and pointless and maybe that's so, but I do think it's important to defederate from Threads to demonstrate our collective unwillingness to become their commodity.

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Lemmy's federation code is not as mature as Mastodon's. Mastodon is probably the most mature codebase in the fediverse. This means that a Mastodon user sees a Lemmy community as just another user, so they can 'subscribe' to that community and post to it and join in the comments section of posts they've created.

So it's not so much that Lemmy knows not to show Mastodon content, it's more that right right now it's not able to (in a Lemmy-to-Mastodon direction), Lemmy federates very well with other Lemmy instances but not so well with non-Lemmy instances. That will improve as Lemmy gets developed further.

The other thing to bear in mind is that Mastodon and Lemmy present content differently. Mastodon is a microblogging service like Twitter whereas Lemmy is a link aggregator like Reddit. This means that Lemmy content is usually longer and has a title whereas Mastodon content is shorter and has no title. All these things will need to be ironed out as integration deepens.

Audiobookshelf got an android app too.

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Also, installation instructions that don't assume you're already an expert.

I’ve seen the controversy where lemmy.world defederated from 2 piracy instances.

No they didn't. They blocked 3 communities from 2 different instances. All other communities on those instances are available to .world users and .world is still available to all users on those two instances.

Blocking individual communities is not the same thing as defederating from those instances.

Subscriber numbers mean little. Take a look at the trend for the posts per day and comments per day graphs. They're far more accurate indicators of the level of engagement actual users are having with reddit.

I've just checked for 10 of the subs I used to subscribe to, 2 of which have over 30m subscribers - all of them have the same downward trend in terms of posts and comments. I'm not saying reddit is in trouble but less new content is being created and that which is is being talked about less, eventually that will take a toll.

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Not quite. This is from their OpenCollective Page:

"Lemmy is entirely open source and funded exclusively by donations. The maintainers dessalines and nutomic have been working on it full time for the past years thanks to generous support by the NLnet foundation. Now that this support is coming to an end, the project is increasingly relying on donations from individual users to fund development. Your donation allows the developers to fully focus on making Lemmy better for everyone."

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It's not just the Tories, Keir Starmer has already tried to get VPN's included in the bill. Don't kid yourself its going to be any better when Labour get in.

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I think at least some of it is due to his acceptance of Meta's Threads (should they ever get around to federating). He see's it as an opportunity, a lot of others see it as letting the wolf through the door.

Note: I'm not arguing either side, I'm just saying that I think that's what the issue is.

Its decentralized nature isn't due to censorship, or a lack of it, but its structure. Of course there's going to be some degree of censorship because instances all have individual rules which, if you break, you'll be penalized for which can take the form of removal of content.

The only way to have total free speech is create your own instance which is a total free for all but then you'll attract the worst sort of people and your instance will end up defederated by instance owners who don't want content from literal Nazis federated to their instances.

I might be unaware of some technical issues here but why not just get another domain, point it at the server, then update the database to change all references to lemmy.ml to thenewdomain.tld and then make an announcement on a couple of the bigger instances? Federation will take care of propagating the news far and wide. Then, as users hear the news they can just login using the same details and those of us subscribed to Communities on .ml can just update our subscriptions.

I mean, it's not a perfect solution but it'll work, surely?

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That grant is coming to an end, if it hasn't already.

"any big tech company can just buy the entire fediverse if they want to"

They literally can't.

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If all the big instances go away through lack of financial support, they're going to find out they paid $130 to swap Sync memes with the 3 people left.

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You might need to re-read my post. I don't believe I said Threads was going to EEE Lemmy. I referred (repeatedly) to ActivityPub. So, it's a bit misleading to say I'm inciting a pitchfork mob.

You're right to say Mastodon and Lemmy don't operate seamlessly, but Mastodon users can already follow and post to Lemmy Communities. They see Communities as just another User. And the more fediverse tools develop, I'm sure this will only strengthen.

I'm also not saying 'corporations bad'. I'm saying 'corporations are unnecessary for the fediverse to exist and probably will do bad things'.

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I already know of one admin of a very large Mastodon instance who's already stated they're not going to defed and are adopting a 'wait and see' approach.

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Nothing. It's just 3 communities on dbzero that are blocked and as far as I know, they're only blocked on .world. There's no defederation so you as a user signed up to dbzero can still participate in any .world community and any .world user can still interact with communities on dbzero apart from the three named.

Mine used to be Martin Router Ping.

I think between those 5, there's not a country on the planet that hasn't been infiltrated.

Don't know about the other 2 but .world has been enduring an on/off ddos attack for over a week, then yesterday had a non ddos related db issue.

I don't know about you but engaging a lawyer and going to court to defend myself would be a massive financial drain. And to risk that on simply the hope that a court might find in my favour is far too big of a risk. Then add on all the unwanted public exposure, the internet notoriety etc. Fuck that.

Seriously why do you care ?

Not the person you were replying to but it does get a bit much when a thread isn't about Sync - like this one for example, which is trying to draw attention to funding Lemmy development and instance sustainability - and then it gets hit with people talking about how much they love Sync and they're happy to pay for it.

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It is absolutely blowing my mind how insular some people are. 'just let me use Sync', 'I just want to access Lemmy in my favourite app', 'who asked you for your opinion?'

It's like they don't know that the API their app accesses was built by a couple of guys or that the data their app consumes is paid for by people running that software. And then they get uppity when you point out to them that maybe a thread pointing out it might be a good idea to support those people isn't the place for them to tell everyone how much they love Sync.

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Based on your posts so far my friend, its becoming clearer why you think there's no one to interact with.

You're right, we'd certainly have a lot less spam to deal with.

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That's a bit naive, knowing what we know about the sharks that run the large media corporations. For your average instance owner, it's not a question of being found not liable, it's the fact that you as an ordinary guy with an ordinary life and an ordinary income suddenly have to defend yourself legally with all the exposure and expense that entails, from day one.

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I dunno man, when it comes right down to it, who are any of us really? Y'know?

Give a Firefish (fka Calckey) instance a go. It's a bit like Mastodon and a bit like Tumblr and a little bit like TikTok.

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No problem :)

It really depends on your intention...if you intend to just interact with (for example) Mastodon users that appear occasionally in the Lemmy communities you're a part of then there's no need at all. Or if you want to communicate occasionally with a Mastodon (or any other type of software) user then you could use their Mastodon handle to do so - for example go to the Search box on your Lemmy instance and type in @Mastodon@mastodon.social (which is the 'official' Mastodon account on the mastodon.social server but it can be any handle) wait for a few seconds (or longer depending on the speed of the server) and the user account with the ability to private message them appears. There are currently some issues but it used to be possible to post directly to a Mastodon user's timeline from Lemmy. Mastodon users can post to Lemmy. It's worth remembering that Mastodon is a LOT more mature as a product than Lemmy, which is still in its infancy.

For now, at least, Id say if you're looking to spend a lot of time on each different software type then register an account at an instance of it. The integration will come, but the fediverse is young, Lemmy in particular is very young so it'll take time.

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That's an absolute gut punch :(

I had no idea he was even ill. Fuck. On the off-chance a family member or friend stumbles across this thread, I'm very sorry for your loss.

They might contribute to an existing instance sure, but I doubt they'd host. There's no real financial incentive for the profit driven to host a Lemmy instance unless they charge for membership and I doubt even Sync users are naive enough to pay twice for something.

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Probably the part between the trailers and the credits.