🌱 πŸ„πŸŒ±

@🌱 πŸ„πŸŒ± @lemmy.world
421 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A little cow in a big world!


Female and old enough to be an avid user of IRC, AOL chatrooms, Myspace, etc.

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Really quite sad that I was removed without any sort of communication or a chance to respond, I have spent months removing posts and comments that were against the code of conduct. I have responded to criticism regarding the moderation of the community in the past and the way this has occurred has broken my heart about a community i cared about.

I'll share some recent quotes from messages I've sent to other mods and admins:

"Hello I wanted to send a message to say that I am interested in helping more. I really like lemmy.world and want the platform to succeed and want to help."

"Even if another is chosen for these roles I would be happy to help as a community moderator to help lemmy.world grow and continue to be the best lemmy instance! Thanks for everything you and the admin team do πŸ™‚"

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Thanks for the alternate sources I edited the post to change the link

Rule 1

The previous had a post title that did not match the article title

would you be willing to add me back to the team? I did nothing wrong and care about the world news community?

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Many scientists have discussed the impact that positive feedback loops have in climate science and why events will occur with increasing frequency and severity in the coming years:


Here are some short films that discuss the various areas that these occur within.

For me I have hope that by spreading awareness and organizing we can work together to pressure our governments around the world to embrace the change needed

thank you, I don't really care about top mod and if i made some big mistake to be demoted from that i only wish to know so i can do better. If the admins don't want me to be a moderator any more i would appreciate knowing what I did wrong for closure. I have been removed from the discord when removed from being a moderator so can only communicate here.

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If only I had 2000 euros to spare for this beauty...

Love this album, great post!

Yes I agree, having laws against fake-news is really important now that A.I can quickly write bogus stories and image/video deep fakes are easily made

I don't really have much choice but thank you

From what I understand Putin is using a stricter definition of "cluster bombs" as a muntition containing a bomblets submunition.

I have seen of Russian videos munitions are hypersonic missiles, thermobaric bombs (incendiary submunition), and timed remote mine submunitions (a timed self-destruct feature or one that turns it inert after a while) but none utilizing a pressure fuse like the butterfly mines that were used by Ukraine.

They are terrible weapons regardless of definition

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The upcoming election in Taiwan is very important there is some discontent with the DPP, as shown here: https://twitter.com/Chunyu_China/status/1680857161751236609

Also this article has a great breakdown of the political situation there: https://jamestown.org/program/why-taiwans-2024-presidential-election-is-wide-open/


"Shortly after Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) suffered the worst loss in its 37-year history, Nikkei Asia Review published an article entitled β€œTaiwan’s KMT has a mountain to climb for 2024 presidential race” that cautioned not to read too much into the opposition Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) success in the local elections last November (Nikkei Asia, November 29, 2022)."

"Much like its handling of the pandemic, the Tsai administration’s cross-Strait policy was popular early in her second term, but is showing signs of strain given its inflexible nature. To be sure, Taiwanese elected Tsai in part because they trusted her more than the KMT’s 2020 presidential nominee Han Kuo-yu to safeguard Taiwan’s sovereignty and way of life. As Tsai defeated Han in a landslide in which she received 57.1 percent of the vote, she entered her second term with a strong mandate to stand firm against Chinese aggression (Taipei Times, January 12, 2020). However, the ripple effect from U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last August has complicated what had been a straightforward task for the DPP. As long as China’s coercion of Taiwan was confined to sanctions, poaching of diplomatic allies and small-scale gray-zone activity, the Tsai administration could focus on strengthening ties with the U.S., Japan and other democracies, while taking care not to escalate tensions with Beijing. The DPP faced little public pressure to re-establish dialogue with China given it’s hostility toward Taiwan, especially when the pandemic occupied the attention of Taiwanese society. Pelosi’s visit was a game changer, though. Even if many Taiwanese welcomed the diplomatic recognition the visit conferred on their country, after observing China’s unprecedented martial muscle flexing, they realized that the stakes of this game had risen sharply"

As with most countries the prospect of a war that could destroy economy, kill citizens, and prevent any peaceful discussions is one not favored by most.

I have constantly had timely response to reports they can look at my mod actions or actions on reports for that. The sidebar is currently as I had last changed it, so you can see that posting full articles or using a means to by-pass paywalls are forbidden. I personally have removed posts that violated that rule. As far as I knew the /c/world community was in sync with the us focused c/news and c/politics communities and was never told of anything that was wrong. A large part of why this was so upsetting to me as I had no communication or warning, just I wake up to be removed from moderation and removed from the discord. Thank you for acting as an intermediary.

I like to use "Hot" instead of active as it seems to fetch posts from a more diverse set of communities

I've also heard that view by new comments is solid as well

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A bit late but hello!

Thank you for the post

I actually made one a few months ago it is linked in the https://lemmy.world/c/politics and https://lemmy.world/c/world sidebar: https://lemmy.world/c/globalpolitics

Absolutely heartbreaking, my support for the NZ people

a bicycle powered generator would save me so much on heating bills

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Ohhh is that what unchecking the "show bot account" does I thought it removed the badge indicating a user was a bot account. Thanks!

Per the article: "The term "security barrier" is reminiscent of the so-called "Great Firewall" – a term used to describe the myriad legislative actions and technologies regulating the internet in and around the Middle Kingdom. The Great Firewall ensures, among other things, censorship and limited access to any foreign media service or entity that may not be aligned with Party values.

Many foreign organizations have found it difficult to navigate the constant onslaught of regulations coming from Beijing. LinkedIn, Google, Meta and Zoom are all part of a growing list of businesses that have turned their backs on Xi's paradise.

Recent regulations from China have also targeted more conventionally unwanted domestic behaviors – such as toxic online fan clubs and opportunistic livestreamers taking money from children.

In late February, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said it cleaned up 54.3 million pieces of information it deemed undesirable in 2022 alone.

According to Alibaba-owned news outlet South China Morning Post, the weekend's newly announced directions immediately led to the implementation of a week-long anti-rumor campaign from China's Ministry of Public Security. The campaign includes activating police departments to spread warnings about misinformation.

As part of the campaign, Shanghai police already reported on Chinese social media website Weibo they have targeted 258 people and shut down 460 illegal accounts for violations. Police in Sichuan province reportedly dealt with five individuals and 52 cases of rumormongering and shut down 116 online accounts"

Sounds like it is formalizing the regulations regarding toxic online fan clubs and opportunistic livestreamers and adding it to the list of regulations that encompass the Great Firewall, while stating that the Great Firewall / Chinese Cybersecurity & Telecom will be subject to Xi Jinping thought, same as the recent Socialist A.I announcement. Essentially all tech must be developed with those tenets in mind.

"Ensuring Communist Party of China leadership over all forms of work in China."

and Adopting new science-based ideas for "innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development".

from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping_Thought

If you want to check out the world partner to this politics community there is https://lemmy.world/c/globalpolitics

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Sinti are a subgroup of Romani mostly in Germany and Central Europe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinti

"The Sinti migrated to Germany in the early 15th century ... [in]1899, the police kept a central register on Sinti, Roma, and Yenish peoples

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Removed for Rule 1 - Title must match the article headline

I'm really confused lol, that is not me I have this account and one on beehaw.

How strange I had a different comment but I edited it and it changed to that one ...

just eat strawberries in front of a fan maybe ill get a nice pod with pretty images and music when i go...

As @neuromancer@lemmy.world suggested would you be willing to ban opinion/editorial pieces?

Also, can you clarify the no spam rule?

Currently, it is "No spamming: Please do not post the same content multiple times or post links to irrelevant websites." yet I was banned for posting too many different articles in too short of a time period.

Thanks for the openness and desire to improve an important community on the fediverse.

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I think that they are different based on their history:


"β€œRoma” (or Sinto, Manouche, Kalo, Romanichal) and β€œGypsy” (or nomad, Gitano, Bohemien, Sarrasin, Heiden etc.) are not the same thing and they are not synonyms. These terms refer to the same people but viewed and designated differently.

β€œRoma” is the word (ethnonym) that the Roma use to describe themselves: it is the term for the members of that specific people and it is Romani for β€œman”. β€œGypsy” is a derogatory, disparaging term – for many an insult β€” used by the majority population to define the Roma people."

There are members of the mod team from the U.S, U.K, and E.U

I am a Catholic Woman from Southern Europe and have always thought of this community as one where we can come together to learn and discuss current events. I try not to engage much in comments as to me the role of moderator should be one that facilitates the user's discussions above all else.

true and while this community was allowing world politics I was posting here instead of in globalpolitics but now that the politics mods have reverted that rule I am following it


From the article: "adopting new rules for tech firms that include disclosure of copyrighted and AI-generated content" "EU lawmakers in June agreed to a trailblazing set of draft rules, which would make companies such as ChatGPT operator OpenAI disclose AI-generated content, help distinguish so-called deep fake images from real ones and ensure safeguards against illegal content."

So in pursuits of protecting artists & data which is in line with the GDPR, while reducing the amount of disinformation that these types of technologies can create.

Removed - not a news source (blog)

One of the most recognizable melodies such a good song

It is what the article's original text is, but I agree with HikingVet that it is probably meant to be Chile

because I am from Europe? I'm sorry that doesn't make sense

It seems this policy may be in connection to one enacted in 2022: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2022/09/14/france-to-limit-energy-price-hikes-to-15-in-2023_5996945_7.html

"Very early on, we took strong measures to protect the French public. But everyone knows, and we have to say it transparently: These measures come at a cost to our public finances," Ms. Borne said in justification of the less generous caps. In total, the government's capping measures next year are expected to cost €16 billion, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said at the conference, with €11 billion going toward gas and €5 billion on electricity."

So I would say that the French govt. directly subsidizes this price regulation