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Joined 1 years ago

I don't really get what the hate was for Google+, it was better than the alternative/competitor at the time (Facebook)

27 more...

Imagine thinking those were bad things! That's close to 50% of the US voting population (and I'd like to pretend it was only them, but the rest of the world isnt necessarily better).

How the fuck did we get here? Actually scratch that, i know that humans are greedy, tribal animals who are driven by biological urges only sometimes obscured by higher level thought. The bigger question is how the fuck did we manage to make it as far as we have?

30 more...

I don't think anyone seriously thinks you can actually get rid of cars entirely, but rather they're annoyed that everything is built around the idea that you drive everywhere. This is damaging to the environment, human health, and probably even stifles community and culture.

This is hardly surprising. It's immediately noticeable in images, but we'll have to be very careful with other forms of output as the decline could be subtle enough to go unnoticed at first. There's a very real risk of poisoning our sources of data by allowing AI to write back to them without oversight. And given that the sources of data seem to be things like Reddit and twitter this is a real concern.

No idea, but I refuse to use it on principle. They are still some small communities in Reddit that I stay part of, but I come to Lemmy first.

Threads has not launched in Europe because it breaks European laws. Yet 100M people jumped straight on it.

He's Australian, we're used to getting screwed on pricing for everything.

I'm getting around this by having no posters or subscribers on the community I created.

Great, another sport I can be picked last for.

They spent most of the 20th century telling us that Russia was the biggest threat to the world. 25 years later Russia starts invading its neighbouring countries and the halfwits are taking the Russian side.

It's a bit sooner than I'd expected

I have a friend who was in the army and said they had to do 100+km training hikes. No one wanted to have to stop to poo so the first thing they did, before even starting, was to eat the block of cheese from their ration packs. They called it plug cheese.

I know more than I ever need to about American drip coffee machines, and yet I don't want one and wouldn't know where to buy one here in Australia eveb if I did want one.

Some places you're not supposed to plug anything in unless it's tested and tagged. Unlikely to be an issue in a public area, but if you're somewhere that the power getting tripped would be a safety issue then best to ask first.

They already had Instagram. Just take Instagram and replaced pictures and video with text. Job done. Tbh I'm not even sure why it needs a separate app instead of just adding it to insta.

Jerboa is ok. It certainly isn't perfect but it's getting there. I've always liked baconreader too.

There's a reason he's the ex pm. He was the poster boy of falling upwards but the people finally realised how inept he was.

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And 40% dollamite?

I make a curry of: tofu, green lentils, pearl barley, pearl cous cous, pumpkin, potato, onions, and whatever else is in the vege drawer of the fridge. Then I cook it in a laksa paste with coconut milk. it's delicious and keeps in the fridge for at least a week with no meat.

Similarly: your employee steals from you and it's a crime. You don't pay your employee and they have to take you to court to get what you owe them.

And what was on that hard drive sewn into the lining of the laptop bag?

Done and done!

I work in marketing and only recently realised how closed the internet has become. I've always held that social media can come and go, people can use messenger and Twitter and Snapchat and insta all they like but email is a always a leveller that always works - then I found out about sending reputation. There's a reason no one uses their own mail servers anymore, if you set up an email server on your own hardware then there's a good chance that your emails won't make it to the recipients behind spam filters. Basically, if you want to send emails now then you need to do it through an established service.

I'd prefer if Elmo had to be the first one to take his rocket to Mars.

Really? It's not uncommon for me to have a service through one company and have that company be sold to another. I can think of at least two banks that I was a customer of when this happened. Similarly I'm sure it's happened with some utilities, and maybe a telco.

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I've been bleaching and dying my hair different colours for the last few years (because I didn't go to the office for two years and then no one cared). I recently got a new passport and had blue hair for the photo. Fortunately the main photo is black and white as my hair is purple now, and will likely be a different colour by the end of the year.

The old double impacted colon!

Social media is literally nothing without its users. Do you think it's technically challenging to create a forum, or a feed of brain farts? A few rich people seem to have forgotten that recently.

I think I've learned over the years that I can like almost anything, and although I'm more likely to like music from my favourite genres, it's possible I'll like anything.

The most recent example I can think is that an artist I like did a cover/colab of Unholy by Sam Smith and after listening a couple of times I listened to the original and found I actually prefer that.

I also like things which are borderline not music, like The Shaggs.

Just a note, try to get her to sit on her legs straight. It's not good for their hips and back to sit off to the side like that. Wouldn't want that cute pupper to get an injury.

I could eat for a week in what I'd costs to buy one McD meal. It's wouldn't be a very varied diet for the week but it would probably be healthier than the one McD meal.

There's a street light outside my house, I swear I'm going to open the hatch and install a gpo if I ever get an electric car.

If they don't continue to get AMA's from celebrities then it's going to be a fairly big hit to the site, I feel like that was a big pull for the "general public" type of user.

It's a bit sooner than I'd expected