Google Domains to shut down to – 252 points –
Google Domains to shut down

I'm still in disbelief having heard this for the first time today.


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Really? It's not uncommon for me to have a service through one company and have that company be sold to another. I can think of at least two banks that I was a customer of when this happened. Similarly I'm sure it's happened with some utilities, and maybe a telco.

  1. In this case, the service is disconnected from your data. With Google et al., your data is the product.
  2. Closing or some other form of taking your banking account hostage until you give them permission is not exactly something that should ever be possible to happen. This kind of service needs to be heavily regulated. Much unlike Facebook or some other social media stuff.

Who said anything about "common/uncommon"? Are you really enough of a subservient piece of shit to think that the way capitalism does things dictates the way they should be?