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Joined 1 years ago

We get shitty choices because our political system allows for institutional bribery.

Our choices will forever be limited until bribery is removed for the system.

Let's see, in the 80s we rapidly moved much of our technology manufacturing to China, and now we're shocked that China has this knowledge?

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Lots of folks here with strong opinions that have never dealt with legal proceedings, or an itemized bill calculated in 6-minute increments.

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The wholly predictable outcome of poorly regulating capitalism.

"The market will create competition and the best products." No. The market will seek the optimal method to make the most money, and if that optimal method includes killing people, that will be the method selected.

Start putting people in jail and taking businesses into receivership for bad behavior, and then the optional method for maximizing profit will also result in better products.

The anti-trust pressure has increased with this administration. Lina Kahn has been effective at the FTC in bringing a number of cases forward. is a very well executed newsletter with more detailed information regarding anti-trust if you're interested.

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At their core, many are just bullies and it nicely appeals to the emotionally stunted desires of their base.

I recently watched a Nazi documentary on Netflix, and the parallels beyond concerning. If Trump is elected, you should expect Brown Shirt like violence.

For those who think my statement is alarmist, it takes time for fascist propaganda to build inertia, and we're somewhere in the middle of the progression. If you're paying attention, you can see and hear the rhetoric getting more violent. They are following a similar playbook to the Nazis by stimulating the rural communities with more and more nationalist rhetoric.

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Yes you can, that is the definition of what a trademark is.

Could you imagine 20 different brands of Coke on the shelf?

The usage is specific to a market, however. For example, Delta Airlines and Delta Faucets. Both trademark "Delta."

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Isn't that convenient?

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Is this AI generated?

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This is what Texans vote for right?

Lower regulations and minimal worker rights?

That's why Daddy Musk set up shop there.

You're projecting logical thinking. Stop.

The Republicans need wedge issues for culture wars. It's a numbers game and that's all they care about.

Projecting logic and critical thinking on a party that's moving towards fascism is a fool's errand.

If you have the evidence against Biden, present it.

Here's some for Trump:

On October 25, 2016, allegations were made by two men stating that Trump had attended and partaken in sex parties filled with underage minor females as young as 15 years old who were induced with promises of career advancement.[151] Illegal drugs were also alleged to have been provided to the minors.[152]

One man was identified as model and actor Andy Lucchesi, while the other was identified as a fashion photographer who spoke on condition of anonymity. Both men claim to have been acquaintances of Trump during that decade, which one described as his "Trump days".[151]

Lucchesi, for his part, claimed that he saw Trump engage in sexual activity with the girls but did not witness him taking illicit drugs. In regards to the age of the girls, Lucchesi said he himself never specifically asked about their ages, only remarking of the attendees "a lot of girls, [aged] 14, look 24."[153]

Copied from this link of you'd like the references:

It's beyond me why Americans, who scream about government taxation, can't see how large corporations essentially have added a hidden, ever increasing line item tax to their paychecks to extract wealth.

And then we fawn over billionaires donating their money to causes we perceive as beneficial to society - they're just returning stolen money without interest or penalty, which could have been better used when money was actually earned.

When you're never held accountable, this is what you would expect, correct?

When they are penalized, the punishment only reinforces that the crime was a good decision.

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Don't forget about the recent pricing collusion reporting.

The higher prices were the result of collusion with OPEC by American oil producers.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if those decals were intentionally created by conservative groups in the know.

And yet the same people will hold their intelligence and principals in high regard.

Meanwhile, the Right keeps stacking their deck by playing tribal games with emotions.

When the "scorecard " is tallied, you'll notice intelligence and principals don't count for much if they're not being represented.

No! Lets say everything is binary, and use anecdotes as our primary means of logic!

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Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

If they want any chance in hell, they pick Biden.

Trump rolls out the red carpet for Netanyahu and tries to secure the rights to build a hotel and golf resort on the beach in Gaza.

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Often difficult to do when the Israeli government intentionally conflates Jews with Israel. That's on top of making Scientology looks like child's play when it comes to handling dissent.

If that's your best option, that's what you have to do.

This is how logic and critical thinking work.

Can you provide a better alternative?

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"You want to bang?"

"Is it bang time?"

Any number of variations with "bang" included.

If Jeff Jackson voted to keep him in, there must be a good reason. The guy is a straight shooter.

Liberals, huh?

What political affiliation is Netanyahu?

We should likely do as much of this as possible.

Seems this could accelerate the problem taking care of itself.

We will eventually scientifically determine the neurological impact of social media is both damaging long term and requires health treatment.

This isn't about the content itself, it's the addictive nature of how it's delivered and the ability to rapidly manipulate people.

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They were just happy to have an opportunity to make it look as though they were.

It would be of no surprise to me if Netanyahu orchestrated Hamas' attack.

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They'll eventually say it was a mistake, and then immediately go back to doing their normal BS.

Welcome to the outcome of poorly regulated capitalism - corporate benefit outweighs societal benefit.

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Just add judges. Done.

If you think that's how elections currently work in the United States, nothing I can say will help you.

For a 3rd party candidate to be viable, there would need to be enormous system changes or a very successful write in campaign.

I would love for other candidates to be an option, but that's currently not the case.

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Learning how the First Amendment functions the hard way.

And you somehow think voting for Trump, or giving him an advantage, will help in Gaza?

He will put zero pressure on Netanyahu. He'll likely openly support the effort and say something like "the Palestinians are just like the illegals crossing our border."

Voting isn't picking someone you like, voting is choosing the person with the best chance of winning and creating policies aligned with your values and ideals. If you vote for somebody with zero chance of winning, you're giving an advantage to the candidate who undermines your values being implemented in the long term.

If we had ranked choice voting, or if the alternative candidate wasn't openly threatening democracy, the rationale would be very different.

The smart people tried to explain to the voters that Brexit would be an enormous failure, but the voters let their emotions get in the way of being rational, and now they're suffering and wished they had voted differently.

We have the potential for something much worse with Trump. Much worse. If you can't see through your emotions to understand that if Trump is elected your vote may never matter again, I'm not sure you have the rationale capacity to be worth the time I spent typing this response.

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She's not an option given the current state of the democratic system used in the country.

The only way it works is if people banded together and changed the system, then a 3rd party system becomes viable.

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"...avoid the core problem."

This is America's trueful motto.

And what percent of the vote will she get and why?

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As a straight Gen Xer, who's seen the progress, just get the younger generations to vote.

You're voting for her. You should be reviewing history to get the answer.

And they knew a long time ago it would be expensive and did it anyway.

Those are just premeditated accidental killings. It's very different.

Those at the top know what they're doing.

They know this is the mother of all grifts.

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