Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators | Speaking to wealthy donors behind closed doors, he said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror. to politics – 595 points –

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If they want any chance in hell, they pick Biden.

Trump rolls out the red carpet for Netanyahu and tries to secure the rights to build a hotel and golf resort on the beach in Gaza.

Actually if they want a chance they will go with a wild card because they already know what Biden would do.

If you think trump is a wild card on this topic I really don't know what to tell you.

you wanna hold your breath with me while we wait for that chance Joe "Im a Zionist" Biden gives them?

If that's your best option, that's what you have to do.

This is how logic and critical thinking work.

Can you provide a better alternative?

I'd say Jill Stein would probably be the best option for them of the choices we have.

She's not an option given the current state of the democratic system used in the country.

The only way it works is if people banded together and changed the system, then a 3rd party system becomes viable.

sure she is, votes count the same for her as for anyone else.

If you think that's how elections currently work in the United States, nothing I can say will help you.

For a 3rd party candidate to be viable, there would need to be enormous system changes or a very successful write in campaign.

I would love for other candidates to be an option, but that's currently not the case.

For a 3rd party candidate to be viable...people literally just need to vote for them. She gonna be on the ballot for me to put a check by and everything.

And what percent of the vote will she get and why?

However many people vote for her?

She definitely won't win this time but maybe the 30th time she runs she'll crack 2% of the vote.

I dont care if she only gets 1 vote, its gonna be my vote. And then i just get to watch everyone complain about exactly what they voted for.

And then i just get to watch everyone complain about exactly what they voted for.

That's all that really matters isn't it?

By all means agitate for a better voting system. But until you have something other than FPP voting third party will do the opposite of what you want. This is a well known paradox of FPP, it has been well studied

Im voting for a better voting system. Jill also has ranked choice voting as a campaign platform. I think you'll have a better chance trying to convince Trump supporters to join Zionist Biden's campaign than me, and with much better returns on your goal of not electing Trump.

In FPP voting far left supports the RW candidate. That's the paradox and that's just math. Your feelings on the matter don't change that unfortunately

Yeah, im aware how shit FPTP is. Im not the one voting for it.

Yes you are. That's the paradox.

What, do you think only republicans support FPTP?

You're the guy trying to keep a dude from hitting his wife then getting attacked by both.

Until they decide to call a shelter and GTFO I don't think there's much to be done but what you think is ethical.

Do you mean russian asset Jill Stein?

she's not a russian asset. this is libel.


have fun with this comment chain. it's a wild ride.

If that were the case, wouldn't she have sued?

you think she can use every internet commenter? when someone lies about you, you run right to your lawyer?

No, if it were libel, there wouldn't be articles posted about it.

which one?

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You talking about that one photo? You wont believe who else has been to Russia several times.

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The "Best Option" placed 4th in 2016 and her party did worse in 2020:


Donald Trump Republican 62,984,828 - 46.09%
Hillary Clinton Democratic 65,853,514 - 48.18%
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,489,341 - 3.28%
Jill Stein Green 1,457,218 - 1.07%


Joe Biden Democratic 81,283,501 - 51.31%
Donald Trump Republican 74,223,975 - 46.85%
Jo Jorgensen Libertarian 1,865,535 - 1.18%
Howie Hawkins Green 407,068 - 0.26%

Yeah, more people should be voting for her. Like, if you care about stuff like Biden using emergency powers to bypass congress to send missiles to Israel to help kill more Gazan civilians.

Yeah, more people should be voting for her.

Then trump would win for sure

Yeah probably, everyone seems to either be voting for Trump so he can kill more brown folks, or voting for the guy currently genociding brown folks to stop trump from killing them. End result's the same, im not voting for either of em.

She's an anti science quack who has perpetuated global warming through her nuclear fear mongering. And that's nothing to say of her vaccine skepticism. Nor hobnobbing with capitalist oligarchs who make US CEOs look like socialists.

Nuclear waste is its own environmental beast.

Skepticism is fine, and im assuming youre talking about the singular photo of her visiting Russia. She is running for president, even Bidens made Russia visits as a candidate

Great thing we have reactor technologies now that can reprocess the waste into fuel.

Breeder reactors would quite literally let us reduce existing nuclear waste while generating energy. But Stein has no interest in that. It should tell you a lot about where her actual beliefs lie.

And I forgot to mention, she also said that Wifi causes cancer. She's closer to Trump than she is Biden.

and where are these reactors under current president not-Jill-Stein? Like, we have nuclear power plants here. They ain't recycling that spent fuel, the plan still is to bury that waste for thousands of years.

I dont care much about this topic anyway because its not like the options are just nuclear and fossil fuels. The rest of the developed world is leaving us in the dust with solar and wind generation

I don't think Stein is still the Green Party candidate, if that's what you're referencing

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