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Joined 11 months ago


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Seems like it is maintained but not ported to Plasma 6, yet anyway.

Interesting. Do they point to arch repos or provide their own like Manjaro? I haven't thought about a rolling release atomic distro before.

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It makes a second hand mac viable for me. The hardware is nice, it was always the OS that made me avoid it.

13 more...

Any organisation that invests in physical hardware that requires cloud to work is bonkers. Those whiteboards don't need cloud. And google is too big to care for long term customer satisfaction.

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It wont happen like in Day After Tomorrow.

The beaches will get shorter, the docks will get deeper, then some warehouse will get flooded along with some homeless camp.

Land prices will shift, people will move, it'll be a curiosity.

That island nation on the Pacific? Oh well.

I took them off my list 13 years ago when I tasted the piss they call beer.

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Disgraced police officer is redundant.

I'm getting a headache trying to understand this title.

They already fucked with start menu and search and it's already a problem for IT. I can't find any app I got installed unless I spell it out right, and even then it might work with just 3/8 letters in but no further.

Sometimes I just click through program files cause it's faster.

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As a long time Linux user, if kernel broke anything for me, and it used to fairly regularly, I would just roll back to previous kernel. Fedora makes it easy, by default you can just boot into previous version by selecting it in grub menu.

File a bug, roll back, keep the bug report subscribed and only update after it's fixed.

It's going on a sidequest.

Why isn't the community called USNews then?

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I work in IT and security, where everyone is an expert. Couple that with my inability to tell half-thruths about complex subjects I have incomplete info about, and I come out as incompetent. Yay.

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Narrator: No dodgy investors... Yet.

Hyperactivity in adults is often masked or internalized. If you keep yourself tapping a rythm, bouncing your leg or repeating some tune in your head over and over you might just qualify for further diagnosis.

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And why companies usually don't allow for community translations outside of mods, or indies taking "no responsibility" when releasing them when donated.

It's a legal and PR risk.

Guys how would you keyword block X?

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If we could read we would be very upset.

I've been using podman instead of Docker for a couple years now. I'm not a heavy user, but it doesn't ever break for me and I appreciate the pods and ease of turning pod config into a kubernetes deployment.

I mean, it's not that far out of the park.

If you're the only user and just want it working without much fuss, use a single db instance and forget about it. Less to maintain leads to better maintenance, if performance isn't more important.

It's fairly straightforward to migrate a db to a new postgres instance, so you're not shooting yourself in a future foot if you change your mind.

Use PGTune to get as much as you can out of it and adjust if circumstances change.

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Honestly I recommend to anyone who can do some html and css to try Animotion or some other reveal.js based framework. I can't look at PowerPoint and derivatives anymore.

Edit: actual link, but check the other tool too!

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Everything's hydrogen if split enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I agree. A lot of profits wouldn't be cash saved, for one taxes that you aren't losing to multinational corporations headquartered in Ireland or Cyprus.

Cybersecurity costs would also likely go down due to most malware being exploited isn't targeting desktop Linux.

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No reason to not run the grid on renewables while expanding your electric train, tram and bus infrastructure. Both can be done and they are interlocked.

I agree there's no reason to respond to this kind of news with "cars bad". We know, but dooming is not going to get us anywhere.


There's a bunch of things french are doing themselves instead of importing exactly because they want to maintain technological independence and promote local industry.

Easily done with licences. Corpo is scared of licensing.

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I mean, I'd contact the guy and say upfront what 500 quid will get him.

But I appreciate the PM joke.

Is ADHD just SCP?

It's so bad but so good. It's like a poweruser variation of keeping important stuff in the recycle bin.

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I like this take. If anything, languages knowledge helps with dialogue, not only thanks to speaking the language. Seeing how language and history interacts between peoples gives a better understanding of the complex modern contexts.

Fire is the least of problems with white phosphorus. Chemical burns, toxic fumes... You don't care everything is on fire when everything around you is hell.

Who knows. Some tech is both better functionally and cheaper. We'll see. No need to hype anyway.

Google is notorious for A/B testing (usually a good idea) so they roll out changes in batches and look at telemetry for any changes in user behaviour. You might just be the lucky late adopter for those changes that someone tested for you a month earlier.

What's wrong with Hetzner?

Honestly this seems like a future me problem.

In polish we have an idiom for rare books that directly translates to 'white crow'. Incidentally French say 'merle blanc' - 'white blackbird'. French influenced polish a lot during late modernity. Anyway where was I.

Ah, yeah likely not very rare, they must have messed a whole print run and decided to sell it off anyway, maybe at a discount, since it's not a limited hardback illuminated Shakespeare's works in 5 tomes.

Then again... Weirder things have collection value.

I'm both impressed and bemused why they'd use bash.