Arch Linux, made immutable, declarative and atomic: blendOS v4 released to – 262 points –
blendOS v4 released: Arch Linux, made immutable, declarative and atomic - blendOS

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Interesting. Do they point to arch repos or provide their own like Manjaro? I haven't thought about a rolling release atomic distro before.

Just the Arch repos with an additional repository (similar to EndeavourOS), so AUR packages do work as intended and are in fact officially supported.

(disclaimer: blendOS dev here)

I used to Arch, now I'm on ublue-kinoite with an Arch distrobox. Is there a reason to consider switching? (actual genuine question, not trolling)

Just wanted to add that OpenSUSE MicroOS uses Tumbleweed repos by default, so I'm fairly sure that's an atomic rolling release too. Not 100% sure, though.