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I'm rather sceptical that this can work as a good alternative to Wikipedia. Wikipedia's content moderation system is in my opinion both its greatest strength and its greatest weakness. To create a better Wikipedia, you would have to somehow innovate in that regard. I don't think federation helps in any way with this problem. I do though see potential in Ibis for niche wikis which are currently mostly hosted on If you could create distinct wiki's for different topics and allow them to interconnect when it makes sense, Ibis might have a chance there.

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Bouncing around is probably not feasible for Metallica fans. Their mobility aids are gonna be a real hindrance.

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Damn communists stop me from watering my golf course near Phoenix

and some have sworn off flying altogether

I gonna take this as a win for the environment

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Bicycle guys: "A car with an electric motor is still a car"

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How about Starship Troopers?

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Historical engravings in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang depict him foreseeing the rise of an island off the coast of Japan 2234 years after his death, to be claimed by his successors.

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To comply with EU law, cannabis won't be sold commercially. Instead, people can form cannabis clubs where they grow it for their own use. Only members can get cannabis at such a club. Alternatively, you can grow it at home.

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Because Israel paid for these bombs. Due to the war, Ukraine suffers from a serious lack of money. Therefore, they can't just buy the weapons they need. Instead, the US and other NATO countries provide them for free. To do so, Biden needs congressional approval. The only thing he can do on his own is to give arms manufacturers the permission to sell weapons, e.g. to Israel.

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Now you know how I feel about American metal bands placing double dots above random vowels

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Well, I counted the fingers, five on each hand. So, not an AI model.

In the last national election, the AfD got 10% of the vote, relatively low. Currently, they are polling at 23%, considerably higher, but far from a majority. The centre right CDU is currently leading in the polls at 31%. Together, these two parties would have a majority.

Officially, the CDU rules out any cooperation with the AfD, but such cooperation has already taken place on the local level without the local CDU politicians involved getting kicked out of the party. Overall, the CDU is probably the only major party in Germany that might consider a coalition with the AfD.

Internally, the CDU appears divided on the issue. Their current leader once talked about allowing cooperation on the local level, but backpedaled after immediate criticism from within the party (source). When polled, 53% of CDU supporters opposed any coalition with the AfD on the state level, with only 36% supporting such a coalition and the remainder being unsure (German source). I haven't found any polls regarding the local or the national level, but I'm relatively certain that support for a coalition on the national level won't be any higher among CDU supporters.

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Luckily, the man in this story got his work permit back after public backlash (German news report).

This should be on NotTheOnion

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Don't buy this. According to the label, only the minimum legal standards for animal welfare were observed.

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How else would you name a law delegating responsibilities for the supervision of the labelling of beef, other than Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz?

Nobody in their right mind uses words like "Palatschinken", "Paradeiser", "Piefke" or "Schlagobers".

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Like a virgin with a boner

Pretending again, aren't you?

I too am scared of raw apples.

As I said, there's a danger that the centre right might enable our contemporary Nazis. Hopefully, they listen to the majority of their voters who oppose this.

At least Daniel Günther, CDU governor of Schleswig-Holstein, the state where the CDU has its largest state level majority (43%), is quite outspoken against the AfD. While he clearly belongs to the most centrist wing of the party, his 2022 reelection victory still gives him considerable weight within the party. It also shows that cooperation with the Greens can be a winning strategy for the CDU, at least in the more populous former West Germany.

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For Germany, you can add 116 117, the hotline for emergency medical counselling. Some people might feel hesitant to call 112, and 116 117 is easier to remember than 0800 1110111 as well as being generally helpful to remember.

I think (in the east) it's more about turnout among non-Nazis than converting Nazis.

Jacinto told CNN that Mexican politicians took advantage of her by using her story for political purposes and that it’s happened again in the United States.

She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12,” before saying, “President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace.

This is highly misleading. It makes it appear as if the statements in the second paragraph were issued by Jacinto. Here's the full context:

Jacinto told CNN that Mexican politicians took advantage of her by using her story for political purposes and that it’s happened again in the United States.

“I work as a spokesperson for many victims who have no voice, and I really would like them to be empathetic: all the governors, all the senators, to be empathetic with the issue of human trafficking because there are millions of girls and boys who disappear all the time. People who are really trafficked and abused, as she [Britt] mentioned. And I think she [Britt] should first take into account what really happens before telling a story of that magnitude,” Jacinto said.

During the Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union address Thursday, Britt said, “When I first took office, I did something different. I traveled to the Del Rio sector of Texas, where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12,” before saying, “President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable.”

In cases like the Syrian civil war or political prosecution in regimes like Iran, it can easily be more than a decade. If you prohibit anyone from getting any work for that long and force them to sit on their hands (or work illegally without a permit), they will have a hard time getting back into work and probably continue to rely on government handouts. Who wants to employ someone who hasn't worked any job for a decade (as an adult) after all?

So you have a choice: Either you allow and encourage refugees to get into the workforce early and accept that they will probably remain here even if they could return after like 5 years. Or you stop them from working for years and accept that many refugees will remain here for decades and rely on government handouts the entire time without ever finding a job.

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Open the command line, type in

sudo rm -fr

and hit enter.

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What else would I call it? Certainly not "Topfen".

That's true. But refugees who have lived and worked long-time in Germany can get the right to reside here permanently, independently from their right to asylum or similar protection. This is to encourage them to actually get a job rather than just rely on government handouts.

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We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they're elected. Don't you?
It saves time.

Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent

This has my

Diese Bulette hat Haltungsform 1 und sollte nicht verkauft werden.

Go back to your little hut that I had to build for you. Your age is long gone, chicken!

Das ist eine pferdelose Niedersachsen-Flagge.

Mean vs Median

Nobody should ever drink and drive or do the Hitler salute. And any politician of any party who does something like that should resign immediately. Whether politicians of certain other parties would actually resign, is another question though. Mr "I'm the friendly face of national socialism" is still in the Bundestag at least.

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Seems like I have to colour in my VPN map further


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Does anyone know if Monster was founded by a Nazi or some other kind of questionable person? Red Bull was.

I added an explanation in the description.

Truly pro life