Britannia RULEs The Waves to – 691 points –

Know what's funny? The way politics is going, this could happen but with whoever becomes PM after Sunak because HOO BOY SHIT'S GETTING REALLY FUCKING WILD HERE.

Like the current PM made a transphobic Jibe to the Leader of the opposition WHILE THE MOTHER OF A MURDERED TRANSGENDER TEENAGER WAS IN THE FUCKING GALLERY and refused to apologize. Not to long ago we had a scheme to make kids sing this fucking bullshit in schools because people identify with their home nation more than the UK, not to mention all the absolute horseshit that regularly comes out of the UK.

The UK is really a dead country huh?

The UK was never a nation state to begin with. it's traditions are are shallow as bathwater, mainly based around the Empire, which people are quickly realising is a bad thing. It's four, some would even say five nations poorly stapled together with little interplay between the cultures. Each nation sees itself as it's own thing with it's own politics, identity, culture, ideologies, and even languages.

The UK is about as much a nation state as Yugoslavia was.

This comment is why you shouldnt get your geopolitical information from websites like Lemmy.

I live in the UK and everything I have said is from personal experience.

Well then I suggest you put the phone down from time to time and go out and experience our country from time to time.

I did. I went to wales. They did not agree with you.

You went to Wales and asked people if they though they should get their geopolitical opinions from Lemmy and they said yes?

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Hillarious! Just for a few seconds I wondered if this was real!

Stop it meme creators! You were my only reliable news source. Now you are ruining it with fake memes.

Governments use memes as a format to spawn propaganda. wouldnt rely on em too much in any case

So does 4chan


Dumb name thought up by 14 year old Nazis. I will continue to ignore it

Is it? I was just trying to be funny sry

Edit: nvm not sorry because you are a bronie

Edit2:plus further zoophilia towards pokemon and their ability to consent ,gonna dig deeper

Lol keep going buddy. I'm very conscientious of what I put on my profile specifically for people like you. If I didn't want you to see it it wouldn't be there.

is that a joke? cuz that sounds hella interesting... the weirder the conspiracies the tastier the popcorn!

I think it's a joke on the Putin thing. Like OK, a historical border doesn't justify a present day war. Even the leader of Mongolia was riffing on this. Should Mongolia reclaim all of it's former land Asia?

Should Mongolia reclaim all of it's former land Asia?

I mean, it would make cartographer a somewhat easier job.. Do we really need to have all those -stans anyway? 😛

I kinda want to see what the fewest countries you could cover the whole world with is if you took everything at its historical peak territory. So like post-WW1 British empire, Mongol empire just before Chinggis died, Umayyad caliphate when it stretched from Iran to Spain, Roman Empire under Trajan etc etc. How many do we need to fill in the whole map? And what's the smallest country that we need in order to do so?

OK, but to make this interesting the countries you pick must have 100% of their peak territory, and it cannot overlap with another country.

Good luck.

Well, even without this rule. On what basis should territory be attributed to one empire or the other? We get back to square one with this.

I feel like overlaps should be allowed otherwise certain regions (Iraq and its surroundings come to mind) will make it impossible

Overlaps would make for a nice heat map. Which areas in the world have been coveted the most?

Alright my plans for the evening got cancelled so I decided to have a go at working this out. Methodology, a term I am using somewhat loosely, was to go down wikipedia's list of largest empires, ignore each one that was already completely covered (the four big caliphates and several Chinese dynasties in particular), then take their peak territory from Geacron. Geacron isn't an ideal source here, not least because the only way to "export" from it without paying money is print screen, but it's good enough for these purposes. I also didn't bother filling in the entire map because a couple of places were basically just going to come down to whichever country had them today due to how difficult to conquer they have historically been. Priority in overlaps is given to the larger empire. The result is this:

On here we have:

  • Britain in 1920 (including dominions)
  • Mongolia in 1259
  • The USSR in 1945
  • Russia in 1895... basically only because of Finland and Latvia
  • Qing dynasty in 1790
  • Spain in 1810
  • France in 1920
  • The Abbasid caliphate in 750
  • The USA in 2022. We could have used 1946 to get part of Germany, but we needed Germany in here anyway since the British and Soviet areas aren't included due to different territorial peaks.
  • Brazil in 1889
  • Japan in 1942
  • Rome in 117
  • Portugal in 1894 (mainland Portugal is already covered by Rome, though)
  • Italy in 1941 (mainland Italy is, of course, also Rome)
  • Belgium in 1939 (Rome has the core again)
  • Netherlands in 1938
  • Denmark in 1917
  • Germany in 1941

This list leaves Western Sahara, Liberia, Sweden, Slovakia, Nepal, Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, and Antarctica for a total of 25 countries (or maybe 27 if you add Norway and Chile for maximum Antarctic coverage. I suppose you could also argue that the Treaty of Torsedillas granted half of Antarctica each to Spain and Portugal, not that either ever actually controlled it). Possibly also some islands, especially in the Pacific, but the map isn't in a high enough resolution to tell. The most contested areas are the Levant and Central Asia. Some big empires that aren't on the list include every Persian empire, the Ottomans, and Alexander's empire.

Jesus, that's intense. I knew it would be a bit choppy, but that is much choppier than I imagined. Thanks for sharing 👍

This sounds like a problem that would be covered in an algorithms class.

Something something knapsack problem, dynamic programming, something something

Yes this is 100% a satirical post mocking Putin for essentially using the same justification for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

If the TV Show The Crown is the slightest accurate, I could definitely imagine King Charles making this exact joke TBH.

See, I’m not a fan of the royal family, but I’m pretty sure Charles would never talk to that cunt for a second, and for that I give him a tiny shred of respect.

my favorite genre of british person: the ones who think they aren’t just as annoying as the americans

England is slipping back into being the cultural backwater they were in the early/mid medieval period. Scotland, northern Ireland and Wales should jump ship sooner rather than later.

With my Britany's root I long for the re-united celtic confederation

This is why cousins shouldn't marry and why heads of state shouldn't be whichever inbred result plops out of the royal vagina first.

You ate the onion, my dude

Oh well, my comment about monarchy in general and (cavalier) King Charles (spaniel) in particular is still correct 🤷

The UK - nah they are too weak and small. But I could see a world where a U.S. leader claims that they are the successor state to the british empire and thus have the right to reclaim the land.

I mean, why not? We already exist on stolen land, and our border policy with Mexico is fueled by colonialism.

::: spoiler Note so I'm not misunderstood Just to be clear, I'm being satirical and don't really think we should extend our colonial arm even further, but it's important to realize that we already pretty much do this. :::

Let's not forget that the royal family is actually of German descendance.

Before we attribute the empire to the US we should ask the Reichbürger (literally empirce-citizens, kinda like sovereign citizens, but they believe in Monarchy) of Germany if they have a suitable leader for the empire.

I mean if you go back 300 years, but then if you go back 1000-1300 then most of England & Scotland starts to look pretty German (Anglo-Saxons, Norse), with England getting significant French & Scandinavian (Norman = French Norse) influence after and tenuously Austrian (Celts) before that... The native British people were completely wiped out at least twice before that, so frankly all sorts of European nations *could* have a claim if Putin rules applied

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