Britannia RULEs The Waves to – 691 points –

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Know what's funny? The way politics is going, this could happen but with whoever becomes PM after Sunak because HOO BOY SHIT'S GETTING REALLY FUCKING WILD HERE.

Like the current PM made a transphobic Jibe to the Leader of the opposition WHILE THE MOTHER OF A MURDERED TRANSGENDER TEENAGER WAS IN THE FUCKING GALLERY and refused to apologize. Not to long ago we had a scheme to make kids sing this fucking bullshit in schools because people identify with their home nation more than the UK, not to mention all the absolute horseshit that regularly comes out of the UK.

The UK is really a dead country huh?

The UK was never a nation state to begin with. it's traditions are are shallow as bathwater, mainly based around the Empire, which people are quickly realising is a bad thing. It's four, some would even say five nations poorly stapled together with little interplay between the cultures. Each nation sees itself as it's own thing with it's own politics, identity, culture, ideologies, and even languages.

The UK is about as much a nation state as Yugoslavia was.

This comment is why you shouldnt get your geopolitical information from websites like Lemmy.

I live in the UK and everything I have said is from personal experience.

Well then I suggest you put the phone down from time to time and go out and experience our country from time to time.

I did. I went to wales. They did not agree with you.

You went to Wales and asked people if they though they should get their geopolitical opinions from Lemmy and they said yes?

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