
8 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Retired, living in YYZ — BLM | Indigenous Rights | AntiGlobalist

Isn't ClamTK a GUI to ClamAV if I remember correctly?

We need to stop paying attention to what the Biden government says, and pay absolute attention to what they do! They're speaking out of both sides of their mouth, FFS!

it’s sometimes hard to remember there are people who take that view.

Many people have this view. Us on the Fedi are unique in that we don't, or didn't before the mass Twitter émigré occurred.

Afraid to learn something you didn't before? Such a silly attitude!

Well, literal Nazis would be a good start.

The problem is that most of the blocking is simply because people don't like the speech. This is a huge concern for any liberal democracy. Free speech is a right, and that means speech that one doesn't necessarily like!

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Not correct. It's a human right regardless whether you believe it or not. https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/freedom-expression-fundamental-human-right#:~:text=Freedom%20of%20expression%20is%20a,Universal%20Declaration%20of%20Human%20Rights.

Just because America doesn't allow free speech on their social applications doesn't make it right. Pull your head out of your arse. Yelling fire when there isn't a fire isn't an example of free speech you moron! We're talking about political free speech.

YW. I enjoy reading what's happening in the 'verse. Hopefully, more and more folks will notice that there's more to it than Mastodon.

this guy is 100% committed to give nazis a platform, right?

I think you mean — speech you don't like. Where do you draw the line?

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Yup, like most corporate types in America.

Too bad most commenting haven't read the interview (what else is new, eh?). I like this, Jack Dorsey responding to a question on how the US government had its hooks into Twitter's leadership before the buyout:

I think it was problematic, and I also don't think the people who got called out in the Twitter Files get enough credit for pushing back on government requests. The U.S. is certainly one of them. Twitter has a track record of fighting the U.S. on free speech causes, especially around transparency reports. Opening the lens even broader to other governments, we had even more fights. Tons of fights with India, Turkey, Russia, Nigeria. These are all governments that threatened arrest of our employees, raided our employees' homes, offices, asking for phone numbers and personal information for accounts that were critical of the governments. I think that was one part that's overlooked and not appreciated.

Yet you use Javascript if you use a web browser. People need to separate personal life from the work or professional one.

Well, any social media company has to follow local laws … Blocks only affect the country FWIU. A general opinion, not specifically for Blue Sky. I haven't followed the fight between Musk and the Brazilian government, so cannot comment on that.

Well, that's your loss then.

I've been keeping my eye on this project. Eventually, I hope to use it for an instance on my own metal, as it promises to be a lighter on resources' server than Mastodon.

Moderation should always be client side. Server side should not be able to interfere or even read public content

Yup. I don't know if I agree re public content, but perhaps private messages should be encrypted, client side, before sending? That issue is one that bothers me about Mastodon.

3 separate strikes over a mile isn't a mistake. Israel is an apartheid fascist state, let's not fool ourselves otherwise. People need to learn what Zionism actually is.

Use a browser that respects your privacy if you want to view paywalled articles. BRAVE is one, or Firefox with a paywall extension.

It's the content on the printed page, dear reader, that one critiques, not the owner. Did you actually read the article?

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Yup and the world only cares because they happened to white skinned rather than brown!

Don't think you got the gist of the message.

No. He wouldn’t be happy with ActivityPub as well. He imagines a social network where no one can perform any moderation. He favours Nostr for exactly that reason. Bluesky has got moderation (just like the Fediverse) - which he dislikes.

So? Like Usenet was back in the day before it became a pirate haven. Then email lists became it. LOL, People tend to ignore the extreme nut jobs regardless. I never saw any child porn on Usenet, but then I didn't go looking for it. No doubt it existed too.

LOL Yeah, okay whatever you say, grasshopper. Anybody who works/or has worked there definitely aren't right wing. 🤦🏽‍♂️ The author is making the point that they've moved to being more neoliberal.

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Interesting, you can reply to what is supposed to have been deleted by the mod. LOL

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Whatever that means.

Well, I'm a lefty and anybody with any common sense knows that this is wrong. It's just critical thinking skills that are missing, in my opinion.

Common sense is that there are only two biological sexes.

It's based on common sense, which isn't so common anymore.

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This entire controversy reminds me of the repressed memories episode we had in the 80s. The social worker/psychiatry medical profession attached great credence to these so-called repressed memories. People were tried and convicted on this “science” which was eventually found out to be junk “science” under rigorous scientific examination. I know personally of an individual who was convicted and later pardoned due to this trash “science”. These social issues need to be critiqued and investigated seriously before implementation. Unfortunately, in North America it's more of a political thing than a scientific based idea. Eventually, it will be determined to be as junk science by western medicine, as repressed memories were. It's just common sense. That's why critics are so rigorously silenced — the proponents of this gender “science” know that it is shite. Adults are free to do what they wish to their bodies, but we should never be doing gender reassignment to children under the age of majority (18 years old) at a minimum. Children's brains aren't mature or developed enough to be making these profound decisions for their body. Neither should the parents be allowing this, child abuse.

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Totally agree. Started with the Me-Too movement where we saw people accused and convicted without due process. It seemed to spin out of the Jian Gnomeshi acquittal.

At least Dorsey is thinking about social platforms, problems. Did you even read the post or simply spouting what your tribe says in your echo chamber?