Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter

Old_Geezer@lemmy.cabanned from sitebanned from site to Fediverse@lemmy.ml – 166 points –
Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because  it was becoming another Twitter

Well stop trying to make twitter then you fuckin idiot.

He was on the board, it's not like it was his project or anything. Imo he wanted to create a protocol, not a platform. "Improve Activitypub" like they always claimed. But then Bluesky realized that they can simply build their own platform and be Twitter 2.0

He should just contribute to mastodon instead.

Its community based so his opinion could be ignored, unlike when he's on a board and his opinion was ignored.

@Microw @dumbass No. He wouldn't be happy with ActivityPub as well. He imagines a social network where no one can perform any moderation. He favours Nostr for exactly that reason. Bluesky has got moderation (just like the Fediverse) - which he dislikes.

Moderation should always be client side. Server side should not be able to interfere or even read public content

Moderation should always be client side. Server side should not be able to interfere or even read public content

Yup. I don't know if I agree re public content, but perhaps private messages should be encrypted, client side, before sending? That issue is one that bothers me about Mastodon.

No. He wouldn’t be happy with ActivityPub as well. He imagines a social network where no one can perform any moderation. He favours Nostr for exactly that reason. Bluesky has got moderation (just like the Fediverse) - which he dislikes.

So? Like Usenet was back in the day before it became a pirate haven. Then email lists became it. LOL, People tend to ignore the extreme nut jobs regardless. I never saw any child porn on Usenet, but then I didn't go looking for it. No doubt it existed too.

Several of you seem to be misunderstanding. When he says “like Twitter” it’s not in the negative ways you are thinking. It’s in the negative ways he’s thinking. Meaning censorship and being able to ban accounts. He doesn’t want that. Mastodon would have the same criticisms if he commented on it.

Oh right, is that this new "free speech absolutism" I've heard about? 🙃

Unless it is pro-Palestinian speech of course

Or speech that hurts his feelings

These billionaires are just regular people with less empathy (there are no ethical billionaires). They have the same braindead ideas we all have if we dont know anything about a topic and are in a talkative mood or possibly drunk or high, or all of those combined I guess.

Wasn't twitter really good about banning actual Nazis and not banning journalists until Musk came along? After Musk came, Nazis were unbanned and we saw a huge wave of journalists getting banned.

Before Musk, Twitters advertising was driven by engagement, and engagement was driven by encountering things that made you angry. So they were slow to respond to anything but the most egregious cases of hatred and bigotry.

No... NO. It was appallingly terrible at banning Nazis, worse than even Reddit in many ways. Twitter banned a tiny, tiny fraction of extremely prominent and openly fascist accounts that had been permitted to operate for years, but they ignored Nazi dogwhistles from large accounts and smaller accounts that didn't gain a following and were used to harass 1-2 people were generally allowed to operate freely.

Remember: they didn't even ban Donald Trump himself until he tried to literally violently overthrow the US government. Twitter pre-Musk was an absolute shit hole, but it was at least headed in a hopeful direction. Musk kept it a shit hole and just changed the direction it was going.

bluesky has a robust moderation system which blocks transphobes, bigots, and racism which is why jack hates it.

It doesn't block them though does it? My understanding is that it simply filters them so that you don't see them anymore. They're still there doing their thing though.

You're correct. It doesn't stop Nazis from having a home or building a following. It just allows users to not see it.

It does block them more so than on fedi. When I block someone they can’t see my content nor account, they can’t log out and go see my content. It’s not just filtered, also they have banned accounts and removed content

Everyone on Masto/Fedi has been memeing about this since the start: Whatever platform Dorsey's on becomes Twitter, lol.

At least Dorsey is thinking about social platforms, problems. Did you even read the post or simply spouting what your tribe says in your echo chamber?

Twitter is merely a Nazi bar when what Jack wanted was a Turbo-Nazi bar.

jwz: Blockchain Rasputin over here is mad that moderation exists

It has been obvious to anyone paying attention that the reason Dorsey founded and funded Bluesky was with the end goal of enabling Twitter to go [Spider-Man Pointing dot GIF] any time an actual Nazi showed up, because moderation was not their problem, they just outsourced it to a series of nested shell companies (that they fund) who act as reputation laundries and liability crumple zones.

Now he pouts and says the quiet part out loud.

Man...no leadership, no accountability, just a rich billionaire drifter acting like he has principles. Idgaf, I like fediverse, and I like my block button...it's the only alt I've found that isn't a rightwing cess pool full of degens.

I thought it was meant to be the new twitter, by design.. wut?

He means they are trying not to be the Nazi bar, and added an homeopathic amount of moderation to the platform.

it's meant to be twitter by ui and feel, for sure.

i'd also say it's meant to be more like twitter from a decade ago when twitter actually had a functioning moderation system and kept toxicity away. the moderation system, which is open sourced and allows anyone to add on to, is one of the best.

i'm subscribed to https://bsky.app/profile/aegis.blue, which blocks or hides antisemites, bigots, racists, transphobes, you name it.

Why not sell it to the next fascist for billions of dollars and make yourself rich again?

I'm on Bluesky and my view of it, at least, is absolutely nothing like Twitter. I'm glad he quit it before he could really turn it into another Nazi-infested hellhole.

Has he heard about Mastodon?

It would be funny if he started a Mastodon instance with whatever his values are. The reason he would never do that is because it's not for profit.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Because — in Dorsey's telling, at least — Bluesky was "literally repeating all the mistakes [Twitter] made as a company."

That's the TLDR from an interview Dorsey conducted with journalist Mike Solana at his Pirate Wires site.

And then Dorsey decided what he really wanted to do was help Nostr, another Twitter alternative, which promises to actually be an open-source protocol, instead.

Dorsey, for instance, has some mostly kind words about Elon Musk, who bought Twitter in 2022.

Though that mostly repeats his idea that Twitter's original sin was becoming a venture-backed, for-profit company that went public with a business model based on advertising, positioned as a Facebook competitor.

But that story/argument isn't a new one — you can find it in this four-episode podcast series I hosted last year, for instance.

The original article contains 349 words, the summary contains 132 words. Saved 62%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

He really doesn't understand people, does he?

He's like the libertarian techbro equivalent of a Stalinist tankie.

Too bad most commenting haven't read the interview (what else is new, eh?). I like this, Jack Dorsey responding to a question on how the US government had its hooks into Twitter's leadership before the buyout:

I think it was problematic, and I also don't think the people who got called out in the Twitter Files get enough credit for pushing back on government requests. The U.S. is certainly one of them. Twitter has a track record of fighting the U.S. on free speech causes, especially around transparency reports. Opening the lens even broader to other governments, we had even more fights. Tons of fights with India, Turkey, Russia, Nigeria. These are all governments that threatened arrest of our employees, raided our employees' homes, offices, asking for phone numbers and personal information for accounts that were critical of the governments. I think that was one part that's overlooked and not appreciated.

Two things can be true at the same time: that Twitter & Nostr have become Nazi bars and that the large US corporate social media platforms (Meta, X, Alphabet, Reddit, etc.) have become constituent parts of the US military-intelligence-industrial complex.

Jack is mostly on Nostr, good thing Nostr is more independent to Jack influence.

Nostr is ultimately the way forward and he knows it. Nobody controlling your identity other than yourself.

Them promoting crypto is fishy. I don't like Nostr.

They only use Bitcoin (optional) which is getting highly regulated.

It seem many here are against it.