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Joined 1 years ago

Glad to finally have official recognition of what I’ve known for 17 years. (But was always told “of course it works, they wouldn’t be allowed to sell it if it didn’t work” with bonus implication that I was trying to be special/unique by finding it useless.)

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Shredded cheese crisped up in a skillet.

According to my ex, who politely asked me to stop doing that, it makes the entire house smell like particularly foul body odor.

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I'm not sure it's possible, because the different parts of women's bodies don't tend to scale in relation to one another. There's the waist-to-hip ratio, thigh circumference, breast size, width of shoulders, length of torso, length of legs -- none of which have much to do with each other.

A woman can have size L shoulders, size XS breasts, size S waist, M hips, L thighs, long torso, and short legs. Another might have M shoulders, XL breasts, XXL waist, L hips, and M thighs, short torso, average length legs. And no retailer would bother making garments that account for every possible combination, because that wouldn't be profitable. (This is why so many women with small chests and small ribcages are sold 32A bras that gap on top and ride up in back, when a properly-fitting bra would be a 28C -- companies can make more money by selling less variety.)

Men, for the most part, have more similarities in their shapes and less variety in where excess adipose tissue settles. Also, as someone else pointed out, it's more socially acceptable for men's clothing to fit like a sack.

The solution, unfortunately, is alterations, either by hiring a seamstress or doing it oneself. (No judgment from me: I keep meaning to learn that skill but CBF to get a sewing machine when I might abandon the project.)

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Same. I like/tolerate well-trained dogs, but those are basically nonexistent these days.

Where I live, dog culture is really strong. People here violate leash laws all the time. When you gently but firmly raise a knee to keep a big jumping dog off your chest, the owner acts like you just did a heinous crime. If you complain about not wanting to be jumped on/knocked over by a giant dog that weighs more than you do, you'll be told to seek therapy for your phobia.

Bad dog owners have ruined dogs for me. Training is considered taboo, something close to animal abuse. Which boggles the mind, because the psychology of dogs is such that they need training and maintenance discipline to be well-adjusted. IMO, not training your dog is animal abuse. But here we are, with untrained dogs running around bowling people over and sticking their tongues in strangers' mouths.

Absolutely! I don't believe in ghosts, I like getting good deals, and I'm not afraid of being known as that person who lives in a haunted house. My only concern would be if it had been truly deep-cleaned, because I would be unhappy to find traces of blood or whatever a few years down the road.

Years of experimenting on myself would disagree. Caffeine makes me jittery, scattered, and kind of an a-hole in regular amounts. When it comes to coffee, my sweet spot is a single mug of 1/10 caf.

Not all stimulants are the same. If they were, Ritalin and Adderall would be interchangeable. But many people, including me, find that only one of those two prescription stims works.

I'm really curious whether the any of the study participants actually had ADHD. I'm gonna bet they were all NTs.

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I’m old enough to know how to use a rotary phone and a paper map

although I do wonder how much the absolute values are affected by the wording of the survey…

I wonder the same. My own confidence in scientific studies has been shaken by corporate science and the fact that our economic system affects what's funded, studied, and concluded. But my trust in the method and principles of science is still absolute.

What scares me, and what I suspect is reflected in that 22% number, is how many people say the method and principles are bogus, or variations on that theme.

I love my Altra road running shoes. My mother and sister (both work on-their-feet-all-day jobs) are also fans and can get at least a year out of their pairs. They’re sturdy and last about 300+ miles, and if you get a dud they’ll make it right. My sister once had a pair disintegrate after a couple months and got them replaced for free.

Altra is a bit like blue cheese, though: either you love them or hate them, and both sides think the other is wrong. People with narrow forefeet find them too squishy and unsteady; those of us with wider forefeet are comfortable for the first time ever.

Also, if your budget allows, it helps to get two pairs of shoes so you can alternate days. Especially if you live in a humid climate. By alternating two pairs of shoes so they fully dry between days, you get more than twice as much life from them. (Obviously that’s not an option for everyone, but it’s good to do if you can)

Warm green/yellowish green, silver, any metallic really. Except for rose gold which feels like an echo of an unpleasant sensation that I can’t place. Apparently I also like warm light blues and teals because for some reason I recently started accumulating things in that sort of color.

I pretend to be my cat, and I only engage with other people who are also pretending to be their cats.

Same. It seems like all games have gotten longer, and many want to be your one and only. Mostly I prefer VR games now, partly for that reason.

Stray. I liked the length, gameplay, story, colors, and being a little orange cat. The puzzles weren’t too hard either.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners. The controls were a little fiddly sometimes, but it’s VR so that’s not unexpected. The story was mostly a backdrop for the zombie-killing and fetch-questing, but it was a lot of fun.

Fresh vegetables, grilled or roasted. Growing up, vegetables were mostly frozen/canned (less expensive, kept longer) and I couldn’t stand the texture. Then, in early adulthood, there were a few times in restaurants where I took a few bites of something to be polite/fit in. Lo and behold, it turns out I love vegetables when they’re not all squishy and weird!

Wow, your boss was really being a prick to say that. The number of mistakes doesn’t signal degree of caring at all. People who think otherwise tend to be swaggering jerks who cut others down so they can feel big.

(Kudos on not full-out screaming at the guy, seriously. Condescension like that depletes my impulse control to basically zero.)

Do you have menstrual cycles? If so, keep track of when your meds are ineffective and compare against the dates of your cycle. I find mine much less effective in the second half of my cycle when my body has more progesterone (which, for me, seems to be the hazy-spacey-lazy hormone).

I was diagnosed with ADHD by a psychiatrist who interviewed me for an hour. At the end of the session he took off his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed, “well you’re definitely a pretty severe case…”

I've been really enjoying Dessert Person. Every recipe I've tried so far has gone well, and she's actually honest about how long the steps will take.

The Food Lab is my other favorite. It's incredibly nerdy and I'm getting through it extremely slowly.

From the title, I expected the article to be much more judgmental, but I think it did good job of acknowledging that some people need this medication to be productive.

Thanks, I hate it.

(Three bean soup salad I cannot stop giggling)

Ugh yes. Last time, about 4 years ago, it just felt like stretchy pressure.This time, about a week ago, the NP remarked that I was awfully dry, but even after she lubed the speculum it felt like she was trying to rip me apart. ::: spoiler sex, way tmi (Which is honestly what any sort of penetration feels like nowadays; I can use enough lube to stain the sheets and still feel like I'm riding a roll of sandpaper. I'm only 38 ffs!) :::

Accurate, and part of why quitting cigarettes was so difficult. Shamble downstairs to the parking lot, inhale that sweet sweet stimulant into my ADHD brain, then reenact panels 3 and 4.

L-theanine was such a disappointment for me. I'd heard it was supposed to take the jitters out of coffee, but instead I end up jittery, drowsy, and spacey all at the same time.

Oh I like the magnetic key idea, that might be the new winner.

One of my cats, who has mixed feelings about me, let me pet his perfect orange belly and purred about it. 😻

How many people are going to still post death threats, character assassinations, or make racist or sexist comments.

Plenty! People like that aren't ashamed. They're proud to be in the group of people who actually count as human in their worldview.

is that something we would want?

The only effect would be to stifle everyone else. If everything you say online is tied to your real identity, many people would have to be the most bland, professional, worksona version of themselves to protect (a) their ability to earn income, and (b) their safety. People talking about their experiences with abortion would put themselves at risk of harassment, eviction, prosecution, and violence. Someone seeking support as they discern their gender identity is now outed to family, employers, people with social and/or economic power over them. When anyone from a marginalized group dares to post, it'll be just like speaking in real life: if someone's facts and tone are less than perfection, they (and the entire group which they're assumed to represent) will be dismissed as intellectually inferior or too emotional.

Contacts. I use daily disposables because I can’t feel them at all. “14-day” contacts were more like 3 days of comfort, 4 days of feeling noticeable, and 7 days of feeling like a rock in my eye. (I cleaned and soaked them daily as directed with many different types of solution, asked the optometrist for instructions, and followed their instructions exactly.) With contacts, I actually have peripheral vision. The feeling of looking past the frame/rim always gave me eye strain, and even rimless glasses couldn’t change how the blur around the edges was a constant distraction.

I have glasses for just in case, and wear them in the evening after washing my face (which gets the contacts wet and crispy no matter how tightly I squeeze my eyes shut). But I really can’t stand glasses for more than an hour or two a day. Every pair I’ve ever worn has two modes: tight enough to stay on but give me a pressure headache, or loose enough to avoid headaches but I tense my scalp and face to keep them on and they still fall off when I look down or turn my head too quickly.

Yes! Not to brag but I like it so much better than store bought. Technically I think what I make is frozen custard (whisk 4 egg yolks with 1/2c sugar, slowly whisk in 1 cup barely-simmering whole milk, bring to 165 and chill overnight; stir in 1 cup heavy cream and flavoring before churning).

My favorite flavorings this time of year are pear (poach very ripe peeled pears until super squishy, smoosh them through a fine mesh strainer and discard what gets left behind in the mesh) and pumpkin spice (add half a can of pumpkin when heating the base, and some allspice just before churning).

Just a couple of health-related subs that haven’t fully migrated. I don’t particularly want to use Reddit, but I get more value from lore passed down woman-to-woman than I do from doctors who want to attribute everything to hysteria anxiety and depression.

Twice a year at best, with a swiffer duster.

The concept is interesting, but the execution is stressful just to look at. My brain already feels scrambled and chaotic inside, no way I could function with a scrambled and chaotic exterior environment. Also that pattern would hide dirt and grime so well that how would you know when the surfaces are clean? Scrub forever? Yikes.

I have ADHD (extra-spicy type) and this is a super normal symptom for me. Also happens with movies and tv.

I could, but at least one of the cats is smart/lucky/orange enough to figure out how to open the screen door if I remove the ability to latch it altogether.

Oh nice maybe there’s one that can be operated from both sides

Yeah, it looks like holding up the lock + installing a hook-and-eye latch to keep the cats from opening the screen is the way to go here. Hot glue should do the trick nicely, thanks!

My hobby is collecting hobbies. If I listed all of the ones I pick up and put down I’d be here all day, so here are the most consistent ones:

  • Gundam model kits
  • Postcrossing and snail mail swapping
  • Crochet
  • Learning Japanese (for a combination of pop culture appreciation and keeping my brain sharp)

I’ve been playing Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS, and Kittens & Yarn on the Switch. (A little bit of Qube Cross, too, depending on whether it or Kittens & Yarn is more frustrating)

Fisticuffs? Blade weapons? ….oh. Face to face meetings. (Insert scene from Office Space where that nerdy-looking guy is driving in rush hour traffic playing “Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangster” like it’s his anthem)

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