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Joined 9 months ago

Article promotes fucking 5G home internet but in the article states "[t]he only fix they had was splitting the cost of a Verizon 5G router with a roommate, but that was also too slow to be usable most of the time" before they go into their gushing about how these 5G home internet solutions are the savior of all.

Paid advertisements for shit services can't even keep from bad-mouthing these shit services. Technology is so fucked over by all these greedy corporations selling garbage solutions to suckers.

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Rich, privileged white people are free to do anything. The rest of us are oppressed, beaten, and thrown in prison unless we obey.

All about money. Instead of making good, solid, real games that don't take up 999 wtfabytes in textures and other graphical bling with other gimmicky crap even further bloating it, we get style over substance crap that gives these rich-ass console makers more and more excuses to crank out yet another iteration of their "NEW! 0.00001% BETTER THAN THE PREVIOUS GENERATION!" dead-ass consoles that should have died long ago when PC gaming took over -- not because PC graphics are better, but because PCs can do more and do EVERYTHING better.

Gaming is in a sad state right now and people don't even realize it. I honestly think if people would force themselves to see what old (80s and very early 90s) gaming offers and understand the difference in good games and style over substance trash, they'd understand how much of a clusterfuck modern gaming is. Sure, there's a small handful of good titles floating around these days, but nowhere near the amount and quality of gaming in, say, the NES days where there are more high quality games on that single console than there has been on every console in the last 15 or so years.

And I know modern gamers are going to cry about this post. Too bad. Has to be said.

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Windows and Mac rendering have always been ugly as sin to me and I vastly prefer Linux font displays. They always look cleaner and less processed.

Exactly. Countries are crying over this birth rate drop because of bullshit "BUT THE ECONOMY AND THE OLD PEOPLE AND RICH PEOPLE" excuses. Global population needs to drop, now. People will say "but we're not overcrowded, we're fine", yet we're seeing so many problems with the climate, distribution of goods and services, and so on that is directly caused by our current population levels.

Stop having kids, or at least only have one. Fix this world.

Id Tech 1 (Doom) source has been available since 1997 under a restrictive license and under the GPL since 1999, so not "recently". But yeah, that's my answer. Original Doom.

See what happens when we allow unrestricted freedom of speech?

Our "freedoms" aren't as freeing as people think they are. I realize how dangerous that sounds, but I mean, here we are on the cusp of fascism because we allowed these horrible people to say whatever they wanted to the point where people started believing them. There has to be a standard that we hold speech up to.

I have very recently after rallying against it for years. It seems like there has been a concentrated effort lately to get it working really well, which I only have to say "about damn time" after they've been advocating it for over a decade and it still was a buggy pile of garbage at that point. Plasma seems to have done a load of work getting Wayland stable lately, and with the latest Plasma6, I'm happy with it. There's some weirdness here and there but I can handle a little bit of problems vs. my entire system slowing to a crawl and then crashing after a day or two reliably when running Wayland vs. Xorg which ran fine even semi-recently.

Yet another example of why if you can't download DRM-free files of your media, it's not worth having. Spotify is absolute trash and I have no idea why it's as popular as it is. Get you some damn MP3s/Ogg Vorbis/FLAC/whatever DRMless copies of your audiobooks and music and to hell with this streaming shit.

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Any "game" that takes a PC over $600 (or even that) to run isn't a good game, it's a garbage barely interactive movie with vaguely game-like elements that unlock new parts of the story.

The more power required to run something, the more garbage it is. Sell only lowish-end PCs and make good games. Then kill off consoles like they should have years and years ago.

Also, anything over 1080/60hz (also, VR) is a scam made to suck more money out of your pocket for fucking nothing.

Considering what a wide variety of hardware I use and all of it exhibits the same behavior, maybe it's just you who is ignoring obvious issues to push your agenda.

Except we're still being screwed over by "states rights" (what a laughable concept) and our supreme court and other sources. Trump isn't president and we're still becoming more fascist by the day thanks to his corrupting influence. We limit EVERYONE by creating a system of common sense and humanitarian rights that cannot be crossed in any way.

Yes, because that is so working so goddamn well in fighting fascism.... all of this wonderful not fascism we have from the hateful, spiteful, right that has totally been destroyed by all of this overwhelming voice of the people stuff we hold so dear...

You have to be fucking kidding me. The REASON WE ARE ON THE CUSP OF BECOMING ONE OF THE MOST FASCIST COUNTRIES EVER IS BECAUSE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS VOTED FOR IT. Are you really this blind and stupid?

Nobody votes. We run on a platform of common sense, intellectually based, humanitarian, pro-freedom ideals and any single person in our government who even considers opposing those is out on their fascist ass.

What's the point of consoles when PCs exist? I don't understand how we have spent the entire modern PC era still clinging to locked down, limited consoles. And PCs aren't expensive if you're not buying some laughable top of the line garbage that runs games at super-ultra-mega-hyper high settings at 50billion pixels @ 4,096Hz.

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Gnome is currently the least stable major desktop. By far. It's an absolute disaster crippled by tons of little bugs that creep in when you least expect them. Even if you don't add anything to it and use Gnome as vanilla as you can get it, it's still going to be problematic.

Plasma has some small bugs here and there -- and there was a point a few years ago when Plasma seemed like they didn't care about bugs and instead just threw out a ton of shiny new pointless features every release instead -- but recently it is incredibly solid in general and more usable than anything else in Linux, by far. One of the only things I find "buggy" about Plasma is when someone tries to over-rice the desktop with tons of widgets and other things everywhere.

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apple's hardware quality

I laughed. Cheaply made Chinese builds sold at a huge markup to make it look good to rich idiots doesn't mean quality.

I remember the old initd. It was fast, efficient, didn't hang up for 10+ minutes when it got confused about what needed to shut down when, and just worked until a bunch of impatient new Linux users wanted to get to the desktop in 0.00007 seconds and couldn't patiently wait for a proper init boot order so they created this bloated monstrosity. But those aren't even the worst part of NuLinux: to this day Wayland is absolute unstable garbage not worth using. Visual glitches, UI glitches, instability, slowdowns, and outright crashes that even REISUB can't recover from. Meanwhile, Xorg still Just Works.

Modern Linux is garbage and needs to be either fixed or thrown away.

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No, soups are cereals.

Well, guess who shouldn't be programming then?

I love how you specifically say "gaming PC" because I know you and every so-called "gamer" these days have to have some over the top, expensive, overheating, power-sucking pile of trash to run games at ridiculous resolutions/refresh rates with blinding, ugly graphics full of so many garbage lighting effects and muddy megatextures that the game is nearly unplayable.

If you can't run a game on a ~400 UKBucks machine, the game isn't worth playing.

USB-C is a shitshow, period. Whoever invented that garbage needs to be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

Depending on just the cable I plug in (all else exactly the same, same PC, same port, same electrical plug, etc), I get fast speed (from PC) and charging (from a power outlet) on device 1 and slow speed and charging on device 2, and another cable gets me exactly the opposite. And others, slow speed and fast charging or vice versa.

What the fuck.

This is not the behavior of a fucking "standard". Meanwhile, microUSB just fucking worked regardless of which of the tons of cables I used, all exactly the same.

USB-C needs to fucking die. Oh, but boohoo, people had to figure out which direction to plug in a microUSB cable. Cry me a fucking river, nobody cares, that's not a real problem.

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The biggest lie of programming these days is just because something is coded in [trendy "secure" language of the day, including Rust] means it's secure. Bullcrap. It's how you code things that make it secure or not. You can be proficient enough in C to make programs that are much more secure vs. rust. The fact that everyone makes mistakes and programming is an enormous beast to wrangle with makes things insecure and needs to be monitored and fixed.

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Gnome is super stable in which alternative universe? I swear, I'm sitting here conversing with the internet from a universe where everything is completely the opposite from how things are here.

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Sick of debating you people on this. You can't understand basic logic which tells me right away that you're either not a programmer or a really bad one, or, more likely, you have some sort of investment in the language's success.

There's no conflict in the statements that you need to be a good C programmer and that it's impossible to be a perfect programmer. This non-argument is you either not understanding common sense and logic, or you grasping at straws in the vain hope that people will think you're right because you're so obsessed with your language of the year that will be forgotten soon enough and replaced with, again, C and other traditional, good, useful languages.

I don't know which is the case, but the frenzied, unhinged way you're trying to defend rust makes me think you have an investment in the language in some way, which makes your argument invalid. I have no such attachments.

If you can't understand such common sense arguments, I can't believe that you even know how to write "Hello World" in any language.

Option 5: throw your spyware pile of trash phone in the garbage can where it belongs.

No one who knows anything about C uses insecure functions without having a good reason and a good foundation around them to keep them secure. The functions are there to allow C to have maximum flexibility and low-level access to a system. For the most part, these shouldn't be used, and any decent C programmer knows that. Comparing that with Rust where people think the entire language is inherently safe and has zero awareness of what they might be doing is laughably insecure is the heart of the problem.

Been programming longer than most of you have been alive, kids. Keep on defending your hacked together tricycle language and then crying when you manage to tip it over because of your overconfidence.

If you’re not using Linux at this point you’re just being lazy

I used Linux for over twenty years and stopped about two years ago due to Linux invariably moving to lazy, poor development and design all the way from the kernel up. Rapid kernel development with tons of random new patches and ideas instead of the old way of maintaining a stable kernel and doing random patches and ideas on a separate branch (the odd minor versions vs. the stable even ones, and even the modern "stable" kernels are just the same branch of constantly rapid updated kernels where they just choose one at random and say "this is 'stable' now and we'll keep patching it instead of telling people to install new ones"), systemd being more of a problem than a solution, the push for everything to move to Wayland forcing every single thing that has to do with lower level desktop interfaces, including all of the lightweight window managers, to completely rewrite themselves with tons of bloat that replaces everything did by default as well as Wayland's devs taking a "it works on my computer" approach to bugs and dismissing tons of major issues people have found, pipewire still not being a stable, reliable audio system (Linux has never had one, but using ALSA with the right hardware back in the day where everything would mix via hardware was a decent solution), distros becoming more and more unreliable and buggy (even "stable" and "long term support" ones), distros and developers giving up on native and running bare metal applications and substituting things like flatpak to run things natively with any sort of cross-platform reliability and fucking wine -- essentially a new version of Windows running in Linux, which is an admission of failure to make a successful game platform if I've ever heard one -- to run games, and on and on.

I've been able to use Linux very well until a few years back. I used to be one of its biggest advocates and wouldn't dare run Windows.

No more. People bitch, moan, and complain about Windows 11 so much but for me, it just works. Simply, easily, no problem. Do I wish I still used Linux? Hell, yes. But am I given how bad it's become? Nope. I've even tried going back here and there and quickly ran into the same huge list of problems and aches that were never there before and back to Windows I go.

Sorry, Linux is a pain and it's not about being lazy, it's about wanting to use a decent OS that just works as well as Linux used to.

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But thinking that Rust is inherently safer is actually trolling. I don't care what you're doing or who you are, you can make a gigantic security hole in ANY language, including Rust, and there's zero difference. If you really think people are going around screwing up in C more than people are screwing up in Rust, particularly because they feel like "RUST IS SAFER I CAN DO ANYTHING", you're delusional.

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Right here, is what I'm talking about. People believe that the code/language itself is inherently safe/secure or unsafe depending on what you choose and that's wrong. It's what the programmer does with that code that makes it safe or unsafe, secure or insecure. You can have the best designed and engineered materials on the planet and people are still going to be able to make things that will fall over and cause massive disasters with it. Stop bowing down to freaking Rust as if it's the damn savior of computing and programming. In the end, it's just another language and one another step removed from low level computing where it's easiest to deal with hardware-level and basic functionality systems at a huge cost.

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We need more Eye of the Beholder and classic Bard's Tale and classic Wizardry, and less fucking Baldur's Goddamn JRPG Story-Heavy Bullshit Gate. Story-heavy shit has basically killed gaming. Go watch TV for your fucking story, kids, and leave games alone.

"Boo hoo games have changed it's all different now story is good blah blah". Bullshit. Do you want to play chess and every other move have to stop and be forced to watch a part of some fucking medieval war movie? No? THEN WHY DO YOU WANT THIS IN VIDEOGAMES?

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We can't rely on voting. This person and many like him are inhuman and hateful and that right there should disqualify you from holding office, period.

Voting is just being able to influence panicky, problematic, fearful people to get hateful people to win. Nothing is going to be fixed in the long run if we keep allowing these people to hold office. We need a set standard for people that have respect, intelligence, dignity, and compassion for human beings of all kinds to be able to hold office. Voting is just going to make things worse and even if it happens to temporarily fix things, it will eventually swing back the other way.

This country is just inviting fascism by letting the common person have a say in how things are ran.

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Yes, it's called "not being a shit programmer."

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You really want to improve N64 games, particularly the Zelda games? CUTSCENE SKIP.

Get to the game. Why we have put so much emphasis on telling a story for 90% of a game, I will never understand.

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