2 Post – 169 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Elon Musk is full of shit about everything.

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Go is not a programming language. It's an angry rant of a bored Google engineer.

We're living in a bizarro world where Zuck is cool thanks to Elon.

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It's probably faster than an airplane if you also factor in the time lost at airports going through meaningless queues.

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Tesla is synonymous with false advertesing and hype.

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Mozilla has been mismanaged for years. Their share of the browser market tanked while the current CEO earned millions.

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Return to office is another round of layoffs. They are doing this to make people leave.

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I expect Western governments are looking at this and saying "gee, I wish we had that".

Have you ever experienced a layoff? I have. They are usually very random. Higher ups rarely have any idea who should be kept and who should be let go.

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They should just move it to a non-Western jurisdiction.

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Duplicate communities are good. Reddit's biggest problem was that a group of mods would take over a topic and prevent all opinions different from their own. Here you can just jump to an alternative community.

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Build a decent train line and those people using phones or checking they nails will not put anyone in danger.

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You know Telegram is strong on privacy because every government in the world is trying to ban it. Across the political spectrum too. America, Germany, Iran, Russia, China all hate it.

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Probably because it works and there hasn't been a strong reason to change it.

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A pirates life for me!

and there was much rejoicing!

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This could be due to federation. Maybe they.are federating with servers that you aren't.

But Reddit also had a lot of this and people always blamed shadowbans.

It never made sense. Government should not have favourites in social media. Everything government does should be on an open standard.

I hate Office365 with passion. It's extremely unproductive and alternatives like Quip are much better.

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The problem with Tesla is that their entire marketing is based on "Our cars drives themselves".

Twitter checks are the new MAGA hats.

Seniour leadership usually has no idea which teams are needed and which ones are not.

isn't yt-dlp the one to use anyway? I heard that youtube-dl is deprecated and dlp is the way to go.

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They have no confidence in their own product.

I'm in this picture :)

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It would be a bug if it did signal 🤣

Games just run on my Linux laptop these days. I stopped checking winehq a long time ago.

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Amazon is doing this to reduce headcount. They know a lot of people will resign over this.

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Fuck HP

NSFW drives a lot of traffic to Reddit. This will help the fediverse grow.

artists are first in line to get decimated by AI.

No, they were too expensive for Musk

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India's space program is doing more than fine.

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I stopped checking protondb or winehq before buying games. Games just work these days.

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Those 4 teens should first fix mbta's IT issues. It sounds like they are smarter than the folks at mbta.

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Good for them.

We thank you for your service!

I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't want recommendations, I want a search engine.

Fuck Google

Instead of 10 people you'll need 1 person instead. Those 9 people will need to find a new gig.