2 Post – 276 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They talk a lot about the housing crisis in California as the result of over regulation of development, but I think that’s only part of the problem. Even if you stripped out all of the regulations that slow down the process, I doubt we’d be in a much better place in a few years.

Rather we’d have a bunch of new shiny buildings sitting nearly empty because they were built as assets more than as homes, and filling them would depress the price of housing and thus decrease the value of them as assets.

We see this in places like Vancouver, and all over china. China built housing like mad, way to much even, and yet, the cost to buy a house or rent is still sky high in the places people need to work for their jobs.

There is a shortage of housing, and we do need to build more capacity, but, we need to choose how and where we build based on a larger number of metrics than what traditional for profit developers are willing to consider.

I mean, yah, there’s no libs to trigger on right wing sites. And what’s the point of spouting right wing rhetoric if you’re not making someone visibly angry about it?

Also, twitter and Facebook let them all back in, so why go to the shitty knock offs?

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Yah, I don’t live in a big place, nor do we turn the house in to a refrigerator, but our power bill was 200+ $ last month when normally it is closer to 50 due to the heat wave.

It’s wild.

I think the easiest solution to this is just not to have all the ”smart” features in the first place.

In regards to reducing emissions, I get that these smart features can increase efficiency, but, does that offset the emissions of manufacturing the additional hardware needed? most people won’t set up things like load shifting, or live in areas where variable priced power just isn’t a thing, so that efficiency is only really realized by a fraction of the units.

Things like heat pump heaters are incredibly efficient systems, even without the smart features. I think we would be better served by focusing on getting these made as efficiently, repairably, and cheaply as possible. And then getting them in to as many hands as possible. Packing them full of smart features will just diminish the longevity of the equipment, increase the cost per unit, and make them less accessible to the average person.

The problem is, this isn’t really up to consumers or even companies, as alluded to in blog post. Investors push for the inclusion of such features because they’re ether convinced it’s what must be done to compete, opens avenues for future subscription fees, or just because they’re invested in the company that makes the parts that enable the features.

It’s a structural issue in how investment and funding is done, and regulation will only do so much to counter the natural tendencies of the business world. We need different ways to get investment in to the production of these kinds of products.

“ See ink cartridges can be vectors for viruses because they have chips in them.”

“Why does a container of ink have chips in it?”

“To make sure you don’t use third party ink cartridges”

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Gee golly, why would the GOP want poor people in rural areas to not have internet? Isn’t that their largest constituency? Almost like those people having access to information other than through “local” news channels owned by Sinclair, Fox News, and their local church scares them or something.

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I used to pay for premium just because it was the simplest way to watch ad free on my phone (IOS so Vanced was not an option), and being able to download videos to watch later on a flight was nice.

But then they wouldn’t let you do Picture in Picture from the app, which, like, fine. Annoying but I’ll just play it in the background and just listen to the audio.

But then they started forcing the tiktok clone onto the home page and subscriptions page. I really do not like the dopamine disinformation vortex. So I deleted the app and just started watching them through the website, which actually enabled Picture in Picture and let me hide the shorts shelf (for 30 days before I have to click the X again.)

Now I’ve just stopped paying for it and just watch YouTube in the Firefox Focus IOS browser which completely blocks YouTube ads in my experience. It won’t let me do Picture in Picture or play audio in the background on their website, but I’ve noticed embedded YouTube videos on other websites will.

So now I’m looking in to using other front ends so I can have complete normal functionality without having to watch adds or pay them money and have their stupid tik tok clone shoved down my throat.

Good job Google, you managed to completely alienate someone who was paying you cash. Now I’m the definition of a free rider on your service.

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What a garbage article, like, start to finish manipulative attempt to build a stupid narrative. Like, antisemitism is a real thing but this kind of nonsense discredits real attempts to call it out.

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Ah yes the Ace community, famous for it’s acts of bondage. Yup the those asexuals, really out here tying each other up and whipping each other completely non-sexually just for shits and giggles.

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I’m slowly just migrating away from windows as much as I can because Microsoft is being so pushy with this nonsense. Like, they keep trying to get me to log in to a Microsoft account that doesn’t exist, they keep changing settings and asking for more permissions, they keep reinstalling stuff I’ve ripped out purposefully, and from the way they’re talking it seems like it’s just going to get worse. Stuff like putting cloud run python functions in to Excel just sounds like they’re testing tech to push more and more functions off the device and in to their centralized processing centers.

I’d consider apple but I don’t have “spend 3x as much money on the same hardware” money TBH, and really I don’t have any guarantees they won’t do the same thing Microsoft is doing.

I’ve got an older laptop that I’m slowly rebuilding my work flow in mint Linux and once I’ve got that working I’ll set it up on my main computer and be done with windows for the foreseeable future.

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Honestly I don’t think it’s just Google, DDG has been getting worse as well, not quite as bad as Google but still similar issues where the thing I’m looking for is buried under spam sites built to a generic standard with shitty content but spectacular search engine optimization.

And pumping out sites and pages like that is optimal in the current market as it is the best way to get clicks, as supposed to investing in skilled writing, investigation and research.

The problem is that the major search engines have all kind of sat on their behinds about this and actively sold these bad websites assistance in gaming their search engine. The search engines would have to rebuild their search functions to find signs of bad sites and deprioritize them in the list, not just show things that seem relevant. They’ll probably never do this because then they’d hurt the part of their business that is helping shitty sites game the engine.

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This video is such garbage. Like, the left is not celebrating this attack? Like what?

What a ridiculous position to group together an entire half of the political discourse on the internet and claim that everyone in that half has the same position.

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Lmao, what losers, like they could do anything to build support among their voters and they’re out here trying to gin up support by stoking transphobia.

Frankly, I think we should take this kind of stuff as a moment to consider where we could rebuild public infrastructure to prevent people having to own cars in the first place.

2 weeks from now “Elon musk plans to lock the ability to like and retweet behind subscription”

Windows also seems more concerned with going all in on cloud computing, the whole “you will own nothing and like it” paradigm. So making a faster and more efficient mobile platform isn’t probably a high priority for them.

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Free speech absolutist my ass.

Another drop of blood in the water. tech is no longer a boom industry. The hopes of infinite growth have been dashed on the reality that there is a fixed amount of time people can spend on phones, computers and tablets in a day. Meanwhile the anxious suits are saying “but is there anyway we could get people to not sleep? That’s be an additional 8 hours we could be showing them adds and harvesting their data.”

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Having solar panels spread in long lines over extended distances has some big issues in regards to transmission of that power, that power needs to get put on lines to be sent to where it is actually going to be used, the power that the panels are producing is not suited for long distance transmission and thus need to be transformed in to power that looses less energy when transmitted long distances.

If you’ve got a bunch of panels spread out in a long line, then you’re going to need more stations per panel than if you were to have big clusters of panels. Since the panels need to be with in a certain distance of a station to not have significant transmission losses.

I appreciate the sentiment but we might as well just put normal covers on the canals and build giant solar panel clusters closer to where the power is needed. It’s just a matter of will and the public coughing up the money to do this stuff, not a mater of there not being a clever enough solution.

if I need to go in to a command line and make a custom boot of the OS. I might as well be using a Linux distribution and not have the system reset my work every time it updates.

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If I had to guess, they probably did a shit job labeling training data or used pre labeled images, now where in the world could they have found huge amounts of pictures of women on the internet with the specific label of “Asian”?

Almost like, most of what determines the quality of the output is not “prompt engineering” but actually the back end work of labeling the training data properly, and you’re not actually saving much labor over more traditional methods, just making the labor more anonymous, easier to hide, and thus easier to exploit and devalue.

Almost like this shit is a massive farce just like the “meta verse” and crypto that will fail to be market viable and waist a shit ton of money that could have been spent on actually useful things.

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“Their doing hate speech against me! Ironic is it not?”

“Mr. musk, telling you that you’re doing a bad job of managing moderation is not hate speech”


I mean, this will probably kill the platform long term. Not the stock its self, but what’s going to happen when they need to start answering to an outside pool of share holders.

The website became popular because of its user curation and moderation. That meant it was showing people what they wanted to see and allowed them to self select into communities that facilitated that.

They’ll be forced to bring in smooth brained business types that will focus on putting ads and “native content” in people’s faces as much as possible. At the same time cracking down on “not advertiser friendly” content and mod teams that don’t play ball.

All of this has kind of happened already to some extent, but it’ll get a lot worse when shareholders demand they bring in consultants or new leadership who think they know better than the team that’s been struggling with this for over a decade. Even if the average user won’t understand what is wrong, they’ll spend less time there as it starts to fail to show them what they want. But hey, the share holders might make their money back before the platform dies.

It’s really quite absurd how bad it is in DC. There are so many smart professional young woman here and for so many they’re met by a wall of suit wearing conservative lobbyists who think that all they need to do to “get a wife” is be marginally successful in work, “strong”, and not respectful, kind, intelligent or responsible.

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Honestly it’s sound more and more like Netanyahu let this happen, if not created the circumstances for it to happen, just to create a rally round the flag effect because his goose was cooked legally and electorally

People are not obligated to engage with obviously shitty rhetoric.

It’s so funny to me that everything has to be couched in terms of being “good for the economy” can’t we just say it’s good for people? The strength of the economy is secondary to the well being of the people. A strong economy can make for better off people, but the end goal is people, not “the economy”.

Yah, they’re trying to build a god, it’s kinda weird.

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Reddit has had an issue with being a platform of public manipulation for a while. This is not new, it’s just much more noticeable now, and thus a lot less effective.

Reddit was always full of reposts and content yoinked from other sites, it’s just that the content taken from other sites was curated. There was also a fair amount of original content mixed in. The people who bothered to do the free labor of curating content from other sites or creating original content, have largely left or retreated to smaller subreddits.

Where as before the influence and marketing campaigns were mixed in with genuine/well curated content, now they are 90% of what is left. Even their content is worse than it used to be since it’s largely just LLM generated slop now.

points to sign

“Just because you don’t have a good explanation yet doesn’t mean you are reasonable to suggest the explanation is Aliens/Gods/Magic/Ghosts/Psychics.”

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It’s monarchism but they replaced the Devine right of kings/Mandate of Heaven with the “Mandate of the Market”

This is definitely realistic and not an over valuation based on AI-hype investor brain rot. Like, they’re a fucking graphics card company. Like, sure graphics cards can do some cool linear algebra, and linear algebra can do some cool things… but I’m sorry, they’re not going to be earning as much as Apple or Microsoft, companies that sell the whole rest of the computer to people and/or the plurality of software that runs on it.

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I hate this skynet discourse, like no fucking shit LLMs aren’t skynet, they’re not even AI. Acting like that’s a legitimate criticism that needs to be discussed is blatantly just an attempt to distract from the real issues and criticism.

There are real issues surrounding how these models are trained, how the data for the models is selected and who gets compensated for that data, let alone the discussions around companies using these tools to devalue skilled individuals and cut their pay.

But they don’t have to engage with any of that because they get to debate the merits of wether or not the shitty sitcom script autocomplete program will launch nukes or make paper clips out of people.

Accusing anyone who criticizes you of antisemitism just devalues the term. Which is really fucking stupid because there is a modern rise in anti semitism, but it goes way further back than the current genocide in Gaza and most (not all but most) of the antisemitism is tangential or unrelated to Israel.

I can understand why, they provide a better longevity as a safe space for the queer community in general. Like, I found that many gay bars have a serious longevity issue, gay guys come, straight woman who don’t want to be hit on come (some try and hit on the gay/bi guys there… which is just… a whole thing) then a bunch of straight guys show up because they hear there are lots of women at the place (and get upset when gay guys hit on them…)

So like i can see how lesbian bar would circumvent that, given the prevailing gender norms, you’re probably not going to get a bunch of straight guys seeking refuge from predatory woman coming to lesbian bars, and thus a bunch of straight women fallowing them and diluting the space.

I’m not trying to put blame on any group here, but like, trends driven by a series of innocent individual choices do be happening.

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The main reason projects use it is because a plurality of people already have a discord account, and you don’t need to keep making a new account for every new forum or wiki you want to comment on, read, or post to. I don’t think this is just an issue of “critical mass” ether. Lot of people don’t really want to be handing information to every project they interact with, nor do people want to learn 30 different UIs and quirks.

It’s nature as a chat/call system first has it’s benefits in the form of printed community discussion. People feel like they’re part of a community more easily than on traditional forums and wikis, it’s just more conversational.

It’s far from a good wiki or forum, in fact it is basically non-functional as a wiki, but, as a forum and tech support line, it does work, largely buoyed by the good search function.

It’s open ended enough in it’s functionality, and enough people already know how to use plugins and bots for it, that a lot of it’s short comings can be paved over or overlooked.

It’s bloated and messy and the back end is… yah, and it’s UI and formatting are not well suited for certain tasks. But the average person is far more likely to actually use it. With a single link anyone who already has a discord account can get access to a community, post, comment, and search previous comments and questions. Not to mention that it’s easier to keep track of projects you’re interested in if they’re all centralized on a single platform.

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It’s kind oh hard to take two state solution seriously at this point given that current isreali leadership has shown such contempt for existing treaties

They don’t secrete a filtered blood derived substance through modified sweat glands, thus not milk producing, nearly milk substitute producing.

Wild thought, vampires that drink milk instead of blood.

Man I feel bad for that team, they’re gonna probably take the fire for this despite it probably being the result of management crunching them for results.

Frankly I don’t like the “but we could be spending this better at home” argument because the people making that argument invariably would refuse to actually do so, and instead just give out another tax cut.

That money would never end up going in to a single payer healthcare system, SNAP, education or building out more sustainable infrastructure. We don’t do these things not because we don’t have the money for it, we don’t do these things because they would undermine the influence of large financial and corporate interests.

There is a much better argument to not fund Israel, and it is that they’re attempting to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip, have flaunted all of the treaties and agreements they made for near on 20 years, and they’re current leadership was undemocratically put in power.

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