City council removes plus sign from LGBTQ+ Pride proclamation after deciding it promotes BDSM to – 129 points –
City council removes plus sign from LGBTQ+ Pride proclamation after deciding it promotes BDSM

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Ah yes the Ace community, famous for it’s acts of bondage. Yup the those asexuals, really out here tying each other up and whipping each other completely non-sexually just for shits and giggles.

...many asexual people still have a libido and might experience sexual desire. Asexual people might still masturbate or have sex. After all, sexuality doesn't always mean someone doesn't enjoy sex. It just means they don't experience sexual attraction.

BDSM doesn’t have to be sexual in nature—some people like it for the power only.

I know, I’m asexual, I’m just pointing out that the I and the A which are so often added and that the plus is often substituted for to cover even more bases, are really weird things to associate with BDSM.

Kinda missed the point there dude.

Axs, nbs, and the rest of the soup aren't well known for their spanking proclivities

Eh. I'm in the ace umbrella and I'd be honored to be associated. One of the most important tenants of BDSM is consent. And if everyone is consenting, I won't be forced into situations I'm uncomfortable with. These people probably associate BDSM with Fifty Shade of Gray, which the BDSM community, last I checked, hates with a burning passion because it's very nonconsensual.