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Joined 1 years ago

But they want users to vote out mods?

They don't want subreddits to close, but they've closed several.

Seems almost like their complaints actually don't make sense given their own actions are just an excuse...

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Hurricane evaculations over days are a mess even with power, fuel, and food...

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One of the most common I downvote comments is including things like "Edit: why all the downvotes?" in topics that aren't about the voting system (instinctually downvoted this topic, but un-downvoted), . But also just downvote things things are spammy, *phobic, defending genocides, etc.

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If your goal is to have a safe space for an oppressed minority group to express themselves, allowing transphobes to go about "just asking questions" and harassing people shuts down conversation of a group that actually has their freedom of expression threatened. Allowing harassment is more censorship than banning it. And no one should have the expectation of being able to just go into anyone's house and shit on their floor without consequence. And that might mean being banned from going to all of their friend's houses as well.

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There was a fight.. just not by their own employees.

Or when you follow the same car for a few turns and worry they are worried.

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The warning is there to remind people that the green arrow isn't always lit when the green circle is and normal rules of yielding when turning left apply. Green arrow still gives right of way

By biological father was an anonymous sperm donor before the technology to sequence a person's DNA for under 10 billion dollars was a thing. They did not give their DNA to ancestry. Their sister did, having no clue that her brother had donated. Yet ancestry has matched her to several nieces and nephews, outing her brother's history to his sister and the children who were never supposed to have access to that info. It's not just your own information.

Similarly, one of my half siblings suddenly found out that his dad wasn't his birth dad.

Anyways, he happens to be cool with the fact that he suddenly had contact with offspring who weren't supposed to know who he was.

But our DNA is interconnected. It doesn't just belong to one person.

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The ITER was basically supposed to have been built starting in the 80s from my understanding... Until cheap fossil fuels dried up all interest in funding fusion research. When it takes 40 years to fund a single project via international collaboration, 50 years is a short timescale.

Even with renewed recent interest, fusion still has less than half the funding it did during the energy crisis. Of course the predictions from that era were optimistic given they were no longer able to do experiments like these when they expected them to proliferate.

Steam workshop exists as well, for games that support it.

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Not a lawyer, but I feel like basing the fee on their internal guess on how many installs seems questionable. Surely some major jurisdictions would take issue with that and counting installs from before the new TOS towards the new threshold. Also their contradictory TOS terms at the very least would probably get them an expensive trial, even if they win it.

How is Windows in the 2nd drive supposed to know that?

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Destroy people's homes, utilities, food, etc, then pulling out and saying "not my problem" while people die from lack of basic necessities and medical care as a result of Israel's destruction and Israel does a pikashocked face while continuing to do whatever they can to limit aid getting in still seems pretty bad. Like, better than stealing the Territory...

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Why do you think billionaires become billionaires? They were already messed up before the money and had no morals to stop them from doing immoral things to get it.

If I knew I'd never be caught, I'd hope I would do things that billionaire brown-nosers think is immoral. But it's things I believe are moral. Like reclaiming stolen wealth from billionaires.

What percent of facebook users would document their content and report their removal to HRW? 1000 reporting to HRW because their comments got removed from facebook seems funny. I certainly wouldn't think to report technology@lemmy.world's mods to a human rights organization if they removed this comment or banned me for posting something pro-palestine on another community.

mean SD
No 9.40 2.27
Yes 9.74 2.30

Definitely not statistically significant.

6 years ago? Was togetic's catch rate still bugged them? It was practically uncatchable at launch (only crit catches worked)

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For some, if they admit that gender isn't fixed, they'd have to admit they waste so much of their live not transitioning. Sometimes its easier to double down when you're wrong for so long.

For some men, its probably mostly about sexism. They have so little going for them personally that they latch on to things like "being manly" (or "white pride") to compensate for their insecurities. If "men" choose to be women, then that's seen as an attack on the superiority of being a man and to maintain the exclusivity, you also can't allow "women" to become men but at least "women" wanting to be men supports the belief in superiority of men. One reason why trans women are demonized more than trans men by some transphobes.

For some women, its probably similar to how some minorities because even more prejudiced against some other minority that is seen as even "worse" than them to join with the majority. Like racism against black people by Irish when they weren't considered white or homophobia among racial minorities.

For others, its just parroting their bubble.

Some, just because they expect to be able to get away with it.

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Probably using the monthly active users.

13mil seems to be total users.

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Isn't that a bit late to be starting basic health education? For girls, that's above the average age of beginning puberty and for both, it's years after the cutoff for it being consider precocious.

If he can even get a 1% gain in net worth from market manipulation, it would be a worth it even with 2 more zeros. 1 billion dollars is barely anything for him. 20mil is like a $80 fine for millionaire.

Same. Was aware of mastadon, but I never liked twitter and didn't want a twitter alternative.

So random rumors spread by soldiers should be treated as truth (because its pro-team Israel ) but reporting on what the ministry of health of gaza, officials in israel, and random israel soldiers all confirm is spreading baseless lies (because it is anti-team Israel)?

No denying AJ doesn't spread propaganda. But if Israel wants to stop propganda, maybe they should start by getting rid of their officials and soldiers, who are spreading the rumors in the first place?

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It would be irresponsible to stop drilling more oil.
Source: shell.

But what about abcdefg hijklmnop qrs tuv wx yz?

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It’s almost like she is trying to be as impartial as possible.

Why would being impartial lead to a mistrial?

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Best I can do for you is reckless conduct.

Or if you aren't sure if someone is being sarcastic and forgot the /s.

I've also used it to try to find out what country someone was in when relevant to the discuss (ie, they're talking about relevant laws in whatever jurisdiction they're in)

If we have the tech to change people's brains in such a way, what else will it gets used on? Ethically, there's differences between pedophilia and other sexual preferences but I don't know if there's any biological differences. Given conversion camps are already a problem despite not working, I can't see how they wouldn't become a bigger problem if they did actually do what they claimed...

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Was expecting the same and I didn't even know they switched to torx. Philips screws are bad. I go out of my way and spend extra money to avoid them.

I feel like I still see people complain about modern refrigerants being less good because environmentalists banning the old ones on rare occasions.

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Unless they experienced something like spontaneous failure of their braking system due to smoke, they were driving recklessly. Driving recklessly is the norm, such as driving too fast to be able to respond to hazards. Easy to believe 90% of the people in the collision were driving recklessly and a small percent probably responded appropriately, but got rear ended by people driving recklessly anyways.

I've never once noticed someone's body odor. On the other hand, some who just finished showering using a fruity shampoo reeks imo. Ditto for people who use perfume or cologne. And those often can also cause allergies for many people...

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Tbf, they're a self-acclaimed smart person who doesn't want to get banned. At least they haven't gotten themselves banned yet, so can't find fault with that statement yet.

Not exactly, but during the covid pandemic prices dropped and our lease was coming up for renewal and they wanted the standard 2-3% increase anyways. We ask them to lower it and they said corporate doesn't let them do it. So we gave 2 months notice and waited for our unit to appear on the website and started a new lease. Technically, there was a 2 week period between the leases, but we just bickered with them until they said we could stay, and they even charged us at the new lower lease rate for those 2 weeks. I think we saved like 20% a month compared to our original lease?

I'd assume you usually need to move to benefit from rent drops or at least put in notice that you're moving out.

Rat pregnant. Humans have less pregnancies.

Was it? Or is this the babies that were burned to death news? Neither is good, but technically the later still isn't evidence of the former nor does it prove intent (beheading 40 babies is pretty hard to do accidentally, and uncontrolled fire burning two babies can very much be an accident).

Either way, Hamas did kill civilians, including babies (pretty sure there was one that was shot in addition to the two burned), which is terrible and in no way should they be given any sort of pass just because Israel has previously committed acts of violence. But its still fair to call out fabricated news meant to push for mass killings of civilians, including children and babies.

Even if you buy Terraria off of steam, you can use steam mods. Sounds like a per-game problem, rather than a steam problem.