Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) to – 291 points –

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Probably using the monthly active users.

13mil seems to be total users.

It does look like Mastodon has around 9 million itself, that's a nice size. It also makes this graph wrong.

9 million is total user accounts. Not monthly active user accounts. Facebook has 3 billion monthly active user accounts. The chart is showing active monthly user accounts.

Nope, the link is for monthly active users, that chart is messed up.

The link has a graph for monthly active users that says 1.7 million. Not sure why the pie chart shows something different though.

One is total and one is monthly, I see what you mean now.

I see reckon it shows there are L'1 of us but I dunno I could be reading this upside down. I'll get back to you.