3 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Scientist. Lacemaker.

This is my current favorite designation.


I think in the past (and I'm old enough to remember), both abortion and miscarriage carried a self-imposed shame/shunning silencing.

But now, people are not ashamed to talk about it. And those stories are surfacing, even in people's own circles. When someone hears a story of a wanted pregnancy that goes wrong, and the young mother's case of near-death sepsis as well as the damage to carrying future pregnancies--people will catch on.

These dogs have caught the car they were chasing. I wish it didn't include the collateral damage to young families, but here we are. I hope people get to the ballot box with these stories in their heads. We should make sure of it....

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They should have been leaving earlier, the outcome was clear by last year. But when I saw recently that Block Party was going away, I knew that it was going to become hellish and untenable.

Let's make them welcome here....

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This point struck me too:

Reddit is under no obligation to make its API free. But, it seems, the company has overreached in enforcing the new policy. If its target is the largest AI firms, then it should focus on curbing their parasitic proclivities and not going after beloved and useful software its users and moderators depend on.

This is my feeling. I understand that it could cost something. But the eye-watering rates for the small fish and the speed of the extortion is the issue.

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I hope they hire Jean Carroll's lawyer. I'd kick in to a go-fund-me for helping them to do that.

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Do your fucking job, pharmacist. Or GTFO.

I'm wondering if a Co-op model would work for some of these alternatives. Then they would be less reliant on a single owner/developer system, there would be additional support for some of the businessy components, and there would be a built-in groups structure for resolution of issues.

I've been watching the formation of a co-op Etsy alternative, and I'm very interested to see how that goes. I think it's fine to complain about corporatization, but I think it's also crucial to build and support other models at the same time.

I am not a member of this Artisan's Coop, but am considering it.

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I can understand that some people don't want to discuss private health matters. And those folks who have been trying to conceive but have trouble--talking about the yet-another-miscarriage has to be incredibly wrenching and hard.

But those stories are crucial to hear right now, I'm afraid. I think the mainstream Republican isn't even aware that this went on.

I think those new drugs look really game-changing. I know they aren't affordable yet, but soon the insurers will realize they are cheaper than the downstream costs of diabetes.

I was reading in the NYT yesterday that they were making people change behavior not just on hunger, but on the "food noise" that a lot of people have. So this will change the situation in a household and might have additional social consequences for people's consumption.

TIL that the moderation logs are public. That was kind of surprise to look through.

Huge, if true. I think a lot of people in rural areas need to be exposed to something besides Christian radio....

And it really could benefit people who have jobs that can be WFH now--people could live in these dying towns with real incomes, money to spend, and kids in the school systems.

I hope they get it right.

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The #Boston coast guard is involved? Weird.

I just wanted to repost this to Boston, but that's something I don't know how to do. I posted the link --but is there a way here to repost?

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Yeah, I ran into this the other day. I started m/Skeptic because it didn't exist. Later I found m/Skeptics. And then there was another one, I forget now what that was.

Maybe some of us can merge as we proceed and find our people? But maybe having a couple isn't the worst thing, if they have some differences.

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The tonedeafness of this C-suite is remarkable. And like twitter, I'm stunned at how quickly they are steering the clown car off the cliff.

I liked twitter, despite its flaws. I liked reddit too--some of it was a swamp, but you could have your little island and mostly be ok. Like most tools they could be used for good or bad, and you could focus on the good.

But they flushed all of the good. What a really stupid plan.


LOL, same here. Most of the time I knew, but in a rental car or something, I could never remember...

My charging port is in the front center now--and this is causing me problems with some street chargers because I can't get the cable far enough over. There's no arrow for that....

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Yeah. I don't know that part would be active shaming like an elective abortion would ignite some biddies. But some people feeling personal failure at not being able to carry. They shouldn't--it's not a personal failure, but I've seen some people feel some of that.

This is why I encouraging comments.... I managed to drop kbin into mine :)

Yah, Leaf 2016 model. I got ticketed by the city for parking the wrong direction. I tried to explain to them that they chose to site the charger in a way that caused this problem, but they said they didn't care and don't do it....

thank you--I have no idea how to add emojis here, but I'd give you the applause one if I could...

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Agree--I'm seeing a lot of what I called 'quiet quitting' lately. The regulars are posting a lot less, or not at all. I'm not ready to burn-it-all-down, because I want to be able to lure people over later when this is a bit more mature. But it already feels different there.

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Reddit is becoming an unusable garbage site.


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Looks like a jurisdiction thing--a Canadian ship launched it though.

The submersible was reported missing after it was overdue by a couple of hours on Sunday evening, according to Chief Mi'sel Joe — head of the Mi'kmaq band which owns the ship from which the submersible is launched.

Verizon 5G, $35/month for the 300 mbps / 20 up plan (my needs are not huge, this does the TV streaming and the zoom meetings just fine).

Somerville MA. Was previously paying 3x that for crappy Astound service at half the speed.

Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum*

*yes, I know:


I put alt text in my kbin uploads, but then I couldn't find it later.

I would also like to be able to preview my image as I'm writing the description. I have to keep looking back at my stored one to try to do it well, and I'm failing.

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