Reddit’s Chief Says He Wants It to ‘Grow Up.’ Will Its Community Let It? [Gift article] | Comments are open at NYT. It needs some from this community. to Reddit – 43 points –
Reddit’s Chief Says He Wants It to ‘Grow Up.’ Will Its Community Let It?

As the social media site matures, its users and moderators have made their displeasure about corporate changes known, putting the company into a bind.


If he wants Reddit to grow up, he should start by doing the same...

Yeah I mean, lead by example dude. If you want reddit to grow up you should start by doing so yourself.

Be aware that thoughts of capitalists are based upon money, not based upon mind. Growing up means that of price, not of people.

Woof, not a good look NYT. The misrepresentation is strong with this one.

Honestly not as bad as I would've expected from NYT, but maybe anticapitalist is more of a pejorative for them than it is for me.

Grow up = “do exactly what I tell them too”

Having heard about his moderation of r/jailbait, the gaslighty tactic sounds right up his alley.

“Oh, minor victim, adults do adult things. It just happens to be exactly what I’m telling you to do. You want to grow up and be mature, right?”

The guy is a creep.

Here’s what I wrote:

This piece is so biased. To act like the mods and the content creators behind this protest are keeping the site from growing up is farcical. You know how the site could have grown up? Get some actual professionals to make their app so 3rd party creators didn’t have to do it for them. How about, since you couldn’t make an app before (or better) than the competition, you work with the 3rd party app creators and show them some respect? What the article doesn’t say is that there was about a month between Reddit dropping their (not at all “realistic” as they claimed) API pricing, and the point 3rd party apps got charged for it. This decision was made to either scrape money out of 3rd party apps or kill them altogether, not to make their users happy.

Here’s another one: actually care about your unpaid moderators enough to give them the tools they need to moderate efficiently.

The thing is, Huffman wants Reddit to “grow up” when he lies and spreads libelous claims, then gets mad when he gets caught. Sounds like he’s the one who needs to grow up


Growing up for a multi billion dollars company means fully monetizing user data they collect and then trying to collect even more. They've got ip logs so using phone permissions to try and get sim card data for a more detailed profile through use of public directories and using that to provide a better idea of what type of ad click through users with certain interests and other demographic data respond to can be of real value to marketers if they can properly organize it so it isn't random data.

Spez mistakes being cynical and greedy with "maturing," as is typical of the cynical and greedy.

Reddit's situation is now mentionned on the NYTIMES. That means it made it. May the fall continues.