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Joined 12 months ago

I suppose one of the losses from Reddit is not being able to link to the "Swamps of Dagobah"...

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I wonder if it's possible ...and not overly undesirable... to have your instance essentially put an import tax on other instances' votes. On the one hand, it's a dangerous direction for a free and equal internet; but on the other, it's a way of allowing access to dubious communities/instances, without giving them the power to overwhelm your users' feeds. Essentially, the user gets the content of the fediverse, primarily curated by the community of their own instance.

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That's right! Put dollars in the chicken recipe!

Anyway that's my two cents.

I think opinionated is different from being for a non-power-user.

Click 'brave' is not opinionated, because I could click chromium instead. "There is a web browser (and it is Firefox)" is more opinionated, and easier at first, then harder if you happen to need a chromium-based browser.

Happy to have more of the y'all in English English, but personally I'd like an uptake in youse.

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I count with my thumb on my finger sections (what do you call them?) rather than my fingertips. So one hand comfortably counts to 12. (You can do a similar version, with a little more stretching, to count to 16... but I can't be bothered, and besides, I like 12.)

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what would happen to distribution X if Canonical suddeny made Ubuntu closed-source?

I believe Linux Mint has done some planning for if Ubuntu does something like that - probably to rebase off Debian in that case

See, I always find it funny when people say Linux is rubbish for desktop. I main Linux and boot Windows for some games, and Windows continues to find ways to bug me while my Linux desktop feels great.

I guess YMMV

I feel that should be balanced with: this is appropriate here so I won't downvote it, even if it's irrelevant to me.

... I suppose for big communities that averages out so it's okay, but maybe not for small

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I think someone else mentioned the same here, but as I've browsed down the opinions, I wonder if it's good for different communities to have their own subculture on what votes mean.

For sure, outsiders dropping by might vote 'counter-culturally' and unhelpfully, but you can get a general sense of understanding in a community.

For r/all-alike stuff I'm sure things are different.

Some of the human-alignment projects

And some look like "I flip shit bigger, align with me or I will flip your shit"

((Why does Firefox crash on me?!!!!!))

((Maybe even Firefox knows I typed too long and rambly.))

So, where does that leave us? There's always been unreliable knowledge from people. Joe in the next village tells tall tales about Martha from Sweden who catches fish with peeled strawberries. Scientific standardisation has helped a lot, and allowed for a sort of globalised reliable knowledge, but its cracks are showing. We trust 'the experts', but then find Wikipedia has trolls and WHO is influenced by Chinese diplomacy. So we trust 'the community' and find Amazon reviews are bought. So we trust our moderated sublemmits, and find out the content-to-user matching algorithms breed echo chambers. So we trust the government to moderate, but the American Left admit the Democrats are bad, and the Right admit the Republicans are liars. (And I've never even been to America!) So at last we go back to Aunt Jenny, who's deeply afraid that black people will take over the country, and the local sysadmin whose network security is based on the book he read in the '90s.

Maybe we need to relearn tricks from the old irl days, even if that loses us some of what we could gain from globalised knowledge and friendship. Perhaps we can find new ways to apply these to our internet communities. I don't think I'm saying anything new here, but I guess fostering a culture of thinking about truth and trust is good: maybe I'm helping that.

Almost as an aside (so I don't ramble twice as long like my crashed-firefox answer!): The best philosophical one-liner I've found for first-principleing trust, is, does this person show love? (Kindness, compassion, selflessness.) To me, and/or to others. Then that imparts some assumed value to their worldview and life understanding. Doesn't make them an expert on any topic, but makes a foundation.

And finally,

Do you really believe that the average persons sapience is really that noteworthy?

Yes. If you mean, is their comment more noteable than most others, in a public debate, then no. But if you're pointing towards, are their experience, understanding and internal processes valuable, then yes, and that's important to me. (Though I'm not great enough to hear, consider or interact with everyone!)

The average person on the internet is being fake the same way chatGPT based bots would be!

Do you reckon so? I think fake internet usually talks different to chatGPT, though of course propaganda (national or individual level) tries to mimic which or whatever will be most effective. My point was largely that chatGPT mimics the experts we've previously learnt to trust, better than most of fake internet was able to do before, whilst being less sapient (than fake internet) and at the same time being yet more and yet much less trustworthy.

Yeah, that's the idea

Edit: but I was thinking the result to be specific to your instance, rather than a fediverse-wide vote-rank standardisation.

So, e.g. to a viewer signed into votes from within would count more; but to the member of ispamlemmywithhate.crap, votes from ispamlemmywithhate.crap would count more

Ever since this rusty Delorean got abandoned outside my cul-de-sac, I've enjoyed regular visits to ancient Babylonia.

This reads exactly like a chatgpt answer ;-)

You treat bots like humans and humans like bots. It's all about logic and good/bad faith.

Part of the thing with chatgpt is it's particularly good at sounding like it knows what is saying, while spewing linguistically-coherent nonsense.

For many (most? Even all to some degree?) of us, we have some idea ingrained in our culture of saying what we think to be true, and refraining from what we don't. That's heavily diluted on the internet, but the converse tends to be saying what we think will make people support/agree with us. We've grown up (some of us have!) with some feel of how to tell the difference.

GPT (and I guess most human-like chat bots will be similar for now) is more an amoral, or a-scient, attempt to say something coherent based on the training data. It's different again, but sounds uncannily like what we're used to from good-faith truth-speakers. I also think it's like the extreme-end of some cultures that prioritise saying what will make the other person happy, more than what is true.

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Out of interest, within a community (that's what a sublemmy is called, right?) is there any facility to prioritise votes of people subscribed to that community over those not subscribed? Was that the thing with brigading before (sorry, didn't realise this before!) that mods can moderate and ban posts/posters but not votes/voters?

So, I didn't mean instances treated unequally in the grand, set-in-protocol scheme of the fediverse - as if some centralised authority/agreement that this instance counts for more than that. Just as defederation doesn't make meta's instance authoritatively illigitimate.

But an instance can choose, within that instance, to defederate with another; likewise an instance within itself could deprioritise some or all others' instances' votes.

Still agree dangerous precedent ...but still wonder if some sort of instance-controlled moderation of external content is eventually necessary in the future. Or, I suppose, there could be separate services (much like ad-block lists) that users individually could enable to auto-moderate/adjust their own feeds.

And (sorry for waffling!) I suppose it depends a lot on how much you browse specific communities and how much you scroll "all" or whatever. Back in the before-days, I'm used to subbing to very few communities, and generally lazily browsing r/all

Is youse a thing I'm Pennsylvania and/or Kentucky? I was thinking a la the land of the free, home of the brave (Scotland)

My lemmy-client-fu isn't yet up to the task of linking it while on mobile... but I just saw a thread about two tools that will help you essentially clone your Lemmy account to another instance. Might help, even if not perfect?

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we don't respect meta and don't want to share a platform with them

I guess a big part of the dilemma is, though we mightn't respect meta, some of us respect some of the people who use their services - even like some of them - and would like to be in the loop with them without using meta's services ourselves directly

I'm on a Lemmy instance that's preemptively defederated, and I respect that, but I might think about creating an account on another instance so I can have interoperability ... That said, I've done pretty well almost entirely ignoring Facebook and Instagram so far, so maybe I just won't care enough

I agree it would be a dangerous precedent.

Thing is, though, every instance is not equally valid and legitimate: that's the reason for defederating from Threads.

Not sure what you mean by what Gmail and Microsoft did to email? Do you mean that they assume many unknown email origins are spam? Though Gmail's obviously attracted a lot of users, and I myself have moved off it now to paying for my email provider elsewhere, I was under the impression it's been quite good for email and for pushing secure email, and being good at anti-spam.

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Why would you include your hostname in the hash? That just sounds like an invitations for a mistake to leak semi-private telemetry data.

Come to think of it.... Isn't obscured telemetry exactly what your suggestion is doing? If they get or guess your hostname by other means, then they have a nice timestamped request from you, signed with your hostname, every second

There's also low-effort/value comments that agree with your worldview but are bad contribution to the debate. Especially on controversial topics.

I'm sure there will always be lots of updates for things that shit on the opposition, especially when the majority thinks the opposition is morally and intellectually corrupt, but I'd rather those posts/comments be demoted (or e.g. relegated to a shitposting community) so healthy discussion can happen. And the truth can be seen more fairly.

As a side note: some of Reddit's majority opinions which I broadly agree with, I found myself shifting away from, because most of its supporting posts are stupid arguments. And some of the opponents I've gained sympathy for, because whenever I check the source for hate against them, it's ill-founded. I tried not to take much opinion from Reddit anyway, but I love it when good debate frames the truth more clearly.

Enter: the wheel of upvote options and the multidimensional spectrum of downvote options. Don't worry, I'll ask Google to analyse my life history and feed it into the emote-i-vote.

Come to think of it, I like the attach emoticon thing in GitHub (and lots of other social media? But I've liked it in GitHub) to get a relatively convenient and concise expression of "I like your message in this particular(ish) way"

Nah, I customise my windows gui to look like kde, then post my vnc login on stack exchange to zero-click install everything.

Thank you! I just want to say, I've also been curious about ipv6 every now and again for a long time, and this thread has helped me to understand more.

One hand for base 12; two for 24! Actually I just use one hand, so my left hand would probably become a second digit. 144 counts on my fingers ftw!