What habits or practies have you adopted from cultures besides your own?

teamster@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 228 points –

For example, I'm a white Jewish guy but I've adopted the Japanese practice of keeping dedicated house slippers at the front door.


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I count with my thumb on my finger sections (what do you call them?) rather than my fingertips. So one hand comfortably counts to 12. (You can do a similar version, with a little more stretching, to count to 16... but I can't be bothered, and besides, I like 12.)

Did you learn this during a brief vacation in ancient babylonia?

Ever since this rusty Delorean got abandoned outside my cul-de-sac, I've enjoyed regular visits to ancient Babylonia.

The power of the superior base 6 system was within our palms this entire time?!

Two hands, base 12 the mostest superior

One hand for base 12; two for 24! Actually I just use one hand, so my left hand would probably become a second digit. 144 counts on my fingers ftw!