10 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Summary (from the article):

  • Firefox for Android now has third-party extension support, allowing users to customize their browsing experience.
  • Mozilla has made over 450 extensions available for Firefox on Android, with more to come in the future.
  • While Chrome dominates the mobile browsing market, Firefox aims to stand out by offering extension support on Android.
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Yep, you can switch them to Bluetooth mode now. Works pretty well!

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The longer I am on Beehaw the more I appreciate it. Proud to be a contributor and grateful for you all 🐝👍

"These products are garbage," he says. "We are not used to them, they are not part of the Mediterranean diet. And they could be a threat for people: we don't know what eating insects can do to our bodies.

As opposed to red meat, which we know causes health issues in large quantities...

People are afraid of change, I get it. The thought of eating bugs weirds me out too, but do it for a month or so and I'm sure it's fine.

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-A Hat in Time


-Shantae (Pirates Curse and Risky's Revenge are my favs)

-Touhou Luna Nights


-Portal 1/2 if that counts

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The most stark example against this is the original MW2 - in addition to the anti-war quotes everyone loves to talk about every time you die, the main antagonist is literally a US Army General (admittedly he is distanced from the actual Army by the end, using a PMC instead).

The black ops games have some twist that often provoke the the thought of whether the ends justify the means. ::: In Cold War, the main character, Bell, is actually a captured Russian soldier that they have brainwashed to fight for the US as part of an experimental program. When this is revealed, you have the option to betray your "team" and lead them into a Russian trap :::

That being said, I haven't played all of the cod campaigns, especially some of the more "historical" entries. It's more fun to play this type of game when it makes you feel like what you're doing is justified. It's important to remember it's all fiction, but hey, it's not going to be for everyone. If you feel like the game you're playing goes against your morals, no shame in switching it off for something else.

As Reggie from Nintendo once said, "If it isn't fun, why bother."

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At first I thought you meant Beehaw in general had dropped off trending communities and you were happy to have fewer users 😆

Thinking about it now, the recent months have become much more stable in my experience. Unfortunately, one of those "when things are going right, nobody will notice." So I appreciate you drawing attention to this win.

Thank you for all your hard work!

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"While you have repeatedly claimed that the ACP is necessary for connecting participating households to the Internet, it appears the vast majority of tax dollars have gone to households that already had broadband prior to the subsidy," the Republicans' December 2023 letter to Rosenworcel said.

That may be partly explained by the fact that many ACP recipients were getting a different discount under a predecessor program that ended once the ACP was implemented. The $30 monthly ACP benefit replaced the previous $50 monthly subsidy from the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program that started enrolling users in May 2021.

Nothing to add to this discussion except that savannahxyz is a treasure

I take it you're not from the US 😅 texting is still the default here, and since apple refuses to open up iMessage and has not yet implemented RCS, Cross-Platform communication is pretty shitty. People get excluded from group chats because even a single user on a different platform will set it back to MMS

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Had a lot of fun with this game when it first came out. Definitely recommend if you enjoy fast-paced games with a focus on movement

"Some Republican lawmakers argue the industry will harm tourism, and they blame it for a recent spate of whale deaths."

"Congressional Republicans and local nonprofits opposed to these projects have launched campaigns and lawsuits to halt their development — many of them backed by oil and gas companies."

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Thanks for the writeup! No plans of my own to host a server at the moment, but there's some good takeaways here.

also saw has a boomer shooters community so ofc had to subscribe

Have you looked into unbound?

I've only started the phantom pain but during the intro it feels like "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" pops up every 30 seconds lol

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Curious why people voted Altman over SBF?

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Feels like I've been hearing back and forth forever about whether it's going to happen. I never tried the multiplayer personally, but I know this is sad news for many

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Close-knit and friendly. I can also find more serious content in a lot of these communities. And of course I love the cowboy bee icon

I'm guessing not, but in the offchance you're using one of the newer Chromecast with Google TV there is a Jellyfin app you can install

In addition to what you mentioned, the article also reminds that pollinators rely on similar pheromones (including bees 🐝)

I appreciate AW1 but the gameplay was pretty repetitive and feels dated today (imo). 2 is a lot more enjoyable

🟥Red - Math

🟦Blue - Reading

🟨Yellow - Writing

🟩Green - Science

I think they added a cloudflare captcha. Saw a recommendation for flaresolver but it sounds like that uses a fair amount of memory so I haven't tried it personally

"True Pacifist" route is worth doing if you enjoy Undertale, it's not terribly difficult and fleshes out the characters a bit more. If you're thinking about going the other way, I would say play up through Undyne and see how that feels. Edit: also play Deltarune if you havent

I really want to like Outer Wilds, but it just hasn't quite clicked with me either. I've probably played about 10 hours but just keep bouncing off of it.

I'll begin - as great as it would be to go full vegan, it's difficult to imagine for a few reasons:

  • I cannot eat nuts

  • I often share meals with a family who loves beef and red meat and is hesitant to try alternatives

  • Dairy alternatives are generally more expensive

The main reasons I would like to reduce my consumption are to lower my carbon footprint (looking at you, cow farts) and unethical treatment of animals, especially the more intelligent ones (controversial, but if I'm eating meat I feel better about fish or chicken products than pork and cow).

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Hidden Gem you say? (obligatory)

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I've been binging Peep Show, just finished season 5! One of the funniest shows I've ever seen if you can handle some second-hand embarassment and a POV filming style.

As far as movies go, I watched Annihilation and loved it. Solid sci-fi with just the right amount of creepy. I'd recommend it if you enjoy films like Alien.

I also rewatched Megamind. This is one of those "kids movies" that has no right being as good as it is. The "I'm bad and that's good" bit from Wreck-it Ralph comes to mind, but I really enjoy Metro man's character as well.

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"...but I am already in my pajamas..."

If I hadn't resold my original deck (to a friend, gave him a good price) an upgrade probably wouldn't have been worth it for me personally. Although I've been using mine in handheld more often these days, OLED doesn't do a ton for me and I don't notice the weight difference some people have mentioned. However! The battery life is better, I feel like the touchpads haptics seem more prominent(?), and bluetooth-to-wake is a wonderful feature (highly recommend an extra dualsense if you're a docked user).

I agree, homebrewing a Wii is so easy that I think I could do it in my sleep at this point. If anyone is debating between one or the other, Wii is the way to go you're essentially getting two consoles in one (and there are even emulators/vc for almost every console that comes before them).

That being said, I just have to admire the work that people are putting in to the GameCube after all these years. There's something really pleasing to me about its form factor and its simplicity compared to the Wii. This channel has several other showcases like this one if that sounds interesting!

I have 0 experience with it, but from what I can tell that same iVRY project is complete for psvr1 (and some other headsets)

Unrelated to your query, just wanted to shoutout the steamdeck laptop

I was pleasantly surprised to see that it still carries that over! My Home feed (not subscriptions) has plenty of videos from channels I'm not subscribed to

This is a great entrypoint to the series. The main cast is all new (though there are of course several references throughout the story for long-time fans). The gameplay is new (turn-based instead of brawler). I believe this is also the first Yakuza since the original Y1 to have a full English dub if that's you're thing.

LaD is a fantastic game that I recommend to anybody. Just know that it is much goofier than persona (especially the side content). Happy to answer any questions you might have.

I tried a couple of other apps but didn't like them as much as jerboa. Just using the mobile site for now

If you haven't updated to 0.0.35+ of jerboa yet...don't! 😅

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Just installed, seems to be working fine with beehaw! Thank you for this