Another app for Android to implement iMessage. to – 39 points –
Meet Beeper Mini - Finally, get blue bubbles on Android 💙

All messages are end to end encrypted. Also you don't need an Apple account and it connects directly to Apple servers.


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I take it you're not from the US 😅 texting is still the default here, and since apple refuses to open up iMessage and has not yet implemented RCS, Cross-Platform communication is pretty shitty. People get excluded from group chats because even a single user on a different platform will set it back to MMS

Yeah I've been excluded from work group chats on two separate occasions because they used iMessage and considering another platform was just entirely off the table.

Although to be honest, I consider being excluded from work group chats to be one of the best features of my phone!

Lol me too but I just had some friends that refuse to answer messages if its not on iMessage. I really hate Apple for doing this and I hope they get forced to open the protocol.