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Joined 12 months ago

Is this a made-up story? Be honest

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They will just churn out pictures from midjourney and hire a cheap artist to touch them up and then copyright that.

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Looks like it’s bullshit.

For me, it’s neither the price nor the quality of apps (idgaf, it plays music in the background). The thing that pushes me towards piracy is the same as for movies and TV shows: disappearing content. Because of content licensing deals, every piece of media is temporary on a service. I do rewatch movies from time to time and it’s infuriating if it’s gone (or rather would be, if I was still paying for any streaming service). This is especially true for music. My Spotify favorites list has a huge percentage of greyed out entries (and I’m pretty sure there are things that were outright deleted).

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The link you want:

It’s the worst way to document something (doesn’t even make sense to call it documentation). It’s closed source and the content is only accessible if you register with an email address.

Pocket casts. Also, you might be able to export your podcast subscriptions from Google Podcasts in opml format.

Your third point is an active research topic, we can’t explain exactly what generative (and other) models do beyond their generic operation.

Also, the fact that most common use-cases are very common makes using the command line very google-able. Oh, you need to create thumbnails from a folder of 10000 video files, then rotate, crop, rename and archive them? Guess what, you are not the first.

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“So midjourney came up with this BS image and we didn’t even care to look at it closely”

Not sure why you being downvoted, one of the three laptops they cracked was a Surface. Of course Microsoft doesn’t “make it” but very few tech brands actually manufacture the hardware. By the way the Surface was sufficiently different in its design from the others that hints it’s a custom build anyway, not just an off label hardware with Microsoft stamped on it.

Theoretically, what would the utility of AI summaries in Google Search if not getting exact information?

So what, you keep an ungoogled-chromium around and use it occasionally for compatibility, if you really need to. Doesn’t mean you are obligated to use it as your daily driver.

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I don’t like self checkouts, but not because of that. Probably depends on what chains you go to / where in the world you live, but it was almost always very slow and full of errors for me (most of the time, incorrectly detecting the weight of either side, thus stopping the whole process and making me wait for a human to unlock it). And even if everthing goes well, I have no chance to even reach half the speed that a cashier can.

The one exception is a clothing store that used RFID tags. You put the items in the box and everything is instantly scanned, no mistakes. If it were like that everywhere, I would much prefer it.

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Really interested in your thought process here

Human caused extinction is extremely accelerated compared to species going extinct due to environmental changes like ending an ice age. It it also extremeley recent, compared to billions of years of evolution. So on one hand you have highly accelerated extinction in practically a blink of an eye (consider the last few hundred years or maybe few thousand if you go back to wooly mammoths - still a blink compared to billions). On the other hand, new species are not created by humans and it’s still widely science fiction to even consider the possibility.

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To be honest, for me it absolutely was the rebranding that made me delete the app.

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If a free tier is offered, why would you be a leech? It’s calculated in their business and free users indirectly bring revenue (the more free users they have, the more they can convert). This concept of being a leech is so alien to me.

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Are you also a “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” kinda person?

Depends entirely on where in the world you live, which is the primary influencing factor for the price of gas.

Is there a difference between a pyramid and a ponzi scheme?

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You can buy third party toners for brother (if it comes without a chip, you just need to move it from the original toner.

You are replying to ChatGPT

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It really isn’t superior. It’s just the hivemind that gets annoyed with Plex being stagnant, not open source etc. that claims it is. At best it has feature parity for some use-cases. Don’t get me wrong, it’s neat, but it’s not as polished as Plex.

Yeah, I think it’s just the critical mass that makes a space feel lively. The discussions I participated in felt great (actually felt like pre-digg reddit). It’s a trade-off. I similarly minimized my own reddit usage, but I still browse it on my desktop (much less than before). And that’s fine. I also stopped using Twitter, and Mastodon is a similar story: fewer, but better interactions. I don’t mind it, and it also might be by design. It’s not a for profit service and it does not need to make the engagement line go up all the time. I have more time to do what I actually want.

They implement Manifest v3 already for compatibility, but without the user-hostile restrictions.

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Not even reskinned, just with a stupid new logo

Firefox also implements manifest v3, just without the user-hostile restrictions.

Is it possible for someone to not be actively anti-something, or the lack if being so will qualify them as pro-something?

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These days you don’t get much extra benefit on a VPN over TLS which you get on 99% of websites.

Part of the reason could be that when there was a large wave of people switching, including journalists on their own instance, that instance promptly got blocked by a large percentage of the fediverse based on some unclear moral grounds.

She’s not a “children’s author”, she hired a ghost writer. To write a book about children dealing with grief.

I went from a company that used github to one that uses gitlab. I thought it was going to be great and was excited for using a new thing. But it’s really clunky in comparison.

Sure, but that’s not us creating new species. And evolving a species that is selected for thriving alongside humans does not happen in a few thousand years. So what you are proposing doesn’t make sense. We absolutely, crucially need to try and avoid killing off species because the lost biodiversity has dire implications.

The entire macromedia suite was so good. I had so much fun and learned so much as a teen.

My company has been using Discord for work and at first I was excited to try it (coming from Slack companies), but I had to realize that it’s very unfit for work. The only thing that’s better is the visibility of threads. We are moving to Slack now, thankfully.

I used to keep my steam games on a separate windows 10 partition and it worked exactly as you describe after a reinstall, it was all there. It’s still incredibly cool that this works on Linux and we get to use it as daily driver without being forced to dual boot for games. A windows installation still lingers on my desktop but it’s been years since I booted into it.

What fatigue? People only kinda reasonably masked up in 2020 and 2021. Stupid public messaging like the “you do you” campaign in New York (of all places) have done huge damage to masking. Also WHO saying that masks don’t work..

Also, avoiding waste entirely is the only sustainable solution. Recycled plastic items are inferior in quality and then end up in the ocean as microplastics.