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Joined 1 years ago

Is that Steve Jobs in a D.A.R.E. shirt?

I called this user out a couple weeks ago for spreading blatant, seemingly obvious misinformation. I replied with citations from reputable sources and they accused me of cherry picking. It was a really weird exchange and even weirder was the topic was really inconsequential. Like, why even lie about something so menial?

Anyway, I noticed he was a bit of a poweruser, so I think them posting all the time will be missed, but there's really no excuse to abuse your status to spread lies.

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My boy, he won the Oscar for best actor on slap night. He was still pissing gold.

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Toxicity in our cities, in our Cities (Skylines 2 community)

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I'll tell ya what I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man.

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Sounds like someone doesn't aspire to one day be an immortal brain in a jar.

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That's the thing: most of them are not willingly there. Military service is compulsory for all able-bodied, South Korean men.

Not true. Plenty of other counties voted for Beshear than Jefferson and Fayette. Check out the election map

Did you use ai to write this post?

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Yeah, they're pretty interesting as far as toothpicks go. They shatter pretty easy and melt if you leave them in your mouth. They work, but not as well as your standard wooden pick.

Reminds me of this video where a shirtless Chinese fella is wading in a giant pool of kimchi. The video led to a Korean boycott of Chinese kimchi, which is commonly served in greasy spoons across Korea.

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Do what now?

The DOOM theme eternally slaps though. Ner ner nert ner nert ner nert ner nert ner ner ner nert ner forever and ever.

It's that lobster fella, but I enjoyed reading it in Herzog's voice after you mentioned him.

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I have lived in Korea on and off for fifteen years. Lots of Korea hate online for some reason, maybe because Korea isn't on the best terms with China and are buddy buddy with the US. Anyway, Korea has its issues, but it's actually a pretty good place to live.

In relation to the article, military service is mandatory in Korea unless you can give a good enough reason why you can't serve. The guy in the article couldn't give a good enough reason, like religious reasons or being vehemently anti war. The judge mentioned PUBG as a side note, but outlets need their rage clicks, so that's the outlets' focus.

As if his dingus wasn't already tiny. How Lego gonna castrate my boy David like that?

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Korea has casinos, but only non-Koreans can visit them, which usually leads to a lot of Chinese and Japanese tourists playing baccarat.

There aren't any laws for Koreans gambling overseas though. You might be thinking of Koreans using drugs overseas while visiting places that legalized it. That is illegal and Koreans can get hit with a drug test on arrival to Korea after visiting Amsterdam, Thailand, or any other place where they might have partaken.

Care to explain for those of us who aren't well versed in Markiplier lore?

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It sounds like a noir, private eye name. Dick Armey is weirder though.

This guy is just making shit up. I grew up across the river from Evansville. Have lived in many other places around the states and world. I go back to visit once a year. It's a pretty nice city. Nice little art and music scene.

Above national median for college graduates.

Not in the top ten unhealthiest cities.

Not in top 100 most obese.

Obviously not dangerous.

Has a bit of an unemployment problem but not worst in state and certainly not worst in the Midwest.

Did Evansville fuck your wife or something, dude?

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Joel had me dying when he was playing this the other day.

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Up yours, woke moralist! We'll see who Kermits who!

Yo! We heard you like grills, so we put a grill on top of your grill that's on top of your grill.

The brands you mentioned aren't widely available in Korea. Since LG left the market, all the carriers, to my knowledge, only offer Apple or Samsung devices.

Source: I've lived in SoKo for a long time.

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This CNN article is super well written and goes into a lot of detail of this place. Highly recommended if you're interested in learning more.


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When the 'ㅅ' symbol is used in the last spot of a character, it become a 't' sound. 'ㅌ' is usually used as a starting 't' sound in a syllable and 'ㅅ' is usually used to end a symbol. If you want to make an 's' sound at the end of a word, '스' is usually used.

Half of South Koreans have no religious affiliation and only about twenty percent of Koreans are of Christian faith. Young people are especially non religious. It's certainly not getting worse. The old folk nut job Christian cults are just the loudest. Lived in Seoul for fifteen years and rarely come in contact with anyone pushing their religion other than in touristy areas.

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Fella looks like a dang hobbit.

Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens. Turns out childhood cancer makes for a beautifully gut-wrenching song.

Dude is talking out his ass. See my above comment.

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It's Murduhh...

No pun intended?

Lol! Joel's laughter is always so contagious. The guy is always so amused with everything.

Wait, so G is also your N?

Leave it to the Scottish to give their toddlers Slushies then blame the Slushie when the baby reacts poorly. I guess the corner store was fresh out of Irn Bru.

These are Canadian dollars though, so it's kinda like paying with Monopoly money (I kid. They're around 112 USD).


The problem was that it wasn't organized. It was just the first Halloween in Itaewon since COVID and the police didn't plan for there to be such a big turnout. The annual foreign food festival was held a few weeks before Halloween, and the district office closed down the main streets to hold it. They should've did the same for Halloween, but hindsight is 50/50 or whatever.