
4 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pleroma: @missingno
Twitch: missingno_fgc
Youtube: missingno_fgc
Steam: megamissingno
Cohost: missingno-fgc


Bear in mind that Kirby Air Ride came out in 2003, on a console that's only meant to be hooked up to CRTs. How many users back then do you think would've had access to this feature in the first place? Or would still be playing this game if/when they upgrade later?

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Do not give Reddit money.

Ew, crypto.

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or never read this question again?

I've been on Reddit for 14 years now. I honestly don't know where else to get tailored news and discussion on niche topics, particularly ones too niche to establish a userbase here on the Fediverse yet. I expect I'm just going to be out of the loop on things from now on as I live like a hermit in the mountains.

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I don't know if Bill Cosby belongs in Good.

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Refusing to treat people with the barest minimum of respect is not a "personal opinion", it's behavior that no space should tolerate.

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Place was good once, but you're not missing anything now. Trying to recapture that magic just feels like Reddit is out of ideas and just desperately trying to remind people of the one good thing they ever did. It's like Al Bundy still hyping up his high school football career because the rest of his life has been downhill since then.

Pannenkoek does have a few videos documenting stars that can be beaten with No Joystick Allowed strats (these are old and there are more on the secondary UncommentatedPannen channel but I don't see a playlist compiling them). A full run is definitely not possible, but at least some stars are doable.

Heartbreaking: Worst Person You Know Ultimately Did the Right Thing

Gamecube doesn't have enough RAM to preload everything at startup like that, you have to go through the menus and pick a game mode and map to load.

Surely if it needed that startup load anyway, then Sakurai wouldn't be saying he turned the license down in order to get players in the game faster. I'm going to trust Sakurai's word here!

I'm using Stream Cleaner on Twitch, still works. The cat has not won yet.

If this is intentional, I have to wonder why they're doing it in such a troublesome way rather than defederating properly. If they want to defederate, so be it, but then just do that.

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Youtube has a captive audience that isn't going anywhere. The platform is too big to die, and too expensive for any challenger to seriously threaten it. And the only users they stand to lose with this move are the users who are costing them money, they don't care if adblock users leave as long as they keep everyone else.

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All of these issues absolutely are cause for concern. The more I read you trying to pretend they're not, the more I'm beginning to wonder if you're just a fash in disguise.

What do you define as them "winning"? You can say that out and open neo-nazis will never make up a majority of the voting populace. But they don't need to be a majority to do real damage, and they shouldn't be ignored just because they're under 51%.

Look at everything that's been happening already. Trump. Bolsonaro. Brexit. The repeal of Roe v. Wade. The erosion of LGBT rights. These are real issues, and they will not go away if we close our eyes.

And outside of just legislation they pass, consider a more human perspective. Each and every impressionable person that gets suckered into their ideology, that they teach to hate, that's a tragedy already. We need to do everything we can to save people from hate.

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Those flashy animated reactions are just incredibly annoying. Wish I could disable them, but of course Discord would never allow you to turn off the monetization.

Boktai. A trilogy of GBA games about a vampire hunter who uses a solar gun to fry the undead. The cartridge has a UV sensor to detect actual sunlight to charge up the gun. It's such a silly gimmick but it's used really well.

Sadly the third game never got localized, and although a translation patch does exist it's just not the same without the original hardware. There's a fourth game on DS which did get localized, but they rebranded it as Lunar Knights, excised most references to the original trilogy, and even cut a good chunk of content. It also ends on a sequel hook that will never get resolved.

It's sad to me that we'll never see games this experimental ever again.

I just hope the Switch 2 will run all of Switch 1's shoddy ports at a higher clock speed. Don't do what N3DS did and downclock. I doubt titles that have been ported once will be re-ported, and devs will keep trying to port newer titles that Switch 2 still won't handle.

Built a new desktop, backed up everything on my old laptop, next step was to format an Arch installer USB. Instead of formatting the USB, I formatted my laptop's /boot partition. No big loss since I had the backup and was done with that old toaster, but oops.

Puyo Puyo. The three best games in the series were Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary, Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary, and Puyo Puyo Chronicle (25th in all but name). None of these games ever got released outside of Japan, but after the crossover did well overseas there were high hopes in the community we'd get a similar mainline game for the series' 30th anniversary.

I wrote a very long essay about how that didn't happen, and the state of the series ever since. And a more recent followup video on Sega's newest blunder.

I don't often preorder, but when I do it's because I know I won't regret my purchase, and I know I want a physical copy to arrive on day 1. Of course I know there's some risk, but if I felt a game really was that risky then I would wait, I just buy the ones I feel are safe bets.

I know what developers and series I like, and if one of my favorite games is getting a sequel I know I'm playing it. Even if the sequel isn't quite as good as the prior game I liked, they're never bad enough for me to not want to play them at all.

I suppose it helps that my tastes lie far enough outside the kinds of mainstream AAA games that are prone to totally botched launches that I've never been truly burned.

10 years by default, then you can apply for up to two 5 year extensions. Extensions should only be granted if the work is still being made available (as in physical copies still being printed, digital copies still being sold, streaming available, software compatible with current platforms, etc), if it's abandoned you can't retain copyright just to not publish it.

I picked up a Miyoo Mini Plus earlier this year as an impulse buy, and ended up liking it enough that I regret not buying a higher end model with analog sticks. Still, don't know if it's worth trying to upgrade now - I'm waiting for the day we can get a full SteamOS device in this form factor.

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There were a lot of valid conversations to be had about journalistic integrity. Which made it all the more damning that Gamergate never once had any of these conversations, ever.

Desktop audio streaming has never worked. Bug report has been outstanding since the beginning and Discord has just... never addressed it.

  • CrossCode - Phenomenal action RPG. Combat is fast and explosive, dungeons are very obviously Zelda inspired but with way more puzzles. Packed with tons and tons and tons of sidequests, many of which put unique twists on the combat system to keep you on your toes. Make sure to grab the epilogue DLC.

  • FOOTSIES - Minimalist one-button fighting game, with rollback.

  • OneShot - Fairly reminiscent of Undertale, if you liked that you'll probably enjoy this too. And like Undertale I don't want to say too much, take my word for it and let it surprise you.

  • Petal Crash - Absolutely fantastic versus puzzler, and a perfect entry point into the genre. I wrote a very long review of how in love with this game I am, so I'm just going to link that.

  • Them's Fightin' Herds - Another great fighting game, been waiting a long time for this port to bring us up to a grand total of two good fighting games on Linux. Has a lot of really cool features like a big story mode with overworld exploration, a cute lobby system with cosmetics to collect and treasure chests to fight for, a dynamic music system that reacts to the fight, and even a semi-cooperative dungeon crawler mode. Has crossplay with consoles as well. Full review.

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse - Start on a nearly empty platformer map, each round everyone adds one object somewhere on the map then you all try to finish the level. Whoever finishes gets a point, plus bonus points for whoever finished first or collected coins that have been placed. Then you add another set of objects and repeat. Quickly becomes hilariously chaotic as you try to figure out how to balance screwing everyone else over while still making sure you can win, only to realize that after a few rounds you have all built a horrifying monstrosity. Has full crossplay with console versions.

  • Anything by Zachtronics - A bunch of different engineering puzzle games where you have to write code or build a machine to solve problems. Once you've solved the puzzle, you can see a histogram comparing your solution to everyone else's on a few different metrics, encouraging you to go back and try to optimize it further. I recommend Opus Magnum as the best entry point.

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Golden Sun holds a place in my heart as the first JRPG I played that had me do more than just click Attack for the majority of turns. A lot of older titles suffered in that regard, but Golden Sun addresses it with regenerating PP and free Djinn actions to encourage you to explore your toolkit. Puzzles were also fantastic.

Skip the DS game though, it's bad.

I'm not surprised. It was only a matter of time before users decided the protest was too inconvenient and getting in the way. They see the short-term impact of the protest more than they see the long-term repercussions of Reddit Inc.

Splatoon 3 - Getting ready for a LAN tournament in Philly tomorrow. Excited.

Persona 5 Royal - Finished the third palace.

Them's Fightin' Herds - Casual practice session, by which I mean terrorizing a lobby for a little while.

Slay the Spire - After over 800 hours of vanilla, I've just started fooling around with different mod characters, while watching Youtube in the background. Currently playing The Shaman, has some really cool mechanics.

You wouldn't experience being the clone though. You'd only be one of you, the other person is completely separate.

They already did, Reroll came out in 2018.

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Corridors of Time - Chrono Trigger

As far as an outside observer is concerned, the clone is identical to you in every way. But now you're the outside observer, a dead outside observer, while that clone goes on and lives your life.

It's not really about a 'soul', but your first person perspective of being you and not being someone else. Imagine if the teleporter malfunctioned and created the clone without disassembling you. That clone isn't 'you', and disassembling you still wouldn't make the clone you.

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Simon Tatham's Puzzles is a fantastic FOSS collection of logic puzzles. The only good mobile game, really.

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Many still are, but 70 star offers a lot of flexibility in routing to just pick the stars that are RTA-able.

I'm curious what the A count for RTA 120 could be. TAS is 13x, but humans will need more.

I've been thinking about getting one of these mini handhelds, but I kinda want to hold out for something that could eventually run SteamOS. Deck is nice but I want something that fits in my pocket.

CrossCode is phenomenal. I love how they crammed it with tons of sidequests without ever getting bogged down in repetition, because most of those quests put brand new spins on the combat mechanics.

Greatest of all time had to be the Nintendo DS. Such an amazing library full of games that weren't afraid to try all kinds of crazy experiments.

Current-gen, my loyalty lies with Linux, even if the state of native ports isn't so great.