rule to – 180 points –

Dream pillow. 1/3 of your life is guaranteed to be happy

Blanket. Another option would be the pillow, but for me the main thing that prewents me from sleeping well is that I am a really warm person and overheat easily. So having a personal AC would go a long way in helping me sleep well.

I love the smell of nice memery…

Treasure stone seems like a good way to get yourself killed.

I literally cannot choose...

The past couple of weeks would have needed all of these at various times....

The bear for sure. Nothing can compare

I'll take the endless candle, but honestly I'd take an endless candle on its own even without the magical effects, I burn through so many!

Infinite energy generation via the candle or cup aside, I would probably go with the blanket. Passive temperature immunity would be OP, and also useful in daily life as well. Also, the "perfect size" stat means it can always be carried around in a pocket or something. The candle is a close second, but it lacks the blanket's portability. I wouldn't want to carry around a lit candle all the time, so it would only be useful at home.

For me endless candle. But I'm also putting it on a staff and staring a religion based around it.

The dream pillow would be cool imo, but yall know I need that cuddly bear and stop bottling things up all the time.

i am going to explore Antarctica with my magic blanket