6 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Wow, world news where we can actually criticise Israel? I should have left Reddit a long time ago. What a breath of fresh air

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Bark bark bark

And so the genocide continues

I just regained some respect for this country

It's only contentious for vegans. No one else thinks cats can be vegan

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Well, all Abrahamic religions oppress women but Islam wins by a long shot. It needs reformation and badly.

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No one takes them seriously, they just bark. Here's a hilarious wiki article on all the red lines Russia set in the past.

Reminiscent to the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto by the Germans to execute the "final solution". How fucking ironic.

With Russia it's very simple. You just need to take the opposite of everything they are saying

I'm a Pole. Today there was a Russian shahed drone which entered our airspace and then crashed some kilometers into our territory. This is not the first time we had an aerial incursion and our air defence failed to react at all.

I'm getting increasingly worried.

lol, who's the hypocrite here? People who openly admit to eating meat and not having a problem with animals getting killed for that purpose? Or maybe it's a group of people who vehemently insist on animal rights but they end up abusing their own pets. What a twisted logic, mate.

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I feel sorry for your cat

No, no! Israelis are nice people. The BBC told me and also I read it in a newspaper!

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Having a reasonable discussion with these people is like trying to play a game of chess with a pigeon. They'll topple all the pieces, shit on the board and claim victory.

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The amount of confidence some uneducated people have is impressive.

Waiting for Israel apologists to jump in and immediately posit that Israelis are good people, there's just a few bad apples :)

I was under the impression that most criticism was directed not towards veganism per se but rather feeding a carnivore vegan diet which is animal abuse .

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I'm disappointed so many people give credence to the Guardian. They have abysmal track record in reporting on topics they don't have expertise in or subjects they ideologically disagree with.

Yup, you have to be childishly naive to believe the Israelis were surprised. It just perfectly played into their hand.

It's like saying. Yeah, this is a bubble, everyone here hates Hitler. That's a bubble I'm not ashamed to be a part of.

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Please explain how this video is ignorant

Lol, right? I had a dell laptop with 16GB in 2010. How are apple customers ok with this?

Yes, until the poor animal dies due to malnutrition. Just get a vegan pet

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You must be exhausting to be around. sheesh

Burn their holy book and see what happens. Burn a bible and compare. You're either arguing in bad faith or very naive, and I'm being extremely generous here. Good luck with this level of cognition

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If there's an overwhelming majority that supports it, there's nothing wrong with generalizing. Without support from most Russians Ukraine war wouldn't be possible. Without the support of most Israeli citizens there would be no genocide in Palestine. It's really not that complicated. The people are responsible for the government they voted for.

Yet there are people on this thread claiming this is what triple/quadruple A gaming is and we should shut up, bend over and pay USD 60 for an unfinished product. I think I have a bridge to sell to them :D

Yup. Imagine eating supplements instead of normal food your whole life. It makes me sad. Poor animals.

I'm not an anthropologist or a religion expert but you don't have to be one to notice that the most oppressive cultures towards women or gay people have one common denominator. Islam. Honour killings, marrying underage girls, do I need to keep going?

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Look at the screenshots few comments down. That was a shitty mod. They can have those back at reddit.

Quake 3 Arena, Quake Live, Quake Champions

What bad news about Steam?

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At this point if you treat anything they say seriously it speaks volumes about you.

it definitely seems so sometimes

Dress code at work. I work in investment banking. On a hot summer day I have to wear smart shoes, black socks, long trousers, long sleeved shirt. Women can wear whatever. It's fucking horrible

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Expecting a decent product for the price you paid == hating. What a 2024 moment.

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Given how Ursula and others unconditionally bend over for them I think that's not going to happen.

Can someone explain why they still need fiber? I thought this was about someone finally succeeding in making practical use of entangled pairs.

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No, you don't need a launcher to run an exe. lol

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U ok buddy?