0 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

alcohol, weight loss, gambling pregnancy, and parenting

Fucking reddit added loot boxes to pregnancy!?

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How problematic of a person do you have to be for North Korea, a nation that likes to keep people, to be like "I think you should leave."

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This is the one he cooked all those monkey brains for? Pass.

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They have the same face and the jacket wearing one has an extra leg coming out of his ass. Darkest timeline indeed.

Anyone can shit in the sink. I am just disappointed that it is you.

Oh yeah I used to have these really nice pens, but they somehow fell into someone else's possession. I really miss my black 08 prismacolor fine line marker and pilot precise v7 rt.

They keep trying to give me Bing and Edge for free and I don't want either. I can see where Apple is coming from.

5 so that you can reach the cereal boxes on the fridge.

Nothing too bad. Wasps and hornets now have knives. Enjoy 😊

I block and never talk to the nazis.

Ooh look at me I'm a redditor "same poop knife story for 11 years" and how about some "and I also choose this guy's dead wife for 7 years." And now I am slightly less moderated, spooOOOooky. Enjoy these Jesus ads we are "serving" you. I once made a comment on the internet AITA?

13 more...

Kinda gross people are looking for reasons to give W's to a human trafficker. 🤢

Is Renamon a Digimon or is it a something I am going to regret asking about?

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But what powers the lasers? Is it the jam? Does the jam power the lasers?

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I do question that. In fact, I asked the orb what the deal was. The orb said [apply sun burn to face and arms] and that was the end of the discussion. I find him to be firm but fair and when I step out of line he says [apply sun burn to top of feet].

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The dong protector/ lemon zester is always my favorite piece because it can obviously fill both roles at the same time.

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The sudden feeling that they urgently have to poop.

You two better evade the San Fernando Police and get the cart back to the park or YOU'RE FIRED.

Spooning a dog is his W moment?

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Uhh... Are you sure?

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Ziploc full of Lincoln Logs gets infinity uses. Ziploc full of mashed potatoes gets one use.

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This is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.

I am sensing you got banned from something for some reason. I also believe you put files in some sort of catbox - maybe.

Dang, I have to get the bees again...

Internittent Fasting is when you have breakfast eleven times!? When does the fast happen?

I've seen this picture so many times and never found the cat, but I found it today. If I survive being mauled every time I find it then the score is 1 to 200 heavily in favor of the cat, but today I survived.

You must also be poor and take on work as a sailor to afford the wedding.

Maybe I am mistaken, but aren't "new memes" people reposting their twitter crap and hoping for better luck? The AI memes are getting pretty good, if those are what counts as new memes and what I think new memes are are actually older then idk.

Kid easy. Teen hard. Early twenties easy. Late twenties hard. Early thirties hard. Late thirties easy. Nothing is supposed to be anything. Nothing stays the same. If you can't fix your situation you can adjust your goals.

We can solve all temperature related problems by inventing a new one and using the letter designation of "U." Because F, C, and K are all missing that special something.

I think you should be giving your award ceremony speech at 5 comments.

EDIT: omg guys zero upvotes! Thats the most i have ever gotten on a comment and I am just thrilled with all the traction my comment is getting. This totally made my day, thank you.

I know DXM use and abuse is effective in preventing a strong career and stable life. That cough suppressant was actually an Air Force career suppressant for a dude I used to know.

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Look, I invited him in and we had a wonderful time until dawn. Is it my fault the blackout curtains weren't closed all the way? Yes. Will Dracula be pissed? Only if he can regenerate from being disintegrated. The relationship was just getting a little too claustrophobic for my liking.

Oh yeah. Thanks Wang.

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The portal is not below them. They are all run over and some blood and guts either shoot out or spill out.

God I hate that stuff. I remember playing The Division and doing tens of thousands of points of headshot damage after billions of bullets to those shotgun dudes who insta-kill you no matter where they shoot you.

Red and named Grigori!

Uh oh, Jude Law, you're next!

One of them is planning on fish for dinner

The other is planning on fisherman for dinner.

You tell 'em Monkey-Barbie-Squidward