1 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No. George Floyd was murdered because an asshole cop thought he could choke him out with impunity

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According to her statement, they were still trying to strike a deal with her within days of the release.

I can't imagine anything more shady than trying to strike a deal with someone for their likeness, all the while preparing to use it anyway and later denying it had anything to do with them

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"We are the only democracy in the region. We must defend ourselves against this barbaric group who have a medieval world-view."

"'...Fire up the trebuchets"

It's amazing that it needs to be said, but Boomer politics won't die with boomers. We'll still have the same problems, but people will be more desperate as we will have fewer solutions and resources to throw at them than previous generations

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The average person: Spotify sucks and is making me hate them even more

Shareholders seeing layoffs followed by AI replacements for those workers and then repeated price hikes: 🤑

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They have 2 robots so far. I believe they can make it to 5 by next year and the other 995 will just be people in spandex suits like the first time he announced these things

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The most mildly infuriating thing about this post is a parent not letting a child do their own work because they would do it slowly. I've read all the responses, clearly OP is not willing to reflect on what others are telling him. I just feel sorry for the child whose peers are getting practice in basic life skills that she won't have the opportunity to because her dad thinks he knows better than her teachers and the curriculum. His own ego is so wrapped up in his child writing a good essay and showing 'critical thinking' that he's not letting her do her own work. He admits to cheating. Just a wretched situation that I hope turns around when another adult steps in or his child gets old enough to tell him to back off.

Another one of those frustrating segments where they come so close to being right but miss the point entirely by the end. The diagnosis of the issues young people face is on point, but the answer to most of the problems mentioned is not civics courses. It's redistribution of wealth and providing access to housing and social mobility to young people.

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Why are they the butt of so many jokes?

A little bit of ageism, but also it feels like they're fair game since their vote is the most sought after and politicians bend over backwards to keep them happy.

It's great that we take care of our elders, but when they get Triple lock pensions guaranteed by both parties while young people are saddled with increasingly higher student loan debts and higher rents/mortgages, resentments build up. They have in many ways voted to fuck the country and youth over the years as well. So it feels more like punching up than punching down

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The relatively low level of plastic in our testicles

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People think that because you can build a Spotify clone with two sticks and a heroku subscription it must not need a lot of people to work on. It's what Elon said about Twitter prior to buying it and gutting all the features.

These apps are first and foremost businesses with legal, HR, and all sorts of other roles before you get to product. And the products are so mature, so complex, that you need dozens of teams to cover the entire thing

He is a car salesman after all. The horse is free but if she wants the stable and upkeep payments to be covered, she'll have to go for a longer deal

I don't believe for a second that this teacher can convey information just as well sober as they can drunk. It might not be a crime, but it's unethical to mess with a child's one and only chance at getting an education like that.

Adults are allowed all sorts of vices. You can do drugs, participate in orgies, listen to the Beach Boys. But that doesn't mean you should do any of that at work. Especially if you work with children.

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What's the use case that would upset Microsoft the most?

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Now do every other prosperity gospel preacher

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Oh it's far more useful than that. It's the shiny new thing that's going to make a lot of money for shareholders

Okay but here's the argument for why the Oxford comma can be misleading:

We invited the stripper, JFK, and Stalin.

I just changed stripper from plural to singular, and now you could read the sentence as: a stripper named JFK was invited, as well as Stalin

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There are people out there still using Windows XP. Not everyone will jump because Microsoft is trying to force their hand

Eternals. Too many characters, not enough story. It's also sinfully boring. Not to mention the random Harry Styles cameo that feels like an outtake

WuTang didn't make an NFT. They recorded an album that had no public release, and sold the only existing copy to a single buyer like a painting.

This was kind of a slap in the face to their fans and what music is, but this was long before NFTs were a thing.

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The techno-authoritarian Curtis Yarvin-type crowd have been around for a while. We can laugh them off or ignore them, but their biggest believers are billionaire man-children in the Valley and that will undoubtedly come to bear fruit in horrific ways.

They suspended journalists and researchers who posted the identity of a neo-Nazi cartoonist after he made a direct appeal to Musk for support. It was free-speech and not against Twitter's terms of service to post the man's name since it was newsworthy and already in the public domain, but Musk doesn't actually care about free speech. He cares about the right to offend and say heinous shit without being shut down or 'canceled.' If you attack him or his allies (even the neo-Nazi ones) then he conveniently drops the free speech crusade

This isn't an anti-trust case, it's just anti-China posturing and lobbying from Meta and friends bearing fruit. Google and Meta will fight for the users and their monopolies will grow even more menacingly bloated

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Spotify is also a record label now. They probably need an entire division devoted just to the marketing and strategy needed to make that successful

Pick a major to prove someone wrong and you'll never work a day in your life

The speech won roars from the audience at Y Combinator

Starting to get why everyone else in the Bay area hates the tech people

The snake eating its own tail

This kind of thing is going to ruin so many lives before society learns to adapt to the new normal.

But it's tough because who wouldn't want a school board to err on the side of caution if there was an audio leak of a principle saying worrying racist shit? Or worse, what if someone made one look like a paedo? Every parent want them out before asking questions, just to be safe

Very classy of them to have a cat guarding the board of elections like a Sphinx

OP asked this less than 24 hours before they went mask-off as a Fascist.

Yes, you do need a good argument. And no, Forced sterilization and eugenics isn't a good argument or even a conversation worth dignifying.

Edit: OP has deleted their post after an avalanche of downvotes and dissenting comments. I have some screenshots, although I expect OP to delete this post too.

Post: OP's deleted 'ask Lemmy' post asks: Should we replace democracy with Science? A Lemmy user replies in a comment: "should we replace bees with mathematics? These two aren't exactly valid substitutes for each other"

OP letting the mask slip:

User 'Spiderwort' comments on a post: "I read a short story where they took a humane approach to population reduction. An engineered disease. A short fever and then your uterus stops working. 95% effective. Rioting. All scientists hung. But the world was better." There are -10 votes.

The scale of human suffering across the planet is enough to make your stomach turn

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It's extremely low of anyone to make to distressing news about a public death. These people might be famous, but they have families and friends whose heart will sink when they see this news. Not to mention the members of the public who will be shocked by this

The sad thing is he will probably die soon and we will be hit even harder because or this

They wasted Christian Bale. What a compelling villain he could've been if they had actually written a good story

Did you not read the end of the article you linked? His wife definitely had black roots, but it was a family secret.

Earlier this year, the mystery of whether Vivian was descended in part from Africans was finally resolved. In a February episode of the PBS show, “Finding Your Roots,” host and historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. presented Rosanne Cash with her DNA results and family genealogy. Vivian Cash’s maternal great-great grandmother was indeed an enslaved Black woman, Sarah Shields, whose White father in 1848 had granted her and her eight siblings their freedom and their passage into Whiteness, too.

Basically Vivian's great-great-grandmother was a black enslaved woman, and her descendents hid this fact to save themselves from Jim Crow laws.

It's possible she and Johnny knew but kept it quiet because they lived in the deep south in a time when it was scary to be in any way black. The 'one-drop rule' is still a thing for a lot of americans, after all. We know that Vivian wife was living in fear of the KKK whenever he went on tour. I would imagine he said whatever he had to say to keep her safe while he was away

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Name the specific policy failures that Biden has made which you believe are 'a shitshow' and 'done more harm to the U.S. than terrorists' and then tell us exactly what Trump has said he will do to fix them

"I can assure you this is a completely normal question, and I am a completely normal person. I desperately need an answer from people who think their sons are good looking. Don't bother if you think your son's an uggo. And daughters? Well that's okay. You can have 'em."

This is why we need people to study humanities. STEM majors taking a few undergraduate courses and then spending the rest of their lives thinking science is a replacement for a system of government

I mute trailers and just watch the first 20 seconds to see if the film's atmosphere matches my current mood. Haven't had a trailer spoil the film in years this way

Malcolm X: possibly the most famous American Muslim besides Muhammad Ali. A man who changed his name to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. A fierce advocate for black liberation and self-determination

Some clown in 2024: I think he would've liked the 'ban all Muslims' and 'look at my African-American' guy

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Gambling is not physically addictive, but for its worst addicts it's as ruinous as cigarettes.

Social media is similar in that the dependence is psychological, and the harm caused can vary from basically none, to tremendous psychological and material damage (up to and including suicide as a result of self-esteem, bullying or body issues).

I would agree that it's our generation's cigarettes simply because it's ubiquitous and the impact on both health and society is unquestioned by the masses. It simply is. We don't smoke on a plane anymore because we don't want to give everyone cancer, but we don't take the same precautions to protect unconsenting individuals, like children, from becoming mush-brained iPad babies manipulated by the TikTok and YouTube algorithms.

Let's not forget that social media, Facebook to be specific, is blamed for fanning the flames of multiple ethnic conflicts in Asia and Africa that have ended in genocide. It's likely that cigarettes do more harm to the individual user, but social media does more harm to society. This is something we will have to reckon with in the future, and once we establish sensible controls and norms we'll wonder how we lived like this for so long.