Kamala Harris wants Trump's mic to stay unmuted the whole time during their upcoming debate

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 460 points –
Kamala Harris wants Trump's mic to stay unmuted the whole time during their upcoming debate
  • Kamala Harris' campaign is demanding that microphones stay unmuted at the next debate.
  • It's a break from Joe Biden, who insisted on microphone muting at the June 27 debate.
  • It indicates the vice president thinks outbursts from Trump would end up benefiting her.

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There have been enough reports of Trump privately calling Kamala a b*tch that there's a strong possibility he could snap and use that word if she starts to embarrass him. There's also a non-zero chance of him using some other slur or just saying weird racist things

And sadly, large swaths of his base would just eat it up for tElLiNg It LiKe It Is or because they're mostly racist misogynists.

It would galvanize his base but they’re already a lost cause. Him having a racist/sexist outburst on live TV and Harris handling it like an adult would only help her campaign.

I also think there may be women who vote "how they're told" who wouldn't appreciate that and would tell their husband they voted for Trump but actually vote for Harris.

Hopefully this will pull some centrists and apolitical people away from voting for Trump.

I’m willing to bet that’s the goal on Harris’ part. The Democrats have finally found that the way to unravel him is just belittle him rather than giving him any measure of power. If the debate goes forward unmuted, she just has to be dismissive and call him weird/old/whatever and I guarantee he’ll fly off the handle.

He was able to keep it contained against Hillary back in the day and just called her a "nasty woman". He will have no such restraint with Harris. I'm expecting him to say he will "see you next Tuesday", like he did with that lawyer. It's the type of thing an edgy twelve year old would say, which is why I expect him to say it.

I am sure that she has studied everything that he said about Clinton and all of his tactics and is just ready to tear him apart. That said I suspect his plan will be just to talk solidly and not give anyone a chance to say anything. The more noise he puts up and doesn't answer any questions The less that he can get into trouble.

I also suspect if it starts going poorly for him he just walks off stage.

I also suspect if it starts going poorly for him he just walks off stage.

That would be great! Imagine the commercials:

  • [showing a clip of Trump storming off stage] "Do you want a president that runs away when things get difficult or do you want a leader?" [cut to Harris dominating the debate]

Edit: typo

Zero chance. I'm sorry. But he will not call her that to her face. He will say something unhinged for sure. But saying either of those things is far fetched.