2 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

The ADL is a joke of an organization, to them anti-Zionism is antisemitism. I don't doubt for a second that antisemitism is on the rise, but I also don't doubt it's wrongly being used to silence critics of Israel and those who reject Zionism.

I guess if it has a wiki page dedicated to controversies it must be an invalid source

Go back to school to learn how to read things with a critical lens instead of throwing away the most credible middle eastern news source. I'll keep reading the one of the only news sources that opposes the mainstream, pro-israeli narrative.

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every single news source on the planet is biased. You either want everyone to only read news sources that you approve of or you don't know what you're talking about.

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not only are you spamming /c/, you have the audacity to post nypost lmao

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Thank you for posting two news articles that have nothing to do with Al Jazeera and conflating anti-genocide with pro-hamas. You are a shining light of unbiased reporting.

How could Al Jazeera possibly report on Palestinian suffering, are they evil?

NYPost is owned by Rupert Murdoch. They have a tendency to report before verifying, with inflammatory headlines, with an obvious ultra-conservative agenda. Were sympathetic to Trump's election denial . At one point, they decided to dox a full time paramedic for having an only fans, being so out of touch that they didn't realize the bigger story was that she couldn't afford to make ends meet.

This doesn't even scratch the surface. They're essentially a tabloid for people who like yelling at clouds.

We will remember that you committed genocide is a threat? They never censured George Santos yet they censure the only Palestinian person? What a joke.

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There's also the option of a ceasefire and diplomacy.

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Interesting. Hope this has some offline functionality, even if it isn't as consistent or feature packed as the online version. Like I appreciate that Google designed Gboard to have voice even with network access revoked.

I interpret it that a congresswoman criticizing Biden's enablement of genocide to get him to stop massacring civilians. This is why people don't take the democrats seriously. Any pushback equates to hostility. Criticism is shunned and you gotta just eat the vote blue no matter who bull shit.

Ahahaha if by dozens you mean 60, 5 dozen, it makes up less than 0.6% of Palestinians killed. 60 people in exchange for thousands of children.

It never worked because Israelis would never admit their settlements are illegal and then break ceasefires. There is no pressure because the US waves away international courts. They have done this, blatantly, for decades.

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You called a Jewish person an anti Semite because they do not believe Israel has the right to steal land and slaughter civilians. No where did I mention religion or Jewish people anywhere.

I mean they also think refugee camps, hospitals, and the Rafah crossing - where they themselves said is safe - is a Hamas headquarters.

Even if they are, they're making 5 new Hamas recruits for every 1 that the IDF kills. Is it worth the thousands of women and children?

A lot of the Gaza's anger is undoubtedly misdirected at the Jewish people. Let me ask you a question, if someone evicts you and destroys your home. Then kills your extended family. Then I trap you in an open air prison so you can live in squalor. Will you be a peaceful and rational person?

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Telling me I'm not a real Jew because I don't support Israel 👍

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Human shields is the same propaganda they used in Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq. If you want me to believe this human shields rhetoric, show me proof or I'll chalk it up to another excuse for a free fire zone.

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Again I'm going to need evidence that they are keeping 1 million people hostage from someone other than the people who have killed over 10000 civilians in a month

Does it happen, absolutely.

Do you think it's not used as justification to indiscriminately fire upon residential or refuges areas? Can you really tell me with a straight face that the US wiped out 1/5 of Korea in the 60s because they were all collateral damage/human shields? Can you also tell me with a straight face that its more likely that Hamas is keeping 1 million people locked inside Northern Gaza, or is it more likely that Gazans realize that if they leave they can never come back. And even if they DO leave, have fun because the Israelis bomb evacuation routes marked as "safe".

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You are a disgusting person.

I will be willing to call Hamas a terrorist organization as soon as you recognize Israel as a terrorist organization.

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You have no conscious

Nice edit calling me an anti-semite: I'm Jewish.

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Yeah. They are. A violent one, but by definition they are. But let's ignore the international courts declaring Israel's settlements as illegal, the thousands of Palestinians dead before this conflict started. This happened because those people are savages, ruthless disgusting terrorist bastards who can't stand their houses demolished, their kids shot, burned alive, chemically attacked. They should have shut up, stayed quiet and stuck with the peaceful protests, that we shot at anyways. Why couldn't they just held hands and sung we shall overcome as the bombs rained down on them.

And the West Bank, well we'll just forget it exists since we can't pin it on Hamas.

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