Bilal went out to harvest his olives, an Israeli settler shot him to World – 374 points –
Bilal went out to harvest his olives, an Israeli settler shot him

Palestinian Bilal Saleh was shot in the chest by an Israeli settler as he was harvesting his olive trees in al-Sawiya, occupied West Bank.


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every single news source on the planet is biased. You either want everyone to only read news sources that you approve of or you don't know what you're talking about.

Both Russia Today and Reuters are biased. Only someone who's being disingenious or an idiot, would claim that means they're equally biased or that it's somehow close.

Same thing for Al-Jazeera. Posting an Al-Jazeera link and/or defending their journalistic integrity, undermines any argument you then proceed to make.

Go back to school to learn how to read things with a critical lens instead of throwing away the most credible middle eastern news source. I'll keep reading the one of the only news sources that opposes the mainstream, pro-israeli narrative.

Al-Jazeera isn't anti-Israel. It's pro-Islamist/Hamas. Even the Palestinian authority in the West Bank has complained about it:\_Jazeera\_controversies\_and\_criticism

Oh, and before you continue to make excuses for Hamas and pro-Hamas media like Al-Jazeera:

Hamas is arguably an Israeli creation, something Al-Jazeera won't mention. Netenyahu and others helped them grow strong, so they could divide the Palestinian cause, and had an excuse not to negotiate.

So for years Al-Jazeera was effectively helping Israel's far right. People who aren't entirely unhappy with the Hamas attacks, as it gave them an excuse to start a full blown war and probable annexation.

It's ok. You wouldn't be the first to fall into that trap. It happened to plenty of people after Iraq, where they grew critical of western media, but then uncritically fell for Russia Today's narrative.

Thank you for posting two news articles that have nothing to do with Al Jazeera and conflating anti-genocide with pro-hamas. You are a shining light of unbiased reporting.

How could Al Jazeera possibly report on Palestinian suffering, are they evil?

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