47 Post – 291 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He/Him bi guy that shitposts some of the day

Alt right vs. Right alt

He is either going to have the best sex of his life or die from a heart attack

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He just uses the same excuses that GN talks about being issues in the video. It would not be "impossible" to test the water block properly, he just doesn't want to spend money to make proper journalism.

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Plumbing Apprentice here. Garden hoses wear out in 5-10 years, and ideally the water and drainage pipes will be there for decades.

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Website: coding2learn

http site only


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Just go to for 5 minutes and you will see that it is full of people going "CCP/Russia/North Korea is based"

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Why do these keep getting posted? The original artist is not a good guy.

Just don't use it lol

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She wants to die

That man looks like a completely sane intellectual that is totally well adjusted.

It's from 2011 so I don't think it is

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Tankies deserve to be made fun of

I opened up lemmy at work and my boss saw this over my shoulder. Fml

Maybe it's for something 18 and up? Like a banking app

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phone charges wirelessly

wireless charger has wires

Can't escape

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Ultrakill is the best game ever

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Wikipedia Link. He died in WWI :(

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App updates can have a maximum size of 34 gigabytes on the play store. Look up android rule 34 for more info.

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Nuclear reactors are just a very fancy way to boil water

Men being men

I was one of the few people who actually used google+. It really wasn't that bad honestly.

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And this is one of the few posts on 4chan that doesn't contain the n-word or f slur!

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Costco loses a good amount of money on the food. The CEO has principles.

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This is the America I want to live in

What's your evidence that the moon exists

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They call him Dark Brandon because of darkslides duh

Not in this economy

I was almost one of them about a year ago. I was horribly depressed and constantly thought about ending it. It was to the point where I was even planning out the letters I would write and how exactly I would do it. Thankfully I never committed. I cut off pretty much everyone from my hometown and went to a different highschool where I found a caring friend group.

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You get a whole 40 Mbps?

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God I wish that were me

What the fuck?

Over time the rubber of the hose dries and cracks, and the elements/movement can expidite that process. I guess a hose inside of a wall could last much longer depending on the material. If they were made in the same way Fernco fittings are made, they could last a just as long (Fernco claim the fittings can last 50 years, but the company has only been around for ~50 years so the claim can't really be tested).

Pvc is designed to last 50 years but some people claim that its useful lifespan is 75-100 years, but Pvc hasn't been around long enough to test the 100 year claim.

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Lmao I've camped for free just by pitching a tent off the side of a secluded road.

There is the new ceo and he has only been there about 2 months. I do feel a little bad for him inheriting such a dumpster fire of Linus' making.

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Imagine being a teacher looking up erp

I found a Wii U in the dumpster. It just needed a charger for the gamepad and it works perfectly. Even came with some games.

The donut holes are amazing

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